For the light hitting the ceiling to be white, the cupboards would naturally be darker than white. You could fix the image after rendering, to prefer that the cupboards are white and the ceiling is overblown.

Powerful engine combined with the simplicity of Trimble SketchUp. Unbiased and Interactive Render modes with the joy of rendering inside SketchUp view. Enrich your models with highly detailed content, with no limitations.

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Run interactive rendering either inside Thea window or directly inside the SketchUp view. Additionally, with the use of interactive region rendering, you can select and render a region of the SketchUp view, providing ultra-fast feedback for complex scenery. With the addition of the NVIDIA and Intel AI denoisers, it is also possible to make use of denoising while in interactive mode.

Relight creates infinite images from a single render. When Relight is enabled, every light in the scene can be modified (intensity, color and status) and create different lighting setups in post production. Every Relight setup can be saved in the Relight Editor panel as a snapshot and then loaded back to the rendering window for further editing or exported as an image file.

With Thea for SketchUp you can adjust the Global Medium of your scene, via the settings at the Environment tab. The Fog preset allows you to control the fog density, the bottom and top positions, and create unique photo realistic renderings. Additionally, there is also a Cloud material preset for adding volumetric effects on defined solid groups or components.

Thea for SketchUp supports both NVIDIA and Intel AI Denoisers, offering GPU and CPU accelerated denoising for both interactive and production renderings. They dramatically reduce the render time, creating high-quality and noise-free images.

Part Two: Exterior

In the second part of the course you will be rendering an exterior scene and learn about: Materials, Content Browser, Random Color, Environment, Tonemapping & Exposure, Denoising, Beveled Edges, Clay Render and Production Rendering.

Part One: Interior

In the third and last part of the course we will be rendering an interior scene and learning about: exposure, converting 3D models, using Relight, Depth of Field and finally Scene Settings & Batch Rendering.

Thea Render is the most versatile 3D renderer featuring state-of-the-art unbiased and GPU engines. All the engines operate within the same framework and switching from one to another is just a click away

Caustics is an advanced but expensive engine feature adding to the realism of the scene. Pool caustics is one of those things that take the image to the next level. Let us see how to setup the scene, create the water material, and change the render settings to take caustics into account.

So now I have to keep old SketchUp installations to facilitate these extensions. For something like rendering it is probably not so much of an issue, but some other extensions may form part of your regular workflow, then it becomes an issue having to down-save the model, open in old version, perform action with extension, save, re-open in latest SketchUp version and carry on.

i am having a problem, the last two days, whenever i click to open the Thea render Plugin in order to render my model, Sketchup crushes!! it gives me the bugsplat reporter, i send the report but nothing happens

Does anybody have an idea of what exactly might be the reason? Is it system based issue? Bad file paths? The developer does not react on my questions. You can find the crash log which I have uploaded to the thread where I was trying to find what was going wrong: -studio-crashes-on-macos-10-12-6-sketchup-pro-2019-3-permanent-license/113362/5

I downloaded Thea Render but am unable to load it into my extensions in sketchup. I have the stand alone Thea Render program working but I dont know how to have it working as an extension in Sketchup.

Nowadays I have denoisers so my objectives are achieved faster and people that want to create better looking and fast renders can avoid fill lights too, if they can afford the slightly added render time.

Heres my latest image with Twilight. Still, a way to go to get it right. But so far so good. The last image of the bathroom I rendered on Ambient Occlusion which is a great and quick tool for sketches that need to be softened.

25-60 minutes is not very long on a rendering like that. And your MacBook Pro is likely far below spec than the hardware used in the video you watched. If you had a PC with a couple of huge dedicated GPUs, it will run circles around that MBP. whiterabbitdesigncompany here said the same as me, your high-resolution, exposed image is a complex one. Give it time. See if you can let it run 3 hours.

There are settings that make it faster, depending of the engine you use, but overall what makes it faster is your system. Knowing more details about both is key for getting help both here as well as Thea render forum.

I have been doing rendering for almost a decade and recently I come up with the idea of preparing video tutorials on Thea4Su (Thea render plugin for Sketchup) and you know there is no carefully set, step-by-step yet informative enough for wide range of users from noob to pro courses or information out there in the market. Also I've tried to go after a photographic approach. I've tried to think loudly while working, so the audience will be familiar with the rendering mindset. It covers: Composition, Camera, Light, Material, engine setup and postproduction tools embedded in Thea render pluginand finally puts all together in several "in-action" projects.

1 - Thea Render works like charm inside Thea Darkroom (that open window when press that specific toolbar button).

2 - Thea Render inside Rhino Viewport, after 1 minute of rotating/moving/zooming objects always crash rhino. (the crashdump file don`t show any text inside!!)

3 - When any polysurface object have some rhino texture inserted from a jpg image, Thea Render wont show that texture. That object will be rendered as black color (really annoying).

4 - In Thea Darkroom everytime we try to adjust some rhino glass texture it wont refresh and the solution is close Darkroom and open again.

5 - Insert Textures from Thea Render Material inside rhino it is very complicate to change it properties (impossible to change texture scale, rotate, fit). The solution seams to be in Thea Material Lab and for that you have to redraw a copy from a texture.

You can have Rhino basic materials with Rhino textures and they will render fine (they are baked). I noticed that Rhino basic material and textures are not updated during interactive rendering but they will be in next release!

Exporting models means that you can export a model like a chair but not the whole scene. Scenes have other components like lights, cameras etc. The model that you tried to export above looks quite big. Thea models are saved in *mod.thea files and are small objects (like a table or a bed) which you can save in you library and import them to different scenes. Exporting the whole house is probably a misunderstanding of this functionality

good to know everything is OK.

I know the exporter had this option but this will not be available in the new one.

Rhino materials will be updated in next version. You can work with Thea materials though which are updated during interactive rendering. There is a huge material library installed with Thea Studio and we also have a nice online material repository ( ) where you can find many read-to-use materials.

I use Thea for all my renderings ( and from what I can tell this is a Rhino issue, not a Thea issue. When using Thea, use the AO setting, not the MC or AMC settings, and use production mode, not interactive mode.

Disable sun and skylight or any other exterior light.

And yes, choose PRESTO AO because it is better for interactive preview. Presto MC and AMC are for final rendering, but they need more samples and more time to get clean like pro rendering.

I have been using Thea for long time. Not yet a big PRO like M.I.R.C, or Ronen Bekerman or Peter Guthrie, but i get nice result in Thea Studio for my works.

I try to test the same object inside Sketchup and Thea Render result the same small gaps at solid edges. It might be a need of GPU driver updade?!.. But i want to keep this options for the last. Like i said, it is the first time i saw small gaps like that in my models/work made in rhino and rendering in Thea.

Custom Material and Light Evaluation allows the user to select which components (such as Diffuse, Translucent, Reflectance, Transmittance, and SSS) will be evaluated for a given material and light, thus removing unwanted contributions and accelerating render times.

Two new tone mapping operators have been added in Thea Render. Filmic allows the user to have complete control over Highlights and Shadows while Reinhard provides a robust way to automatically compress high dynamic range renders.

The material system with Physically Based material primitives and Advanced Layering System is at the heart of the render engine. These features lead to the most realistic and convincing renders.

Millions of instanced polygons can be rendered without an issue due to our geometric compression techniques. And even if the scene cannot fit in GPU, Presto can still run entirely on the CPU.

I'm wanting to export my projects to a better program for more realistic renders, I'm researching different software and am going to try out (for free) the Thea Render. It asks me what i would like to download either "Thea for Sketch up" or "Thea for Rhino". I don't know which on to download sense I don't have licenses with either of those programs. I have used Sketch up before but didn't think it was worth buying so I'm wondering, do I need to buy a third software in order to use Thea? I've read of chief users using Thea rendering so i know its compatible but do they import their chief model into another software before exporting to Thea? If anyone has any suggestions for other Rendering Programs, I'm open. Also i know Lumion is really well but I don't want to spend thousands of dollars. The Lumion option that's $1,499.00 does not seem worth it. I am looking to enhance my photos (specifically exterior) for Real Estate purposes. I have done chief renders and watched all the training videos, I want to up my game. Here's some chief renders I've done be457b7860

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