Monday 1 July at 5.30pm-6.30pm
Register here -- free but tickets are mandatory

The festival begins with a free public lecture at University of Bristol’s School of Mathematics. Dr Latham Boyle (University of Edinburgh) will speak about his recent work connecting aperiodicity to quantum computers. His recent work, in which he discovered a connection between aperiodic Penrose tilings and cutting edge computer science (error correcting codes), has been written up in Quanta magazine.

Saturday 6 July at 2pm
Kit Form Gallery
Book your FREE ticket here

An expert in Islamic design, Ameet will deliver a public talk on Islamic Geometric Design, a traditional artform which explores the intersection of mathematics, art, craft and architecture.

Ameet Hindocha is an artist, designer and educator with a degree in Graphic Design, specialising in the creative exploration of geometry, with a particular focus on Islamic geometric design. 

He has applied these skills to numerous design commissions, notably including designs for the final season of TV show Homeland and video work for the permanent collection at Qatar National Library.

Alongside such commissions, geometric research and the resulting artworks, he teaches and lectures on geometric design in the UK and internationally for the Prince’s School of Traditional Arts, Istanbul Design Centre and Jameel House Cairo as well as teaching digital fabrication at University of the Arts London (UAL). 

Image: Ameet Hindocha Still from One in a Billion, animation

Sunday 14 July, 2-4pm
Kit Form Gallery
Book your FREE tickets here

The Recognition of Shakuntala

The love story of Shakuntala is a mesmerising tale from ancient India. Raised in a secluded hermitage, Shakuntala's world changes forever when she meets King Dushyanta. 

Their secret marriage, a forgotten promise, and their eventual reunion have been told and retold over millennia. Each version is different. Each finds fresh meaning in the same narrative beats and twists. Each reveals hidden dimensions of sensuality, politics and mysticism. Enter the shifting shadows of this deep and timeless tale with storyteller Wilf Merttens as your guide, leading you through the forests of ancient India to locate the origins of the mysterious Shakuntala. 

Accompanying Wilf are brilliant mathematicians who will delve into the underlying structures of this venerable narrative, revealing the hidden patterns that have made it resonate through the ages.

Wilf Merttens is an award-winning storyteller and author of Bristol Urban Legends, out now from the History Press.

Sunday 14 July 3-4pm
Kit Form Gallery
Book your FREE tickets here

Meet the Robot


Sprout is a soft, huggable robot, supported and moved by the control of air within it.
For Aperiodic, Sprout's motions are controlled by walking a Hilbert curve, varying the pressures within its chambers.


Air Giants is a creative studio making huge, joyful robots and powerful immersive experiences. We are technological pioneers, using cutting-edge technology alongside traditional techniques to bring creatures of the imagination into the everyday.

