Section 6.1.8


Opening are a regular part of any construction, they come with an additional risk. Particular attention to detail is required in the construction, bonding, lintels and protection of ancillary components.

  • Ensure the correct cavity closer is used.

  • Cavity walls ties set vertically to every block course and within 225mm of the cavity closers.

  • Cavity closer anchoring ties provided with the cavity closers.

  • Retain cavity closer support and any additional support provided for the duration of the build.

  • Additional support provided to lintel to prevent bowing when weight is applied during construction.

  • Protection should be provided to any decorative details around the opening to prevent damage later in the build process

  • Protection should be substantial enough to prevent damage.

Both leaves to be built up together.

  • Lintels need to bear at least 150mm.

  • Lintel must be fully bedded.

  • Be level.

  • Be wide enough to provide adequate support to the walling above.

  • Cavity trays on top of the lintel with a minimum 75mm stop-end built in.

  • Where horizontal tray is raised to allow for the installation of a roof such as a bay; a Vertical DPC should be provided between the lintel and the raised tray.

  • The vertical DPC and horizontal DPC must join to provide an effective seal.

  • Stone sills and decrotive details should be level, consistent and free from defects and mortar stains.