The Absurdist Site


Navigating the Site

This site is divided into 7 major sections throughout the website; The Home Page, My Games and Mods, Registrations, Quizzes, Video Updates and Schedules, and Research Information.

The Home Page

This home page has the entirety of the channels cannon videos and a few endeavours throughout the channels initial run.

My Game and Mods

My Games and Mods is the section dedicated to games or mods developed by The Absurdist. This includes The Absurdist's Dos-based adventure games: CumDumpster and CumDumpster 2's Beta. The Fallout New Vegas Mods: Project Serenity and The Strain. Enjoy.


Registrations are dedicated to sub-pages where you can register for things ordained and addressed by the direct sources backing the services.


Quizzes are dedicated to different tests offered by the various characters of the channel.

Video Updates and Schedules

This page is where the site can offer evidence of work being done by the Creator behind The Absurdist and Schedules for the channel (which never, ever work or last). No point going here except for unused content.

Research Information

Research Information is the page dedicated to all the material, sources, and information gathered for passing videos and such. Enjoy the garbage I force myself to endure.

Absurdist Board

This is simply a board in which any user of this site can offer input about problems with the site, input about it and the series connected, ect, ect.

My Videos

It will be easiest to view the videos on Youtube. I have no consistency on uploads, I sorta just upload when I can and create when I can. Most of my time is dedicated to coding CumDumpster and Project Serenity, though I'll likely upload more frequently soon.

My Channel

My channel is random and offensive and not for those easily offended, if you can handle a joke then you may enjoy it, if not then feel free to explore other channels on Youtube.

Featuring Page

Hey guys, this is my first introduction to the game, likely now that my laptop is up and running again, I'll introduce update videos too. If the title didn't tell you, CumDumpster 2 is in preparations, it's more vast, with mythos and shit to do, so please, feel free to download. I've spent a great deal of time working on secrets this time around so be careful, or you may miss out on something.

-The Absurdist

Buy now our individual cups of Piss.

Or our bundle for all 3's piss and Uncle Ricky's Foreskin.

Characters On The Show

The Average Scottish Man

He is just a Scottish Guy who's name is unknown, possibly Sheamus. He emerges and drunkenly shouts things in a scottish accent. That is all.

Brother Blake

Brother Blake was born some time in the 40s and joined the Manson family cult in 1967. After however the murder of Sharon Tate, he was advised to flee the compound by Charles and started his own cult in Chernobyl. But after the accident things really did pick up. His "family" was comprised of people suffering from Radiation Poisoning and mutations of unfun proportions. Eventually most died, but he wandered into TA's house and was dragged in by Joe. He was claimed very quickly and his dreams and beliefs of Salazarism were both confirmed and grown upon.

Uncle Ricky

Character who rapes The Absurdist. He lives under the stairs to not be seen by his parents or his parole officer. He started being a pedophile when he started drinking. A habit he hasn't been able to kick, so he is constantly abusing The Absurdist.

Petey PTSD

He is a hopeful cynic who comments occasionally in The Absurdists videos, but primarily exists on "The Two-Headed Toad", he is simply and agent of chaos and too emulates the psychobabble of The Absurdist. He is simply more aggressive and more Christian than most.

The Streaker

He is The Streaker. A drugged up fiend who violently talks about nothing but nonesense. He is always the first to come out of the Character Closet and is the most often character to appear next to Average Scottish Man. He is always in withdrawls and unable to create comprehensive or slow speech. So everything he says is aggresive, fast, and otherwise nonesense.

Killer Joe

Killer Joe has been killing people since the early 80s, and always seems to have something lacking in his demeanour. There's an absence of discernible emotions, and lacking of any regular mannerisms in speech or conversational skills, leaves each interaction rather uncomfortable and awkward.

The Absurdist

He is the main character who exists to allow for the other characters to enter the outside world. When the camera starts rolling the door to the Character Closet opens and they start to come out. He will act much like The Streaker, but he accomplishes it with much more comprehensive speech and tends to make valid points over his own psychobabble.

Christian Guy

He is a hopeful cynic who comments occasionally in The Absurdists videos, but primarily exists on "The Two-Headed Toad", he is simply and agent of chaos and too emulates the psychobabble of The Absurdist. He is simply more aggressive and more Christian than most.

Movie Review

Posted October 31st, 2019

First time delving into serious commentary. Wish us luck.


The Absurdist

Whatever Happens next

An Absurd Podcast

This Podcast is very simply, whatever the fuck can spew from the mind of our dastardly decisive Dungeon Master; Christian Guy, To our Cunning-linguist Callan, and our Master-debater, The Absurdist.

We Had Sooooooo Much Fun

-The Absurdist

New Uploads

Season 1

A sort of return to gaming series for this channel, it's not very good but it's here.

-The Absurdist

Sorry for the deception, but if you enjoy the video than feel free to keep watching.

-The Absurdist

Just a collection of skits released. Stop judging you Fucks.

-The Absurdist

My first jab at analytical commentary. Enjoy.

-The Streaker

First real commentary video of many to come.

-The Absurdist

Drugs were involved in the making of this video.

-The Absurdist

The final return of our shitty channel.

-The Absurdist

An important question has been raised. Hope this sheds some light on my perspective.

-The Streaker

Hey guys I finally got the fuck out of Dolores' cunt and Jesus Christ what the fuck is The Streaker doing?

-The Absurdist

We shouldn't be allowed around Dolores' Cunt.

-The Streaker

What the fuck am I supposed to write here? Seriously I'm not used to this shit, where the fuck is TA? This is some retarded ass garbage.

-The Streaker

Also The Streaker, Uncle Ricky passed out in a pool of piss and I found he uploaded a fucking video. Jesus Christ.

-The Streaker

Introduction of the channel's characters, here to stay from this point on.

-The Absurdist

Pre-Coming Out of The Closet

Spent a fuck ton of time on this project, please give it some love.

-The Absurdist

This is just Christian and I dicking around honestly. Please enjoy.

-The Absurdist

Thing's I HATE.

-The Absurdist

Karaoke was really so much fun, please go check out Christian and I's shared channel, and this video of course.

-The Absurdist

Your welcome Steph.

-The Absurdist

My first Journey into Fallout on this channel. My editing abilities have begin to grow, enjoy the most interesting parts.

-The Absurdist

One of a two-er upload, Harvester, a fucking awesome game. Truly fucking awesome.

-The Absurdist

The other of a two-er upload, Hitman, fun fucking game. I had so much fucking fun making it.

-The Absurdist

This is my more preferred of the two Hallows'en Videos, but there won't be anymore episodes for this month, at least for the schedule I was hoping to actually meet. It may arrive on a later date.

-The Absurdist

Samhain; Sauin; Hallows'en; or Halloween is LITERALLY THE BEST HOLIDAY EVER!! And in name of this great holiday, I wanted to make a video, or four.

-The Absurdist

Check out my latest video, this game I actually made myself and you can find it in the games section of the channel.

-The Absurdist

Check out my dicking around in GTA 3. Misleading title and cover but in no way clickbait. ;)

-The Absurdist

This is my least prided video due to it's lack of development. I made it while sick and bored so take it's monotony with a grain of snot.

-The Absurdist

I had a lot of fun with this and hope you do to. By far my favourite video to record.

-The Absurdist

This is my first real gameplay video and one of my proudest one's. Feel free to check it out

-The Absurdist

Christian Guy

Check out me and my friend Christian playing some brutal doom. We actually had to cut out some of it because of how difficult it was while recording. Hopefully this is the first of many videos in a series.

-The Absurdist

Myself and Christian back at Brutal Doom. This video being more functioning than the last. However more offensive. Please don't report us.

-The Absurdist

Christian and I have returned to video games. But not the same one this time. Enjoy.

-The Absurdist