Section 4.2.1

Key Information

The combination of shrinkable soils with trees, hedgerows and shrubs represent hazards to structures that require special consideration. It is imperative that all necessary information is available on site and that you are aware what is required specific to the development.

  • Example of a typical of a site investigation report.

  • Become familiar with its location and the contents.

  • Discuss any queries with the site engineer and building inspector.

  • Use the Executive Summary and site description to ascertain the critical information.

  • For foundations pay particular attention to ground conditions, foundation design and building near trees

  • Volume change potential or shrinkability is fundamental to foundation depths.

  • Contamination, ground gas, sulphate attack, specification of mortar and foundation block used.

  • Become familiar with the locations of trial pits and window samples.

  • Ascertain whether trial pit locations may affect foundations.

  • Trial pit and window sample logs show which ground conditions were found.

  • Find out what is the suitable bearing strata and how it is described.

  • Ensure ground workers are aware when localised conditions may require reinforcement.