
Will and Violet

It was spring and a light wind ruffled the hair of Violet and Will as they climbed the hillside of Bolton’s Bench. Violet was blonde and was the type of person to be keenly aware of the nature underfoot and around her. She often carried a curious and quizzical look in regard to the small wonders of birds, flowers, and bees that were so often overlooked by others. Will complemented Violet with his dark locks and brooding manner. Together, they were a walking juxtaposition. The young couple eagerly climbed the hill. It was the first spring day of mild weather and the two had decided to celebrate the warmth of the sun with a picnic.

“Hey Vi,” Will stretched his arm around her shoulders, “we’re walking on a dragon.”

“Oh, we are?” Violet smirked at Will’s strange remark. She often thought that his fondness for poetic language and natural cynicism would lead him to be a writer one day.

“Yah, this hill it’s a dragon. Killed by a knight in the Middle Ages. This yew tree, it’s the knight.” They were now at the top of the hill. Will patted the giant tree.

“Will, you’re making things up.” Violet laughed him off. The two spread their blanket underneath the ancient tree and began to unpack the contents of their picnic basket.

“No, I’m serious. My uncle told me the story. There was a giant dragon that was tormenting this village and they implored a knight of the land to save them. The body of the dragon became this hill and the body of the knight became this tree.”

“They both died?”

“Well, you will have to hear the story to find out.” Will smiled and winked at Violet.

She laughed and answered him, “Okay then, tell me the story of the dragon." Violet closed her eyes and leaned against the yew tree. At that moment, she heard the faintest pulse behind the old wood and felt the hill lift as if some great beast was taking a subtle breath.

Dragon in a Hill. Image created by Haley R