The First Step Trust

Mission Statement: The First Step Trust is dedicated to making a positive impact in three key areas: Children's Education, Environmental Conservation, and Women's Empowerment. Our organization also extends its support to various other causes such as medical camps, animal welfare, and more.

Founding Information: The First Step Trust was conceptualized in 2014 with a vision to address prevalent issues such as food wastage at events, water conservation, child labor, and animal welfare. It officially registered in January 2021.

History and Background: In 2014, our founders were deeply moved by the challenges faced by different segments of society, including the wastage of resources, child labor, and animal neglect. Since its registration in 2021, The First Step Trust has positively impacted the lives of over 200,000 individuals, rescued 1326 animals, and provided employment opportunities to over 200 women in local manufacturing units. Despite facing financial challenges at times, we have been able to achieve significant milestones through the support of our dedicated team and generous contributors.

Activities and Programs: Our NGO actively engages in various activities, including educational initiatives for children, creating shelters and providing medical assistance to animals, and offering job opportunities and skill development programs for women to promote empowerment.

Target Audience/Beneficiaries: Our programs primarily benefit children, women, and animals, aiming to improve their quality of life and well-being.

Future Goals: The First Step Trust is committed to expanding its impact by establishing a medical center for animals, enhancing job opportunities and skill development for women, and providing assistance and equipment for people with special needs.

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⬅️ ⬆️Pictures of the NGO's activities 

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