This project is based on the relationships between the simplistic, geometrical objects of architecture and the philosophical meaning behind them. The research was tested along the tectonic forms of Brasília and Lucio Costa’s interpretation of the form and his concept for the city. Brazil, at the time, had a strong need to be perceived by the world as a powerful country, with Brasília on lead. The aim was to create the city not only as a series of architectural objects, but also as a sequence of political choices, according to the idealistic vision of what the city should be like. Niemeyer was constantly showing in his designs the reinterpretation of what already exists, along with Surrealist approaches. However in the context of Brasília, they are also charged with political meaning.

“At this time, Brasília was seen as a modern utopia that expressed optimism and trust in the future.”

-Dr. Steffen Lehmann

The montages represent Brasilia's objects and their form as architectural structures, along with shapes they create on a plan. The meaning behind them is worth investigating, eg. the two domes have symbolic meaning, the one that opens to the sky symbolises the deputy’s openness to the people, while the inverted one embodies reflection. Due to its philosophy, the overturned bowl evokes comfortable senators, while its alter ego symbolises deputies who are demanding to eat.

The final exhibition is representing the main inspiration for Niemeyer's architectural visions- female curves. The body is held by a hand - the symbol of a gesture, communicating what does not have to be said verbally. In art, hands were used throughout the years as a coded language conveying very specific meanings. In this case, the hand is representing body's control over the form. Here Niemeyer is the artist, modelling his sculpture, basing his concept on female curves.

Public, private and semi-public spaces

Blocks and separate buildings

Analysed objects on a map