Photographer Research Assignment

In order to become photographers, we need to understand those who captured pictures before us. This assignment asks you to conduct some research on a photographer of your choosing. You will provide an overview of their career, explain how they got into photography, and discuss their works critically.

Step 1: Choose a photographer.

The google sheet to the right contains a list of several photographers who had a significant impact on the world of photographer, art, and/or journalism. Use google to do some preliminary research on a few of these photographers and decide which one you would like to write about. Once you have chosen a photographer, fill in your name next to your choice of photographer.

Photographer Reseach 20

Step 2: Do the research.

Now it is time to learn a few things about your photographer. Here are some questions to guide your research:

  • Where did they come from? Where were they born, and where did they spend most of their lives. Where is "home base".
  • How did they become interested in photography?
  • What are their inspirations, and what are their goals as photographers?
  • What are they most famous or most known for?
  • Have they won any awards?
  • What industries are they known for working in? Who are some of their clients?

Step 3: Find some examples of their best work.

Once you have collected 10 images that represent the best work of your photographer, use the principles of photography to talk about the photographs critically. Consider the following questions to get full marks.

  • What makes the photograph effective?
  • How does the photograph use shadows and highlights?
  • How does depth of field help the photograph?
  • What composition rule has the photographer used?
  • How is balance and space used effectively?
  • What kind of settings do you think the photographer used on their camera?

Step 4: Put it all together.

Now that you have collected information about your photographer and have curated a selection of their work, it is time to assemble your project and hand it in. This assignment asks you to hand in TWO documents.

1) Written essay.

  • You must hand in a written essay on your chosen photographer. Remember these guidelines:
    • You must properly cite your sources!
    • Every paragraph should have a topic sentence, and all the information in that paragraph should relate to its topic sentence!
    • Double spaced, 12pt, Times New Roman!

2) Slide Presentation

  • You will create a slide presentation that consists of 11 slides.
    • The first slide will be a portrait of the photographer, and some bullet points that cover the research you did.
    • The following 10 slides will be the 10 images you picked. When you present, you will have to talk about why you chose that photograph as representative of your photographer.

Step 5: Wrap it up!

On the day we do our presentations, you will hand in your papers, and present your presentation. Easy peasy!