The Mentoree is a collaborative community that promotes professional learning and efficacy through mentorship. Explore 1:1 self-directed mentorship opportunities and engage in personalized learning experiences with educators in a supportive and caring environment through face to face and virtual connections.

Responsive Presentations involve a presentation from a mentor who will share their knowledge and insights, but participants can also ask questions and share ideas.

Circles are organic conversations built around “who is in the room”. If you select this, you will be part of the circle, adding your faces and voices to the conversation.

      • Circle conversations are limited to 10 participants plus the host.

Next Conversations to Build Capacity sessions coming soon

Below find links to the offerings from previous Conversations to Build Capacity

Self Regulation and Co Regulation with Teri Rubinoff

Filling our Tanks So That We Can Support Others - Despite the name, self-regulation isn’t only about the self. It’s also about co-regulation; the way in which our individual ability to regulate impacts our relationships. Here is the link to Teri's slides.

Assessment in the Reading and Writing Classroom with Elisa Waingort

Assessment in the Reading and Writing Classroom - Formative and Authentic Ways to Check in with Students and Plan for Teaching and Learning. Here is the link to Elisa's slides.

Learning at Home for Students with Special Needs with Ramona Meharg

A conversation on digital and non-digital ways to connect and stay purposeful. Here is the link to Ramona's slide presentation.

Digital Tools with Michael Drezek

Building knowledge and skills to use: Flipgrid, Buncee, Google Earth Creation Tools, Seesaw, Google Classroom, Belouga. Here is the link to Michael's slides.

Designing Quality Online Learning with Janelle McLaughlin

Looking at the similarities and differences of teaching in an online learning environment, and finding balance for students. Here is the link to the presentation slides.

Enabling Teachers with Janelle McLaughlin

Helping to support teachers and assist in designing quality online learning experiences for students. Here is the link to this session.

Digital Experiential Learning with Leigh Cassell

Navigating the process of experiential learning in digital environments. Here is the link she shared.

Learning Outside the Blocks with Noa Daniel

Personalizing ways to build skill and connection while learning at home. Here is the link to her presentation.

Teaching French with Christine Chin

Finding opportunities to read, write, and speak in French. Here is the link to her presentation.

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