Hong Kong Inventory Drawings

Kowloon Inventory Drawings



This project researches the city with respect to its people. When studying Hong Kong and its history, it was very surprising to discover that there was a lack of thought and discourse around urban planning. The city is a place for its people, but the in the analysis of Hong Kong, this study determines that the built environment lacks human scale and responsiveness to its inhabitants. The city is compact, dense and crowded. It is home to towering skyscrapers, layered on top of and next to one another. But, surely this can’t be the solution to city planning?

As such, the research focuses on 'Humanising Architecture', to explore the impact architecture has on the people that are living and spending their time within the city. The project explores some of the issues and solutions to planning a city that is wholly for the people of the city and no one else.

The final exhibition model is to convey and represent the people within Hong Kong and the city. The hand in the centre represents the people in the city, surrounded by huge towers that are looming over and looking down on them. It expresses how extreme and intense it is to live within Hong Kong and demonstrates just how overwhelming, crowded and claustrophobic the city can be.