The Deepak Defense

Defending Deepak Chopra,today.

Someone said - he is a quack. Another said he does not know physics. Another said he is not a theologian. And so forth. I responded with :

Part 1 of 3.

Ryan - you said "Honestly, people like Chopra a just way beneath this show. He’s not a philosopher (though he plays one on TV), he’s not a theologian (a very low bar, honestly), and he sure as f#%k isn’t a physicist (a very high bar).

So...WTF is he, other than a “pseudo” version of all those things? Probably a wannabe cult leader (isn’t that what a “guru” oftentimes is?).

On the other hand, maybe he’s a genuinely nice guy, I don’t know... 🤷🏻‍♂️ 😐”


Let me answer this?

Ref: Philosopher 

1. Deepak is not only a philosopher but probably the richest philosopher ever in human history.

2. The most read living philosopher in human history as well - because all his books go straight to NY Times number one.


Ref: Competence in Quantum Physics

1. Deepak says things that "cohere" with many titans of Quantum physics: Wigner, Wheeler, Schrodinger (all Nobels) , Sir Roger Penrose [indeed they share the same stage at the Science of Non-Duality festival].

2. Deepak is a published scientist with QM and co-author

with renowned scientist [and his critic] Mlodinow.

You need to apologize to Deepak . Better - be like me, start tracking down his critics and go after them. But you must know what you're talking about - or they will smash you in argument.


Ref: Theologian

1. Deepak is a ordained Priest in various religions. So yes he is a theologian.

2. Deepak is a writer on some major brand name religious figures - different books. This is authority. He therefore knows MORE than any ONE theologian (who often know their own religion mostly/only).

Ref: pseudo-

This is a derogatory label . 

Deepak is a qualified medical doctor with speciality in oncology , having spent time at the Harvard Medical School hospital

His "science" credentials are therefore first class. He is a walking talking "machine" of integrity and honesty AND MOST IMPORTANTLY "results" [ wealth, profits, publications that get read - albeit , mostly for the pop press].

He is a self made nigh billionaire with huge "cancer clinics - run by armies of doctors under his employment".

None of that is "pseudo".- nothing about him is "pseudo" except your judgment and labelling which would be fine but as you have not proven your case, it is just wrong; or a mere opinion.

Part 2 of 3.

You Emmet, just insulted Deepak saying that he does not know quantum physics and is a cult of alternative medicine mumbo-jumbo. I'll answer you on behalf of Kuhn :

1. Ref: Quantum physics.

You are wrong. Chopra knows Quantum mechanics very well.

I have spent hours going through his work. Even in his 1980s productions he discusses quantum mechanics .

Today he does that in scientific conferences AND he is published in scientific journals for quantum physics related items.

So you are wrong. All the above can be fact checked.

I don't care that you are wrong. I care that you need to apologize to me; opps, I mean to Dr. Chopra.

2 Ref: Quantum Healing.

He is not using jargon at all. He believed that the mind has the "potential" to cure the body at a probabilistic level.

This is in sharp contrast to medical establishment that does not believe that - AND - in sharp contrast to scientific establishment that does NOT BELIEVE YOU EVEN HAVE A MIND in the first place!

-> I repeat- there is no typo: in science a quality like the "mind" must be proved.

There is NO evidence that anyone has a "Qualitative" thing with potent powers called the "mind".

Just like "life force" (Elan Vital) was not found and therefore thought to be hogwash in science earlier in the last century so today, the "mind" itself is thought so very strongly to be "non existent".

Then what does that leave? A biological "bot", a "philosophical zombie" - that is you following "algorithmic rules" like a computer processing code.

After all "Everything" in physics follows "Causal rules" (there can be "no movement, no-thing" without cause - that is basic Newton. Right?)

Back to Deepak. In contrast he believed you do have a mind. He analogizes the "mind" to the same quality as "quantum physics" presents.

Since then; Sir Roger Penrose (the world's most famous mathematician and physicists; Emeritus Professor at Oxford; the PhD Examiner for Stephen Hawkings) wrote and promoted his book "to this day" that the mind arises due to the effects of quantum physics.

I can talk about this in detail [and if you read my other posts on these threads - I believe I do that in some detail].

Deepak goes further: he believed that the mind has potent power over the body. Notice i kept on typing "believed" in the past tense.

Because today there is a huge body of western science evidence on the power of the mind over the mind - such as huge number of paper on the "placebo effect".

Deepak generalizes this to mean: just as one's belief in a sugar pill has demonstrable proof to heal; so this effect can be leveraged to heal oneself (probabilistic - not definitely. Further quantum physics results themselves are probabilistic).

At the very least - as Deepak states in the last interview I saw of him: Deepak's theories give "closure: a peace of mind" to those that are terminally ill. They do their best when there is nothing left - and nothing has worked.

In medicine - there are many that state: prepare to die. Just die. End of story.

But there are others that believe: as you have nothing left, "believe whatever: and do whatever it takes come heaven OR HELL ,as you're going to die anyway - to attempt to survive , to live, to experience the miracle of (potential) cure - but believe with all your heart". Get it ? Deepak caters to the latter.

In nation's like the U.K: there's an entire hospital devoted to natural cure [Royal Homeopathic hospital] which would have been wiped out if it was not for both:

[1] ROYAL CHARTER to maintain WITH vast funds and

[2] a huge number of people that want it and go to it and call out for it.

[3] It's run by certified MEDICAL doctors like Deepak (who was a Harvard Medical Hospital Oncologist : CANCER doctor!!!!!]

My point is:

1] there's a lot of people that want this, call out for this

2] there are both lay people and professional medical doctors that care about this "natural health" arena and cater to this - in business.

3] It is LEGAL as long as the contract and the marketing does not "over state it's case". Deepak has been in NO FRAUD CHARGES in the VERY VERY VERY VERY litigious nation where everyone gets sued and made bankrupt . Trump had to settle for $20MILLION for Trump university when he was sued.

Deepak is ongoing - clean and clear. Legit.

3. Ref: Credentials about Quantum physics.

Deepak is on many shows interviewed by professional scientists/physicists.

Deepak is the co-author of books with professional Physicists like "Leonard Mlodinow" [with whom he had previous been challenged IN PUBLIC in front of everyone] !!!

4. Ref: Business and cult.

a] Deepak - I am not a communist. My job, your job, everyone's job is to make as MUCH money as you "want". You don't have to- so I use the word "want".

Deepak like Trump like Gates and like MANY in America [and in other nations] want to make as MUCH as possible and Deepak is a "brand" name [his name alone is worth tens of millions now.

If you license his name OR previous licensed TRUMP name for your building or business - you'd have to PAY millions]

b] Deepak is fully legit and within the laws of the free-est and first democracy on earth: the U.S.A

c] The aim of a business is to hit MONOPOLY position - the brand - the BEST OF THE BEST. Deepak has AND has had MONOPOLY position in alternative health SINCE THE 1980S! THAT IS GENIUS.

Similarly - just before becoming President , TRUMP had that brand positioning SINCE the 1980s. Most businesses in contrast GO OUT OF BUSINESS since the 1980s!

So on every count: Deepak wins and won; and all the way to a nigh billionaire .

Every single book he publishes [and he has published SO MANY - no doubt a world record within his niche ] it reaches the ENVIABLE [almost impossible to attain] position of NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER.

This is VERY hard to gain if you know anything about publishing and winning. Very very hard.

His clinic is EXTREMELY SOUGHT AFTER - so full - you have to pay HUGE and usually be a billionaire or a celebrity to even "get in". That is how much demand Deepak has.

On top of that he does HUGE things for charity as his own foundation.


Part 3 of 3..

​You said "You know nothing about Quantum physics - quantum physics is math".

This is true But not the whole truth. That is the problem . There's quantum mechanics composed of math and experiment. There's Quantum "Theory" that looks at "explaining" the quantum mechanics.

There's quantum mechanics composed of math and experiment. There's Quantum "Theory" that looks at "explaining" the quantum mechanics.

Almost all academic shy away from "Quantum theory" because of various factors such as "it would destroy their career" !

Deepak is an entrepreneur and superbly successful [the best in the history of the planet in his niche - and over many decades now "as well" - claim that is very hard for other entrepreneurs to match as so many go out of business].


Ref: "you rambled on foolishly... you didn't support Quantum science".

I answered your points - both what you stated AND far beyond. I even posted a post by someone else , assuming that that someone else - ad hominem attacker of Deepak shares your sense and sensibilities.

In answering them, I answered you vicariously - why Deepak is a well minted with credentials, results (profits), brand and even a theologian, as well as a Quantum physicist ("in theory" as in actual "theory' without the math).

As for Quantum physics : what do you want me to say? Deepak says it all in his many talks. I'll say something in brief.

Deepak believes that the entire universe, entire reality - at the objective level is a quantum field that undergoes a quantum wave collapse "manifesting' tangible things like you.

Deepak however believes this field is the mind of God (or God like entity) which he calls "spirit".

You are made of this spirit: i.e. at base, you too are made of fundamental particles, i.e the quantum field.

No other scientist quite knows how you think; and by far most believe you do NOT think per se, as you do NOT even have a mind. You're a biological bot; a freaking dumb zombie (for real) following an algorithm ~ ! They cite the very good Libet experiments and besides can not find "the mind" .

Deepak believes everything is "consciousness" that ends up manifesting various levels of abstractions as it curls in on itself resulting in "Quantum emergence" of various levels [i.e. "Strong emergence" : you can Not predict the next level from the previous level but can notate it].

Today emergence is a respectable scientific subject : the opposite of scientific reductionism.

Talking about the opposite of scientific reductionism: Deepak believes the entirety of emergence is "holographic".

This is distinguished from famous physicist at Standard Prof.Susskind that also is willing to postulate holographic reality in a Anti-De Sitter Universe.

But no one can determine if we are indeed in a ADS space. It doesn't matter as Deepak's holographic universe is not dependent on ADS space!

So Deepak believes everything in totality is contained in every part of the universe (Zero point energy field: paradoxically claimed to have more energy than the entirety of space! Welcome to cosmology and to quantum physics).

Similarly every cell of your body represents your being. When I first heard this I found it hard to believe.

But that is because I had fallen into the Descartes trap AND the trap of distinguishing the mind from body; AND the trap of materialism; and the trap that we have a mind in the first place [remember scientists do NOT believe you have a mind , only philosophers believe that and the general public].

Deepak believes your mind is a result of quantum processes; quantum physics.

Sir Roger Penrose also believes that But on different grounds. Sir Roger believes that there is a tension between "general relativity' and "quantum physics" [indeed there is as they are in conflict with no resolution, no unification in sight! ]

Sir Roger believes nature resolves this by collapsing the quantum field into material property (manifestation). He calls this objective reduction of the wave function.

Deepak believes in the subjective reduction of the wave function: your mind , your perception of things is because of the reduction of the wave function.

Sir Roger believes that in organelle called microtubules in neurons, these uniquely "organize" nature during a objective reduction.

This "orchestration' or organization turns proto-consciousness (ingredients of consciousness) amplified up multi-hierarchy (emergent) levels resulting in full blown consciousness with free will.

The physics is almost equivalent to the way Chlorophyll turns the energy from the sun into useful energy using a quantum process.

But other notable highly credential physicists like Henry Stapp believes in and advocates and writes about "Subjective reduction" - mental force , a unique but fundamental property of nature - resolves the field into particles in aggregate .

So Stapp is in coherence with Deepak (as well as many others). For the purposes of this thread, in this context, I'm going to state so is Sir Roger - in the sense that both believe in using quantum physics resulting in nanoscopic effects in the brain magnified into a flown blown consciousness with free will in man - equivalent to Deepak.

Deepak goes further because he is not just into the theory but into using this "mind power" to do things including:

- maintaining great mental health

- mind over matter to effect great physical health directly and mostly indirectly because mind directs our behaviors/lifestyles that directs our health results; so the mind can modify the end results over time by readjust our behaviors (such as foods we eat).

- mind power to acquire bona fide wealth and other blessings. In the meditation tradition one acquires "mental states of value like happiness" only.

Deepak takes it further , using the same principles to acquire material riches and other dreams with the caveat that one's desires must be in alignment with ethics.

Deepak's method is to make a list of your wishes and check for ethics. Look at the list daily. Then mediate. You must paradoxically "let go" of your wants , leaving it to the universe to manifest.

By doing this - you will EFFORTLESSLY achieve your dreams and acquire wealth (if indeed that is your goal - it is Not everyone's goals).

Deepak's practice tips are : do what you're already good at doing AND enjoy doing, so that is not "work" anymore per se. IT IS PLAY as far as you are subjectively concerned.

Objectively if it is producing value for the marketplace then indeed you will get rewarded [wealth].

Is there scientific truth to this?

Interestingly as I am vastly more scientific than even Deepak - the truth is yes.

1. Indeed research verifies that the mindset (Growth) has efficacious results (Stanford University Prof. Carol Dweck) after 40 years of experiments.

2. Research shows that "wishing" things and thinking of them daily ultimately hypnotises the mind/body to "do things" daily - 30 years of research by Prof. Gabriel Oetinger (New York University Professor and a German University "as well").

3. Research shows that "intrinsic motivation" out-does 'extrinsic motivation" over the longer term [Harvard's Prof. Teresa Amabile has done vast scale in-field research on this at the Harvard Business School]

4. Independently research is promising about the reality and efficacy of hypnosis.

5. Independently vast research is promising about effects of meditation on the health . University of Wisconsin-Madison (medical school) is a leader in doing experiments with expert meditators.

6. Prof. Csikszentmihalyi famous research at the University of Chicago validates the effect of being in "flow" [equivalent in my opinion to Deepak's use of the word "effortless"]

7. Research on "luck" shows those that believe in luck are more likely than not to notice things that foster that belief, and indeed therefore end up having them be more lucky than not . Prof. John Wiseman writes about this in depth with experiments to back it up.

The above research taken together AND/OR separately demonstrably supports Deepak's practical methodology. But what about quantum theory?

Just like quantum mechanics lacks a universally agreed upon theory; so it can be argued for self-improvement. So Deepak piggybacks upon "quantum theory" as I had explained above; and equates it to "mind power" akin to other physicists I mention above.

Deepak's contention is : by earnestly wishing it , you end up 'creating and modifying" reality itself!

I have been thinking deeply about this recently. The above could mean "you end up modifying your views, perspective and beliefs; even values" about reality. This is epistemic; not ontological though.

Or, Deepak is saying you literally modify ontic reality-actuality. Recently I came across renowned physicist David Bohm.

For aeons , just like Sir Roger worked with medical doctor Hameroff to advance his work; OR famous physicist Berkeley Prof. Henry Stapp worked with neuroscientist Jeffrey Schwartz to advance their work; Bohm worked with neuroscientist and medical doctor Karl Pribram .

Bohm-Pribram: state reality 'emerges' from the implicate domain, undergoing a Fourier transformation - in the brain - resulting in an explicit domain.

Fourier transformation of spectral frequencies [the quantum field into or of the electromagnetic field ] is the math of holography/hologram.

Everything you perceive around you right now - look around is in fact a "3D simulation with pano" as your brain literally "re-constructs" reality "as it thinks it should be"! After all everything you "see" is broken down into chemical and electrical signals in your brain at great speeds and that is recreated at equivalently great speeds into the reality you perceive!

Do you now see how Deepak and his holographic reality come together?

Do you also see how the entirety of existence is necessarily the "Field" as in quantum field from where everything emerges - for everything , even the moon and you are made at the fundamental level of subatomic particles that themselves are in fact the field, the quantum field that undergo a "localisation" , a "materialization" at extreme speeds so "you" - in body and interesting in mind is "here" carried as (what Deepak calls) a "bundle of consciousness"!

Bohm's work interpreted from current knowledge suggest everything is a 'network" (the math of networks) , everything is in fact 'unified" [the great dream of physicists] ; and therefore if you effect anything in the network [mind power with intention], then it effects the entire network, the entire universe.

Afterall to repeat: you are not separate to the universe! You are "of the universe", a part of the universe; or "they universe" !

And your mind is the "most unique" thing in the entire known universe! There is nothing like it [even materialist scientists will agree except they will further state "because there literally is NO-THING like it " !]

So this "mind" has potent power to effect the network; but NO GUARANTEES about the final result; because in Deepak's conception the universe/field/implicate domain is itself consciousness (God) and it must co-create the reality (i.e. your dreams, your material wishes as well) with you!

In summary and in conclusion:

1. Deepak believes in mind power to create your dreams including material dreams.

Interestingly upon this fabric, the nation of the U.S. was created in 1776. These views were outrageous and unique : that you can "be, have or do' anything within reason; using your mind to think [using reason and logic to reach conclusion, fueled by emotional drive] and use your body to act.

Your inalienable rights to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Nothing like this existed in human consciousness before because before that moment - every citizen was a "social drone" linked to a Monarch/dictator ; and only the Monarch had such "Divine" Sovereign rights. You were a "Subject" . But in the U.S. you are "the " Sovereign!

2. I have stated many scientific sources that cohere with goal getting such as intrinsic motivation or "Flow". These all cohere with Deepak's thesis.

3. I have highlighted how mind power is or maybe dependent upon and conjoined to quantum physics - citing Sir Roger and also Henry Stapp.

I further advanced with a brief citation of Bohm: who claimed that everything is ultimately "of and from a pre-quantum level" that he called the implicate domain , a field of energy and information that "emerges" - and the brain witnesses through a Fourier transformation - the science of holograms.

Bohm, like Deepak believes everything is "one/oneness" - a "Wholeness" that has priority; a network ; and man sees "Fragments" of this wholeness; giving (illusory) sequential experience and label of "time" [whereas the wholeness means "past and present and future" are all one].

Interestingly in standard physics, the block universe - some components of the above belief is stated to be the case: that known universe, the "block universe" has no privilige for direction: the past, present and future are indeed all one.

Both standard model of cosmology and Bohm agree upon determinism. However, Sir Roger and Bohm depart by believing in determinism BUT "NOT algorithmic' when it comes to man.

That man has "Free will" - and man's brain (microtubule region) performs a "NON COMPUTATION" - a quantum wave collapse that resolves General relativity (tension) with Quantum theory [i.e. Gravitzing Quantum theory]. This enables the vestiges of consciousness 4 times a second in man; that is amplified by the science of emergence instantly into full blown consciousness an interaction between the "universe at large" AND "man's memory".

Deepak calls man's memory "Karma" and provides methods to have good Karma. His method in life [and in business] states "give what you wish to get". If you want more money, give money.

Today research - such as by Prof. Adam Grant at Wharton (Give and Take) verifies adaptive givers are the richest people on earth in contrast to takers! Deepak is correct after all - this Karma thing works.

Furthermore, it is not just about giving; the act of giving (e.g samples of your product in business) results in "neuro patterns" within yu that makes this easier each time; and triggers "reciprocation" in the other person [researched by Prof. Cialdini at Arizona State University].

Notice I really know my "sheeeeet" far better than Deepak or anyone else on earth or history in my opinion. And here I am defending Deepak. Did I miss anything ?

BONUS: Someone said I have "Deepak Symptom/Syndrome". I replied:

​Tom, I don't have any Deepak "Syndrome" [used to not like him]. But I researched him; and come from a rigorous science-philosophy background: the truth is very important for me.

Let me give you an example of how urgent Deepak is [although the example is extreme, it makes the point for everyone as a result]. This Combat Veteran Green Beret with so many tours under his belt; a hard as nails tough U.S .soldier commits sui- *side [spelt wrong on purpose] . The ultimately enemy was "the mind" in this case. Yes, extreme example but I hope you see the point.

With Deepak items: such as practical meditation - I am certain that would not have happened. But this example is NOT about the guy. It's about YOU, and all humans. We must spring clean and condition the "inner most". That is the relevance of Deepak. On top of that he adds a "philosophy to it".

If you really delve into him , you'll see he does not thrust mumbo jumbo into you. He admits to phrases like "neuro associative conditioning" - i.e. like PAVLOV'S dog, or military training: one can "condition' states , into "Chakras" . Honestly I used to HATE anything mysticism AND STILL DO, but framed with the word 'conditioning" - it makes sense. "Trigger" a state of bliss and boom!

That's way better than the many negative things most people engage in the U.S including turning to alcohol (even if it's one a day. IS THAT EVEN NEEDED? POISON -LITERALLY POISON from a chemical point of view. Or a burger. Do you need fries with that? Coke too? FORGET IT - GET DEEPAK!)

Please keep communicating because I am dedicated to real science as long as philosophy is in tow . Why philosophy?

Everyone - every scientist has philosophy whether they know it or not. Theirs may be materialism : everything is titillation of matter so concepts like "love, romance, bliss, good health" do NOT EXIST AND SEEN AS UNNECESSARY. Instead a good academic lives a EPICUREAN life: after work, go out and enjoy wine - daily , i..e POISON based upon myth (of long health) and anachronism (because there was a time wine was SAFER THAN water as alcohol kills bacteria!! Also people could not jabber withOUT being serious - resulting in killing each other UNLESS one was at least drunk and could then open up and joke. In the past Saudi Arabia was like that - and there's NO alcohol there ! Serious people.

Get and use Deepak. But do not just take my word. Instead feel free to argue and in collegiate mindset allow me to argue back using reason and logic.

Note: Deepak is not the be all and end all. It's not even the final and correct philosophy! I think I already wrote you about what is the correct philosophy in brute detail ?



Defending Deepak NEW PART ​ Someone else just replied complaining of Deepak saying a fermion or a boson (subatomic particle) is sentient or even a cell in your body. I told them and you:

Do you now understand that a single cell is conscious - in the sense and the full meaning : like any other single cell organisms - they "sense" the environment and react as per their limited (range) capacity like any other species.

All species from single cell to a dog, Whale or Elephant have consciousness (meaning "awareness) and react from lesser to larger using percepts.

Percepts are units of perception. Sense organs like the eyes are titillated and then such information is self organized into percepts, held by memory so the organism like the elephant can react.

Man is different as man self organizes concepts from percepts . How ? Using the "mind" with "free will". What is the science behind this? There can NEVER be science - for to have science is to presuppose that science is the ground floor of reason.

It's the other way around: man has a mind because man can "realize" that there is "existence' as opposed to "no-thingness". Even a blind, deaf and mute person can come to this truth (e.g. Helen Keller).

Therefore the "mind" exists: it "identifies" Existence exists - the ground floor of reality.

The above means Aristotle's law of identity is real: truth (versus falsity) and the above is the truth: there is existence and your mind is real (and potent).

The above is metaphysics: meaning it is reality as it "is" [existence]. You can NOT PROVE IT USING SCIENCE because "proof" presupposes PRE-EXISTING evidence. There is nothing pre-existing to ground floor (else how could it be the ground floor?)

The above are inductions BUT you can VALIDATE it like I do above: there is existence and you have a mind, and this is the truth.

What is the method for finding any truth? Reason and logic. What is the opposite? Emotions.

Rationality is the only way to reach correct conclusions but man needs the correct method: reason and logic. These are never automatic.

Emotions however are always automatic. Emotions guide where to think but it is rationality using reason and logic with which you can reach any conclusion.

MOST PEOPLE DO NOT DO THIS. Reason must be learnt, practiced and mastered - just like writing, reading, typing or driving stick.


Deepak is of the opinion that :

1. elementary articles are sentient (e.g. boson, fermion, your chair , your dog or your SINGLE CELLS).

Sentient means they are able to "sense" . This is called Panpsychism which is a huge movement in the science community albeit still a minority view. Nevertheless a view that's become widespread because without it scientists have NO OTHER WAY to accept oneself, you are a truly consciousness being! More about that later.

2. That all things are either/or :

i] idealism : the universe is a mega-mind that experiences consciousness through species on earth . With the human the universe gets to become aware of itself - i.e. awakened.

indeed you are made of elementary particles; and elements of the periodic table; that came to be at the explosion of super stars.

You are made of star dust, of the cosmos.

To date man does NOT know "HOW" you even have a mind. Most scientists today feel you are ZOMBIE, A BIOLOGICAL BOT that hallucinates you have consciousness due to a genetic advantage to hold this fantasy myth.

Other scientists think you are consciousness but that consciousness is an "emergent" property of matter that manifests in man.

Like the emergence of the intelligence of a ant colony; so the emergence of human consciousness from neural cell (brain cell) colony that connects up in a sparse manner (simulated to a finite and minor degree by present day A.I. or A.N.N: artificial neural network. Hence you can talk to SIRI on Apple , Cortana on Microsoft. Try it now! )

But for you to be an emergent entity- like wetness from water, the interaction of H2 and 0 molecules resulting in flow; it means that you are emergent property from ELEMENTS.

How can this be? Back to panpsychism (see above): you are "of elements' so these elements have "some sort of primitive consciousness" as well then?

NOTICE SCIENTISTS : the above are JUST AS SILLY, STUPID, OR DELUDED as saying the same as DEEPAK !!!!!!! Yet act superior! How can they do that?

Deepak flips it the other way around and says your material body - like a old fashioned radio - tunes into the universe using your sense apparatus and creates a iMAX 3D movie pano .

He says the microcosm is the macrocosm: your experience of reality is the universe experiencing it. You are not a mere human being having a conscious experience (see emergence above) but instead you're a spiritual being (the cosmos) having a human experience: you are "being human" !

There is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER - AS IN WHATSOEVER THAT NEITHER/EITHER: the materialist science viewpoint is correct OR Deepak 's view is correct. NONE WHATSOEVER .

In fact "therefore" according to science orthodoxy the only thing left is to admit you're a ZOMBIE and in fact you navigate existence as the universe constantly massively undergoes multiverse splitting that can NEVER be proven in science, but has it's well established basis in math (and string theory).

What do you prefer?

1] science: you're a zombie, and everyone you know - with the universe splitting every fraction of a second ?

2] science - you are an emergent consciousness being ; but this emergence is like steam from a train - not potent.

3] DEEPAK: the other way around- consciousness is fundamental resulting in evolution of the universe since the big bang for 13.75billlion years ; then species based evolution resulting in you - homo sapiens sapiens with the right instruments for the mega-mind to experience itself AND ALSO TO UNDERSTAND ITSELF using math, science and language such as my writing here?

4] My own thesis: you're a unique entity, the likes of which does not and has never existed that is able to identify existence exists (secular) and this is the truth (Aristotle's law of identity) . Further one can find the truth about things using reason and logic; with science and math being sub-sets of rationality; but never the parents.


Deepak is just so awesome. Indeed challenger and skeptic and PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIST
Leonard Mlodinow ended up co-authoring a book WITH DEEPAK!!!!!

SUPER SKEPTIC, challenge
r/debater Michael Shermer ended up staying with Deepak and admitting to understand his point of view [finally]. I said to a Professor : Very nice to hear you are a physics Professor. Much to discuss and outright debate with you :.

Here's the truth: Deepak , I and many of the founding fathers of QM [quantum mechanics] were also philosophers whether or not they had that identity or not: they thought about the nature of QUANTUM THEORY [QT] quite deeply.

In contrast today "physics" means "no philosophy" - only testable provable experiments.

So I admit that Deepak and are not physicists. HOWEVER we are NOT claiming to be this identity that you have. Nevertheless much to your chagrin, we do, we can discuss QM and GR and cosmology using the established principles. That does not make us a quack.

In fact it makes Deepak quite profound to even be doing this as long as his theory (QT not QM) is correct, bearing in mind there is NO ONE QT - there are several , all of which have equal claim as long as their reasonable is correct and fits with QM.

I've studied Deepak AND physics [not as extensively as you] and for certain Deepak's philosophy is correct [meaning the principles within HIS conception are correct- and for with QM. But bear in mind - there are other conceptions].