Commercial Outlets

Articles relating to Neighbourhood Retail Outlets or Shops.

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July 2020

NEDOC Returns

Great news for local families and those seeking 'Out of Hours' health care.

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July 2020

Find a Dentist

To assist new residents find essential local services we've created an information listing.

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July 2020

Find a Doctor

We've updated our local guide to include more service providers.

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June 2020

Shop Locally

As businesses begin to reopen it's vital that we support them but what's here?

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Garden Suppliers

Spring is coming and we're preparing to rediscover our gardens. Here's a Guide to local suppliers.

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Coffee Cup Crisis

Consumers created the demand but suppliers created a crisis in waste management.

Help bring about social changes to keep the drinks but reduce the cost to the environment.

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Santa Experience

Have you booked a visit to immerse the children in a magical Christmas experience?

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NCT changes

If your car has been for the annual test you might have noticed some changes.

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Bird Feeders

It's time to put out the Bird Feeders and attract wildlife to our gardens.

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In the Garden

Summer might be ending but there's plenty of time to enjoy our gardens.

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Christy's Interiors

With so many new homes being built they all need furniture. Where would you buy yours?

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Organic Farm

We discovered that nestling beside Dalgan Park is a wonderful family run Organic Farm.

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Dog Day Review

The Event brought together pets, their owners and 5 local services to create the largest gathering of Dogs ever seen in Johnstown.

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Waste Costs

The media has gone quiet but we're expecting a NEW bill in the months to come.

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Garden Bounty

Don't just plant flowers instead plant flowers that produce food for your summer BBQ.

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Plastic Protest

The Media has been promoting a proactive consumer reaction to the amount of plastics we purchase. What's the BIG issue?

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Ice & a Slice

The Gin revolution has come to Johnstown with 10 Available to taste in Taylors.

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The Races

The biggest event in the horse racing calendar is soon upon us.

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Lost & Found

Having your Pet microchip'd is quick & painless. If your lost pet is then found you can be notified.

Why then are so many not chipped?

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Dog Food

How much do you feed your dog and is it a healthy option?

We asked Pets And More to help answer these questions.

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Discover why music is so important for child development.

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Bennett Optical 20 20

Bennett Optical can provide Eye Tests and prescription glasses together with sports goggles and designer frames too.

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Valentine Gifts

Card and Gift ideas together with what's available locally.

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Ivy Party Food

With Christmas parties on the horizon the Ivy Cafe is preparing to receive many orders for office and home platters in the next few weeks.

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Park Avenue

The newest outlet to open in the Johnstown Shopping Centre we discover a little more about the owners and their Giftware.

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Fueling Fires

Winter is Coming! Are you sparking up your fireplaces and do you want to know what the best fuel is?

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Bennett Optical Eye Test

How much do you value your eyesight?

Enough to have them tested every 2 years?

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Techwizard Mobile Repairs

We can't live without them and when they break we feel lost. We look into what can be done to repair our phones

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Bennett Optical Sun Vision

We're hoping that the great big ball of fire returns to our skies but we do need protection for our eyes. Bennett Optical have the answer with fashionable sunglasses .

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Cocktails at Taylor's Johnstown

When the sun shines we imagine ourselves at the poolside with an iced cocktail in hand.

On a warm summer evening you'll find them busy making these in Taylors.

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The Ivy Cafe Picnics

When the summer sunshine appears we love to eat outside and the Ivy Cafe has the perfect healthy take out 'alfresco' meals.

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Early Blooms Preschool

Time flies by so quickly and children learn so very fast. A preschool can provide confidence and social skills in preparation for the school years to come

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Parent & Toddler Group

A weekly chat, coffee and biscuit with other parents with very young children can make such a difference. To check in, compare notes or relax for a moment whilst your child engages in play can help you catch your breath.

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Glass Recycling Bank

Vandalism and fly tipping has meant that our nearest glass recycling bins have now gone. Find out why we need them and where our nearest recycling places are.

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The Ivy Cafe

At the heart of our Community The Ivy Cafe is thriving. We go inside to see if the food tastes as good as it smells.

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Fairyhouse Racecourse

Here's your chance to experience being at the races.

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Tara Barbers

Many of us are already frequent visitors.

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Taylors of Johnstown

Taylors has refreshed many of us and now with food served daily it is thriving.

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