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Major Raid by Tizian!

by Azazello
Sponsored by Jamez and Woland attorneys at law.If you have a legal dispute you need settled, join our Discord at this link!

5:30 UTC: A major raid by the Communist Union of Almendria’s General President, Tizian, and his associate, took place on two micronational Discord servers Saturday. No signfigant server damage took place. The Republic of Azeria, a now-independent nation was raided by Tizian at approximately 5:30 UTC. Azeria was previously a part of Almendria’s controversial Autonomous Republic program, in which a small nation would mutually agree to be under Almendria’s partial control. Many prominent micronationalists such as Leon Montan, who stayed “The AR program is some goofy wack shit and Tizian is a nonce.“. The leader of Azeria, WaxyCoronet, notably was the former President of Almendria, who was loyal to Tizian until several weeks ago when he rather publicly turned against Tizian and condemned his actions of alleged IP scraping and emotional manipulation.

Tizian pinged “@everyone” a total of 148 times throughout several channels, and he instantly received immediate backlash from many server members. Johann2, a prominent figure in the micronational community, explained “Y’all do be acting like 7 year olds doe [sic],” and Tufcat13, Tizian’s former General, exclaimed “What are you doing Tizian?” Within approximately 4 minutes, Jamez, prominent micronationalist and Associate Chief Justice of Almendria, banned Tizian and his associate, President Dominic, stating the two were “taken care of.... (they were) banned.”

Tizian pinged everyone in an effort to agitate Azerian citizens.

In a much more controversial raiding method, Tizian associate and alleged spy, President Dominic, posted graphic images repeatedly. One individual commented, “Can you... stop posting inappropriate pictures for those people who are posting that crap? You’re acting like seven-year-olds,” to which someone said “I agree.” It was notably similar to when Tizian previously raided a server with extremely NSFW, graphic content.

President Dominic Posted Graphic Images (Censored)

At approximately 10:08 UTC, Tizian and President Dominic together raided Australis, again pinging “@everyone” approximately a dozen times. They were banned almost instantaneously, with barely anyone even getting the chance to respond until after the departure from the server.

Due to swift banning and no admin being given enabling Tizian’s notorious “server nuking” (See: Aydan Dillon vs. New Almendria's Trial, also referenced in Special Issue One) very little damage overall was done.

A Petition, a Legal Case, and the Humberlean Government

By Koroviev

After the elections for the roles of Prime Minister and Parliament on the 14th of July, the new goverment of Humberlea had two main concerns: one, how to deal with a month-old legal case that hasn't been opened, and the drafting of a constitution.

Over one month ago, Christina Nowell, known for being the head of state of the Grand Republic of Cycoldia, filed a court case against Nicholas Lokin, King of Humberlea, for "abuse of power and attempted bribery". According to the case file, Nicholas fired Christina from her position as Minister of Law due to "spying, espionage, and general biased opinions" after a controversy surrounding Cycoldia and their "spying" on the Grand Kingdom of Matachewan, known as the Erika Testimony. The then-Prime Minister, known as Andreas Hudson, stated that he was not informed of this firing. As such, Christina filed a court case.

A month after the firing, Nicholas recommended to the Prime Minister that they rehire Christina, and according to the court document, he "stated with sarcasm that his recommendation was not applicable to this court case (...) he later asked me to remove the case against him after offering to return me to the office."

In addition, Nicholas refused anyone the right to help work on an upcoming constitution of Humberlea, stating that he wanted to prevent foreign intervention; that is, he wanted to prevent other nations from influencing the constitution to benefit them. As such, Isaiah B., Speaker of Parliament, started a petition to form a constitutional tribune, which currently has 6 signatures, including the Prime Minister(me!).