Fresh Air

Articles relating to taking advantage of good weather to enjoy the fresh air, to 'clear your head' and get some exercise.

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May 2021

Plans Grow for a Johnstown Sunflower Trail

Discover where the trail is heading, who's involved, and the underlying reason why a Sunflower Trail is so important to Johnstown Tidy Towns.

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May 2021

Places To Visit To Be Amongst The Trees

As we seek out new places to visit for exercise, fresh air, and headspace, we highlight woodland walks suitable for families.

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September 2020

Cycle Route Guide

Great work by Navan Cycling Initiative to create a Cycle Lane and Route Map for the Navan Area. It's come just in time for Students to avoid the school peak time traffic.

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July 2020

Fresh Air

We've been inside too long. It can be safe to return outdoors for exercise and we provide a glimpse of what you could be doing.

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June 2020

Where to Go?

From Mon 8th June Phase 2 easing of Covid restrictions allows us to travel much further than expected.

We think there are plenty of attractions close to home.

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Our Wild Side

The lockdown has resulted in some unexpected benefits.

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Athlumney Riverside Walk

A beautiful jewel in both Johnstown's and Navan's Crown. Lets take steps to ensure we do the right thing,

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Riverwalk Proposal

Take a trip along the Athlumney Riverside Trail with us and see what's being suggested.

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Local River Walk

We'd like to explore opening up a riverside path for Navan South.

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Find a Playground

Since we still don't have plans for a local Johnstown playground we mapped those in Meath.

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Big Dig

The weather was hot and the ground baked hard but there is new life growing for the first time in a decade.

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Balrath Woods

Continuing our series on Family Friendly Free venues this one comes highly recommended.

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Into the Light

Did you get up for the sunrise event?

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Garden Bounty

Don't just plant flowers instead plant flowers that produce food for your summer BBQ.

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Dalgan Park

A family friendly walk through the woods and countryside.

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The Ramparts

Go and explore one of our favourite places to walk.

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After Completing 8 weeks of Operation Transformation we discover if the Taylor's Chubby Chappies and Pink Ladies got results.

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Health Drive

Another group inspired by Operation Transformation gets locals pacing the streets in a bid to get healthier.

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Evening Walks

Our latest group is getting residents out walking in the evenings.

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Community Sports

+70 children participated in the Meath Local Sports Partneship Multi Sport Events in Johnstown.

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With cycle paths and reasonably quiet estates you'd think that there'd be more people using them. We find out more about where the cyclists are heading.

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Hot Air Balloons

What would it be like to be able to see all around, outside in the wide open space? An opportunity of a lifetime.

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