The Calm Collective

You, us, all - holding the light - together

 “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead


We know that today many people are feeling unsustainable pressure and feelings of despair as we face unprecedented and unpredictable changes. Doctors, environmentalists and community leaders, amongst others, continue to warn us of this.

The Calm Collective (Australia) was launched in September 2021, as a collaborative network, to bring together committed meditators, faith leaders and well-wishers from all backgrounds and walks of life.

It has one aim: To establish a collective, silent intentional space that gathers the power of presence for 10 minutes. These focused spaces are designed to generate atmospheres of calm, healing and hope.

Initial Call to Action

The initial call to action was to gather from 9.00 – 9.15pm, each Sunday evening, from Sunday September 26th through to Sunday 19th December, 2021, to support Australia and our planet during some difficult times ahead. We have gathered since during significant events (the Ukraine, earthquake in Turkey, the Middle East, for instance) in our world.

The holding of these weekly spaces were accompanied by a couple minutes of inspirations and reflections by a long-term faith and/or meditation practitioner. Please click here for the recordings - or scroll down.

Current Call to Action

100 Day Countdown to UN Peace Day : 14.06.2024 - 21.09.2024

Currently, members of the Calm Collective will be gathering every evening for 100 days, starting on 14th June 2024, 9.00pm - 9.10pm, in the run up to UN Peace Day (21st September 2024). 

In contrast to the previous gatherings, the format will be very simple for these daily ones: 

We invite all those who feel the call of these times to attend these mindful and heartfull online gatherings.

Please join whenever you are able to - your silent, loving and peaceful contribution holds untold value.

The link to join is here - or remember - or click the button below.

Join The Calm Collective

We warmly welcome any individuals (meditators or not) who feel inspired to join The Calm Collective and become part of a growing number of people dedicated to using the power of meditation, prayer and pure intentional thoughts to serve and uplift our world in these most challenging times

By becoming a member, going forward, you will be invited to hold these silent intentional spaces with The Calm Collective community. Whilst you may not be able to always attend online, nevertheless, your individual presence or ‘tuning in’ is valuable and contributes to the power of the gathering.

To become a member, please click here.

To see some of the supporters of The Calm Collective, please click here.

About Us

The Calm Collective recognises the silent transformative power of meditation, prayer and pure intent. The hope is that, no matter what background we come from, in moving forward, we unite and are one in our intentions of peace, upliftment, hope and compassion – and that these specific intentions and feelings held collectively have the ability to create powerful waves of positive influence throughout Australia and across our world.

The Calm Collective is an initiative of Calm in the City and is supported by the Faith Communities Council of Victoria (the peak body of faith communities in Victoria) and the Meditation Association of Australia (the peak body of meditation teachers in Australia).

Please contact us if you would like to add your name to the list of supporting organisations. Your support is so welcome.

Previous Sessions of The Calm Collective

Series Launch:

26th September 2021, by:

Justin Langer, AM

This series was lauched as a support during the pandemic.

Dr Tami Roos

Asher Packman

Ven. Chi Kwang Sunim

Rev Bhakta Dasa

Kay Clancy

David Jones

Mary Dwyer

Rev Ian Smith

Charlie Hogg

Lisa Forde

Pauline McKinnon

Bishop Philip Huggins

Maureen Chen

Kim Peace

Bishop Philip Huggins

Sarwat Tasneem

Earthquake in Turkey/Syria (02/2023)

Hidayet Ceylan 

For the Middle East

A Silent Vigil

Supporters of The Calm Collective

Chris Connelly

Actor, Teacher, Creative Workshop Facilitator

Bhakta Dasa (Rev. Albert Lange)

Chair of the Faith Communities Council of Victoria

Rev Dr Stephanie Dowrick

Writer, Interfaith Minister

Lisa Forde

Founder & Principal of ACMM, Vice-President of Meditation Australia

Dr Ian Gawler, OAM, BVSc, MCounsHS

Author, Therapist, Meditation Teacher

Shannon Harvey

Journalist and Director

Charlie Hogg

Director, Brahma Kumaris Australia

Martin Hosking

 Co-founder and Director at Redbubble

Bishop Philip Huggins

President, National Council of Churches, Australia

David Jones

Drummer, Percussionist, Recording Artist

Justin Langer

Former Cricketer & Former Head Coach: Australian Men's Cricket Team

Victor Perton

Founder and Chief Optimism Officer: The Centre for Optimism 

Dr. Ranjit Rao

Surgeon, Urologist, Author

Dr. Tami Roos

Author, Meditation Facilitator, Intuitive Counsellor

Paul Roos

Former AFL Player, Coach. Motivational Speaker

Professor Amanda Sinclair

Author, Researcher, Teacher, Consultant

Reverend Ian Smith

Executive Officer, Victorian Council of Churches

Mojgan Tosif

External Representative - Baha'i Community of Victoria

Caroline Ward

Author, Facilitator, Retreat Leader

Carmen Warrington

ABC Meditation Artist, Author, Celebrant

The Calm Collective Community

The Calm Collective: Members

We invite you to add your name to this list by clicking here

The world is a projection of our collective consciousness. If our collective consciousness reaches that place of peace, harmony, laughter and love, it will be a different world.” – Deepak Chopra 

Supporting Organisations