Mashouf Wellness Center Landscape Architecture, Education


The Mashouf Wellness Center hosts various sports, recreation, and wellness functions and activities. Including outdoor recreation areas, a multi-purpose field, a renovated softball field, and other outdoor social spaces.

WRT identified the need for the Mashouf Wellness Center as part of the San Francisco State University Campus Master Plan. One of four iconic elements that anchor the university experience, the recreation and wellness center serves an essential function as an active hub that accommodates the campus community while projecting the university’s identity to the surrounding city.

Working with the architects at WRNS Studio, WRT helped develop a landscape design for the Mashouf Wellness Center that helped create that vital landmark. But also set a precedent for a new generation of recreational facilities at the university.

Education: Mashouof Wellness Center

WRT’s interdisciplinary team of planners, architects, and scenery architects create a lasting impact by enhancing living and learning environments, providing flexible spaces for interaction, and reinforcing the institution’s mission and goals.

We consider every detail, from individual buildings to campus landscape and organization. And also we focus on enriching the campus experience and strengthening opportunities for connection.

We seek distinctive solutions that integrate indoor and outdoor spaces to support learning, health, and personal growth inside and outside the classroom. We are experts at building consensus across various voices and are well versed in navigating regulatory processes.themarketingtipsblog