Section 4.4.3

Raft Foundations and Reinforcement

Raft foundations are an engineered designed foundation solution. The use of these foundations is largely dictated by the ground conditions of the site. Foundation designs must be followed closely, and workmanship checked regularly.

  • Central dumplings formed as per design.

  • A level concrete or hardcore blinding placed around dumplings where steel form work will be placed.

  • DPM is placed throughout the foundation within the shuttering.

  • DPM lapped by a minimum 300mm and sealed.

  • Ground beam placed within the foundation to create the toe.

  • All steel formwork lapped and tied together.

  • Services and drainage to be accurately positioned within reinforcement. Check position accuracy prior to concreting.

  • Designed concrete coverage to reinforcement to follow the engineered design.

  • Floor slab finished with the final pour of concrete

  • Concrete vibration prokers must be used to ensure all air gaps are removed.