Your Business in a Better Place.  

A Place for Business 

The Corner Office has it all

Renting an office for your client-facing business in the typical industrial park is, well, typical.  Your windows and doors are of the same, muted, early-aughts design as the dozens—or even hundreds—around you.  It's hard to make an impression when your customers are trying to determine which of these replicas represents your business.    To make matters worse, parking is a scramble on most days, and the only decent option for lunch requires a 15-minute drive.  You wish it were easier to get your hybrid team excited about in-person meetings. And the price of rent?  Oof. 

You're different than other business owners; it should be reflected in where you do your business. It needs to be convenient, addressing the common grievances above, but it must also be affordable. 

This is the part where we introduce The Corner Office on Roosevelt as your solution.  

A giant concrete building is no place for team building.

Break out of the stack 

and embody your organization's originality 

with a unique place to get things done.

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