Section 6.3.6


An opening within any structure provides a weak spot. Designs must be followed to ensure service life is reached and special attention must be paid when provided in a protected hallway.

  • Door width measured to fit door, door frame and appropriate door margin.

  • C-track to be turned up by a minimum of 300mm for fire doors.

  • Place appropriate size timber stud within the frame where required.

  • Frame cut and bent to form the door head.

  • Frame to return down by a minimum of 150mm.

  • Provide additional frame for fixing the plasterboard above openings.

  • To prevent cracking at the door jamb opening, plasterboard joints should occur over the opening.

  • In a protected hallways a spandrel panel detail will be required.

  • Form a spandrel panel detail by using 12.5mm. Board sandwiched between the door opening stud and a short length of metal stud in the doorway head.

  • Screw fix through the metal stud, plasterboard, metal stud to provide a secure spandrel panel detail.