District Suns

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Vote for Lee Bastino

The Leader’s Resignation, and his new direction.

From now on, Azazello will handle opinion pieces. This was written before he was hired.
by Woland
In the election facing us currently, we have two main candidates you can vote for. You can choose one Tizian, an Almendrian leader noted for chilly relations with the Desert District, or Lee Bastino, the second-in command of the founder Jamez, and holder of the election. Thanks to Lee, it is that we have this democracy. Additionally, they have proven themselves a competent high judge and parliamentarian. The choice is yours, dear citizen, but the sun implores you to make the right one.
Currently Bastino is winning by a six point lead. The election shall resolve soon.

Cries rang out in the streets, when two days ago a decree shook the nation. First Secretary Jamez, founder of the nation, resigned. Citing community deterioration, he released a signed decree announcing his resignation in the common decree format. He passed on his torch to close personal friend Lee Bastino, who announced an election to continue his legacy, and promptly made himself a citizen. Reasons are debated, with some claiming his legislature turned on him, and others insisting on a rogue tabloid sabotaging his position. When interviewed, James merely stated “I wanted to give it to someone elected. The stress was intense and I felt I didn’t need to be in power.” Although, Jamez maintaining an Admin position and leadership of his party calls into question the permanence of his retirement.

Recently, allegations have surfaced that the District Suns was a tabloid who, through spreading misinformation, drove Jamez to resignation. While we maintain our dedication to fair and impartial journalism, we apologize for
any harm our journalists may have caused in reporting on a possible coalition.

Jamez's Final Decree before his resignation.

Freedom of Speech: The National Opinion

by Behemoth

Ok so when we look at politics we see a lot of opinions and that’s crazy. But when we think about it, is this a good thing? People can be assholes on the internet and the laws give us no way to punish them. It sucks. But if we are to censor them, then normal articles like this could be censored too with false excuses. Who knows the solution. I certainly don't, and I don't want to advocate one way or the other.