
Erika's backstory

Erika is a first-grade student. Erika loves horses and frequently will interject during conversations facts about horses, even if it does not relate to the topic.

Erika's teacher noticed that Erika has been more withdrawn from class lately, particularly around group discussions. When Erika's teachers asked Erika what is going on, Erika sighed looked down at the table and said, "No one in my group likes me. They think I am weird."

Her teacher replied, "Why do you think that they think you are weird?"

"They told me. They said that because I only like to talk about horses, that makes me weird. They tell me to get a different hobby because they are tired of hearing about horses." Erika replied.

Erika's teacher thinks. If only she had a social story to help Erika learn how to interact back and forth with her peers.

Think about how you would create a social story to help with social interactions.