Carlos Cabreira

Gameplay programmer at UBISOFT

C++ - C# - Unity 

Bachelor's degree in Videogame Design and Development.

Unannounced AAA game at Ubisoft Barcelona - Gameplay programmer

Current project, still not announced. Working here for two years as a gameplay programmer, specialiced in 3Cs (Camera, Controls, Character), with close collaboration in design and animation. 

Killchamber - Programer, designer and artist

Killchamber is a Sekiro-like videogame, made with Unity and Blender. The idea is to expand the 3D-to-2D pipeline I stablished with Demon Overdrive, creating a profesional-looking pixel art game in record time. The workflow improved a lot, allowing me to use real-time lighting and modern post-processing effects.

Killchamber is a small, playable and free vertical slice of what a full game of this style could be, available on

MoTIVE Project (Event Lab) - Unity graphics programmer 

The EVENT Laboratory is a University of Barcelona VR research group, formed by various computer science PhDs, and driven by Dr Mel Slater, that develops different virtual reality simulations that will be used in later psycologycal experiments.

The project I work on is called MoTIVE (Moments in Time in Immersive Virtual Environments), using Unity to recreate certain remarcable moments in history and studying the behaviour of those subjects exposed to the simulation. I am in charge of numerous things, but the most interesting one is the Advanced Impostor system (shown in the video), were we can create a complex billboard, and instance a populous crowd without performance impact.

Let Me Die at the Sea - Designer, writter and artist

Let Me Die at the Sea is a short & click adventure in development. A demon detective is called to investigate the misterious disappearance of mystical creatures in a seaside village. It's a simple conversational adventure I started just to improve my design skills.

Programming, writting and art done all by me. Music done by William Khan.

Developed in Unity, Let Me Die at the Sea is available for purchase on

Inflight VR - Generalist Unity programmer 

Inflight VR is a Barcelona-based company specialized in providing virtual reality content for aerolines.

They use on-board VR headsets to increase comfort, reduce travel stress and provide a fresh type of entertainment for passengers.

Iberia, Sun Express and Airbus are some of their most important partners.

We used Unity to develop the application. I worked both in low-level architecture systems (automatic translation system, encryption, etc), and in user-oriented features (like Night Mode, UI improvements, etc) .

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Demon Overdrive - Designer, artist and programmer

Demon Overdrive is a little solo project, done in Unity. After reading a very interesting Gamasutra article about how the Dead Cells developers used 3D models to speed up the artistic proccess of the game, I have the urge of trying that for myself.

The result is a NieR-inspired, pixel art action game, where you play as a demon-girl, hunting in a crumbling city. I used Blender (with which I have long-time love relationship) to create all the models and 2D sprites, and Unity to build the game.

You can download the game from its page on

Unthrone - Tools programmer (audio, particles) and puzzle programmer

Unthrone is a Game of Thrones inspired, 3D classic dungeon crawler, entirely built in our homebrew game engine, Culverin (built in C++ and OpenGL).

This project, developed during my college time, involved around thirty people working in different departments, following the scrum-agile methodology.

I also integrated the particle system one of my team mates did. I rearranged the UI, added new options, polished graphic artifacts and include a save and load system to allow quick configurations.

If you want to download the game and see more development details, check the project page.

Asiergine - Programmer

Asiergine is a game engine created in collaboration with Asier Iglesias, a friend of mine. It's entirely built in C++ and OpenGL. Though it's not a fully-working engine, it allows to do all basic operations: creation of game objects, hierarchy control, geometry and texture visualization, scene saving, etc.

​The goal of this project was to mimic a professional game engine, learning about programming architecture and expanding our knowledge of C++.

As a bonus, Asiergine has the audio engine Wwise integrated within, allowing 3D spatial audio, FX triggering and reverberation area setup.

See the code on Github

TurnipOn - AI Programmer and designer

This was the game that a group of friends and I brought to the Mechanical Gamejam, during spring 2020. 

The theme was plants, and I figured as a mix of designer and programmer.

We tried to emulate the old Pikmin design, implementing mass AI pathfinder systems as a personal challenge. Everything was done on Unity.

You can download the game from its itch page.

BellBoy - Programmer

Gamejam project. I participated alongside six colleagues in the spanish Ministery of Culture's Idea Gamejam, around October 2018.

The theme was piracy and respect for intellectual property.

I worked in several coding aspects of the game (player movement and environment behaviours), and on some character sprites. 

​You can download it from here

A Link Between Ages - Gameplay programmer

A Link Between Ages is a fan-project I made with six of my University colleages, during our student years.

My role in this project was Team Leader, caring about the game following the right direction in design, art and code.

I also worked as a gameplay programmer, with player movement, item interaction, enemy AI and event sequencing my bigger responsabilities.

The game is made from scratch in C++.

You can see the code on Github.

IA IA ZOO - AI Programmer

IA IA Zoo is a zoo manager, developed in collaboration with a friend of mine, during our student days. The objective is to reach maximum client satisfaction while taking care of the animals and infrastructures, managing prices, building positions and more.

The interesting part of the work was client behaviour. All the people in the game (clients and workers) are using behaviour trees and finite state machines.

The game is developed with Unity and C#, and uses Node Canvas for behaviour trees.

You can download the game from here

Puzzle Bobble Fanmade - Gameplay programmer

This version of the classic arcade Puzzle Bobble was my first team game, done during my first year at college. I worked along other four friends as a programmer (and a bit of manager) to create a simple two player mode in pure C++, while we learned more about the traditional gamedev pipeline.

All of the art is taken from the original Taito game.

Download the game from Github (Windows executable)

Maldity: Prototype - Programmer

Maldity: Prototype was my first game ever. A short text adventure with cosmic horror elements, done in pure C++, in wich you explore a ghost village as a female soldier. I did it in my first year in University and, despite obvious gameplay and graphic limitations, I enjoyed the development a lot. 

Maldity is a pet project of mine, and I expect to return to it in a future.

​You can download it from here