
Sammy's situation

Sammy is a four-year-old preschool student at Youngling preschool program that you are working at. Youngling preschool program is in Gotham City. Youngling preschool program is in a high poverty area and provides a range of services and supports for their community members (including things like clothing, supplies, and food). Your preschool director is supportive of teachers interacting with their families and working to find creative solutions.

Sammy was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder when he was two years old. He was initially recommended to be evaluated when his mother noticed that he was having difficulty with expressing verbally. Over the last two years, the early intervention service providers, and the school personnel, have worked to help Sammy develop functional communication and social skills. Sammy has been responding to the interventions but still has difficulty with communicating his needs, responding to questions, and engaging with his peers.

Recently, Sammy has been exhibiting new and troublesome behaviors at school. Whenever it is time to transition from his favorite activities (coloring, arts and crafts, playdough, etc.), to a different activity, he throws a temper trantrum and becomes physically aggressive with staff. Sammy needs help with learning how to transition from one activity to the other. Create a social story that helps Sammy learn about what he should do when it is time to change activities.