29 January 2010 --- The largest tank battle inhistory, taking place near the Kursk salient in the year 1943, isabout to begin! Secure your place in this monumental battle bypre-ordering Theatre of War 2 - Kursk 1943 right now!

Theatre of War 2 - Kursk 1943, developed by leading Russianpublisher and developer 1C Company is the most recent title in theacclaimed Theatre of War series of detailed tactical battlesimulations and will be released exclusively by the independentonline strategy and wargame publisher Battlefront.com, one of theweb's largest and oldest communities for military games, for"download", "mail" or "download & mail" delivery within 4-6weeks. You can pre-order your copy already today for \$45 plusShipping & Handling. With your pre-order, you

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*Save more than \$10 if you pre-order both Strategic CommandWWII Global Conflict and Theatre of War 2 - Kursk 1943 at the sametime! You will save an additional \$9-\$19 for Shipping &Handling that way (S&H for a second item is only \$1!)

To whet your appetite for this latest and most advanced title inthe series, taking the action to the fateful year 1943 on theEastern Front which became one of the most critical turning pointsof the war, Battlefront.com and 1C Company are releasing 20 brandnew screenshots from the first battle in the campaign. Unlike mostof the previous shots these screenshots are taken with high detailsettings, including HDR (High Definition Rendering), AmbientOcclusion and self-shading, revealing the true beauty and stunningatmosphere of Theatre of War 2 - Kursk 1943.

Ok so I just bought TOW2: Kursk 1943. Really love the concept and i couldnt wait to play. I am using a pretty good gaming computer and I run much more graphic intensive games so i thought it would not be a problem.

22 December 2009: Theatre of War 2 : Kursk1943! Battlefront.com and 1C Company proudly announce the nextmajor release in the Theatre of War series of authentic World WarTwo tactical combat simulation - Theatre of War 2 : Kursk 1943!

The Battle of Kursk lasted for forty nine days, from July 5until August 23, 1943 and has made its way into history as thebiggest armored battle of WWII, and in fact of history. It was thelast armored strategic offensive the Germans were able to mount inthe east. The resulting decisive Soviet victory gave the Red Armythe strategic initiative for the rest of the war.

Theatre of War 2 : Kursk 1943 boasts many new features for thefirst time in the series, such as brand new multiplayer modes and abuilt-in campaign generator, allowing users to create randommissions on the fly!

The game features over 20 new story-based missions withhistorical military commanders such as Major General WalterHoerlein and Lieutenant General Ivan Chistyakov . 40 types ofmilitary weaponry (including air defense guns, missile launchers,and mortars), new vehicles and thirty types of small arms will beavailable in both the single player campaigns and the brand newmultiplayer modes. Theatre of War 2 : Kursk 1943 is already in latebeta stage and is planned to be released, exclusively from www.battlefront.com, by the end of January/earlyFebruary!

People who downloaded Theatre of War 2: Kursk 1943 have also downloaded:

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Theatre of War 2 : Kursk 1943, the historically accurate and detailed real-time tactical war game, welcomes military history fans to the battle which gave the Red Army the strategic initiative for the rest of the war.

In Theatre of War 2: Kursk 1943, you control the units of the battle group belonging to German division Grossdeutschland or the forces of the Soviet 67th Guards Rifle Division and 3rd Mechanized Corps, which participated in the defensive stage of the Kursk battle at the south face of the Kursk salient. There are two campaigns:

Theatre of War 2: Kursk 1943, the historically accurate and detailed real-time tactical war game, welcomes military history fans to the battle which gave the Red Army the strategic initiative for the rest of the war. Assuming the role of either the Russian or German battle group commander, acting under direct orders of division commanders Ivan Chistyakov or Valter Hoernlein, players will control their troops in historical scenarios on precisely reconstructed authentic battlefields.

After Germany's initial success at the Battle of Kiev in 1941, Hitler saw the Soviet Union as militarily weak and ripe for immediate conquest. In a speech at the Berlin Sportpalast on 3 October, he announced, "We have only to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down."[20] Thus the German authorities expected another short Blitzkrieg and made no serious preparations for prolonged warfare. However, following the decisive Soviet victory at the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943 and the resulting dire German military situation, Nazi propaganda began to portray the war as a German defence of Western civilisation against destruction by the vast "Bolshevik hordes" that were pouring into Europe.

Throughout the 1930s the Soviet Union underwent massive industrialisation and economic growth under the leadership of Joseph Stalin. Stalin's central tenet, "Socialism in One Country", manifested itself as a series of nationwide centralised five-year plans from 1929 onwards. This represented an ideological shift in Soviet policy, away from its commitment to the international communist revolution, and eventually leading to the dissolution of the Comintern (Third International) organisation in 1943. The Soviet Union started a process of militarisation with the first five-year plan that officially began in 1928, although it was only towards the end of the second five-year plan in the mid-1930s that military power became the primary focus of Soviet industrialisation.[21]

On 27 May 1940, Germany signed the "Oil Pact" with Romania, by which Germany would trade arms for oil. Romania's oil production amounted to approximately 6,000,000 tons annually. This production represents 35% of the total fuel production of the Axis, including synthetic products and substitutes, and 70% of the total production of crude oil.[57] In 1941, Germany only had 18% of the oil it had in peacetime. Romania supplied Germany and its allies with roughly 13 million barrels of oil (about 4 million per year) between 1941 and 1943. Germany's peak oil production in 1944 amounted to about 12 million barrels of oil per year.[58]

The use of foreign forced labour and slavery in Germany and throughout German-occupied Europe during World War II took place on an unprecedented scale.[60] It was a vital part of the German economic exploitation of conquered territories. It also contributed to the mass extermination of populations in German-occupied Europe. The Germans abducted approximately 12 million foreign people from almost twenty European countries; about two-thirds came from Central and Eastern Europe.[61] Counting deaths and turnover, about 15 million men and women were forced labourers at one point during the war.[62] For example, 1.5 million French soldiers were kept in POW camps in Germany as hostages and forced workers and, in 1943, 600,000 French civilians were forced to move to Germany to work in war plants.[63]

On 31 January 1943, the 90,000 survivors of the 300,000-man 6th Army surrendered. By that time the Hungarian 2nd Army had also been wiped out. The Red Army advanced from the Don 500 km (310 mi) to the west of Stalingrad, marching through Kursk (retaken on 8 February 1943) and Kharkov (retaken 16 February 1943). To save the position in the south, the Germans decided to abandon the Rzhev salient in February, freeing enough troops to make a successful riposte in eastern Ukraine. Manstein's counteroffensive, strengthened by a specially trained SS Panzer Corps equipped with Tiger tanks, opened on 20 February 1943 and fought its way from Poltava back into Kharkov in the third week of March, when the spring thaw intervened. This left a glaring Soviet bulge in the front centered on Kursk.

The Soviet multi-stage summer offensive started with the advance into the Orel salient. The diversion of the well-equipped Grodeutschland Division from Belgorod to Karachev could not counteract it, and the Wehrmacht began a withdrawal from Orel (retaken by the Red Army on 5 August 1943), falling back to the Hagen line in front of Bryansk. To the south, the Red Army broke through Army Group South's Belgorod positions and headed for Kharkov once again. Although intense battles of movement throughout late July and into August 1943 saw the Tigers blunting Soviet tank attacks on one axis, they were soon outflanked on another line to the west as the Soviet forces advanced down the Psel, and Kharkov was abandoned for the final time on 22 August.

Along Army Group Centre's front, August 1943 saw this force pushed back from the Hagen line slowly, ceding comparatively little territory, but the loss of Bryansk, and more importantly Smolensk, on 25 September cost the Wehrmacht the keystone of the entire German defensive system. The 4th and 9th armies and 3rd Panzer Army still held their own east of the upper Dnieper, stifling Soviet attempts to reach Vitebsk. On Army Group North's front, there was barely any fighting at all until January 1944, when out of nowhere Volkhov and Second Baltic Fronts struck.[89]

Wehrmacht planners were convinced that the Red Army would attack again in the south, where the front was 80 kilometres (50 mi) from Lviv and offered the most direct route to Berlin. Accordingly, they stripped troops from Army Group Centre, whose front still protruded deep into the Soviet Union. The Germans had transferred some units to France to counter the invasion of Normandy two weeks before. The Belorussian Offensive (codenamed Operation Bagration), which was agreed upon by Allies at the Tehran Conference in December 1943 and launched on 22 June 1944, was a massive Soviet attack, consisting of four Soviet army groups totalling over 120 divisions that smashed into a thinly held German line. 006ab0faaa

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