Colorful Themes Keyboard

Colorful Themes Keyboard

The developer "Colorful Themes Keyboard" does not collect, store or share any personal or non-personal information (i.e., your name, email address, physical address, calendar entries, contact entries, files, photos.)

We collect information from you to provide better service and a better user experience. We give high priority to your privacy and we keep your information secure and we don’t share it with any other third party.

When you use our services, you’re trusting us with your information. We understand this is a big responsibility and work hard to protect your information and put you in control.

Personal Information

The type of information we obtain from the user that identifies your identity individually or can be used to contact the user online or offline states, such as user’s full portfolio, or we can say that physical address, mail address, name, email address, picture, exact location information, Code Creatives collect personally identification information from Users in a distinctive way.

Colorful Themes Keyboard does not use collected personal information for purposes other than its use without the user's prior consent.

Non-personal information such as language data (keywords) learned while the user is using the Colorful Themes Keyboard is 100% anonymized so that the user can not be identified.

Third-party advertisements

Apps published by the developer "Colorful Themes Keyboard" may use third-party advertising networks for publishing and monetizing advertisements that may collect, store or share various information for effective advertising. If you choose to click through to one of those advertisements, please note that any information you provide will be subject to the privacy policy and/or terms and conditions of those networks or services, and not to this privacy policy. The developer " Colorful Themes Keyboard " does not control those third-party networks or services, and the fact that an advertisement appears in an app does not mean that the developer " Colorful Themes Keyboard " endorse them or have approved their policies or practices relating to user information. You agree that the developer " Colorful Themes Keyboard " will have no liability for any matters relating to such third-party networks or services to which you provide information, including their collection, storing, or handling. It is recommended that you go through the policies and/or terms of those advertising networks.


If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or data processing, please contact us at Colorful Themes Keyboard may update Privacy Policy from time to time.

Thank You