Uraguay Tier 2

Segunda División Profesional

All data based on a start date of 02/01/2023 using the Your World preset.

League Guide & Facts

Phase 1

Phase 2 - Main Phase


Location Of clubs

Suggested* Additional Nations To Load

Tour The Americas


Optional (historic and transfer links)

*As always this is only a suggestion, the leagues listed are in order of importance, feel free to run as many or as little leagues as you think your system can handle.  The setup above gives a nice regional feel.  

It is advisable however to run as many top tier leagues of major nations as you can to keep the continental club competitions competitive

Media Prediction, Expectations and Title Odds

*Your odds and board expectations may vary slightly from save to save

Football Manager 2024 - Uruguay Segunda División Season 2023

Club Culture


No clubs have any specific supporter culture


The only team with a board expectation is Juventud de Las Piedras - Develop Players Using The Clubs Youth System

Football Manager 2024 - Uruguay Segunda División Season 2023


Facilities Explained

Training Facilities

The better the training facilities the more chance (already visible) players will develop.

Here are the facilities ranking from worst to best -

Youth Facilities

The training facilities available for Juniors (only).

Does NOT apply to visible players already at the club. All visible players currently at the club use Training Facilities regardless of age.

In theory the better these facilities the greater  your players will be developed on the day of intake.  But there are a lot of factors at play.

Here are the facilities ranking from worst to best -

Junior Coaching

The quality and quantity of unseen youth coaches that affects the quality of players in your youth intake

Junior coaching is ranked as follows from worst to best -

Youth Recruitment

This determines how large a pool of players your team can recruit from.  It is the size of your recruitment network.  It increases your chances of getting the best young players from your area, nation and beyond.

Some clubs of course will have no youth recruitment at all, which means no youth intakes.

Recruitment is ranked as follows from worst to best -


Parque Federico Omar Saroldi

Atenas de San Carlos

Estadio Atenas

Bella Vista

Estadio José Nasazzi


Parque Maracaná

Juventud de Las Piedras

Estadio Municipal Parque Artigas

Miramar Misiones

Parque Luis Méndez Piana

Oriental de La Paz

Estadio Eduardo Martínez Monegal


Parque A.N.C.A.P.


Estadio Abraham Paladino

Rampla Juniors

Estadio Olímpico Pedro Arispe


Complejo Rentistas

Sud América

Parque Carlos Ángel Fossa

Tacuarembó F.C.

Estadio Ing. Agr. Raúl Saturnino Goyenola

Uruguay Montevideo

Parque A.N.C.A.P

All Kits & Logos available from the excellent graphics creators over at FM Slovakia & Sortitoutsi.net respectively