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Tizian Taken to Trial

by Woland
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TizianX4 of Almendria is known for being an extremely meme-y leader. From his communist micronation, to his often strange and laughable saying, to his actions, Tizian, and his micronation of Almendria have cemented themselves as being extraordinary. However, the most fascinating chapter of Tizian's tale may have just hit us.

Azeria, an ex-Autonomous Republic of Tizian's Almendrian State, recently sued them for infingrment on sovereignty, claiming that Tizian infringed upon their sovereignty. While the early days of Tizian's state are obscured, with officials from the time either unable or unwilling to report on much of it, they constructed a case and sent it to court. The trial was scheduled, however soon numerous complications would arise to cause more issues.

Tizian's defense was headed up by a specialist in Almendrian law, who had defended one Aydan Dillon in an earlier trial involving Tizian. His defense was noted for taking the position that no matter how loathsome Tizian was in person, he broke no laws. The success of this is yet to be seen on the jury, who have not testified.

Tizian has not commented publicly on his trial, although he has announces his ambitions to continue his career in micronationalism.

Presiding Judge Jamez