Energy and Water Companies

Gun and Pharma Manufacturers

The #1 Innocence Association is a direct response to the public health emergency that is our situation here in the United States today with the homeless and migrant community the need for health education is prevalent to prevent disease and viruses to be passed unknowingly. Purdue pharmaceuticals and other producers of the painkillers such as lortab and vicodin, must take responsibility for the murderous epidemic that has cast a dark shadow over our communities. The lives, families and futures destroyed by this drug is seen in the 200,000 overdose deaths over the past two decades.

The penal institutions are filled with the victims and the homeless shelters reflect the families destroyed by this highly addictive substance. In 1995 these companies knew of the mania attacking communities for this substance. While promoting this drugs low addictive qualities for 10 years, the drug addiction groups can attest to the fact that they began opiate use from over-the-counter prescriptions.

Some graduated to the street forms to quinch the physical thirst and relieve the pain of this highly addictive substance. These manufacturers and distributors must bear the full responsibility of the negligence and bear the fiscal resposibiity with the citizens in supporting the cause to normalize, treat, and correct the consequences of the 20 plus years tear through our communities. While doctors and distributors conspired with street vendors to capitalize financially from the high street value of these drugs. Companies like MS Cotton, Teva pharmaceuticals, and others financially profit it from the targeting of the homeless, addicted, and mentally disabled. These were the most susceptible to the effects of this epidemic and our military veterans among others were targeted by doctors associations, and pharmaceutical companies for this purpose. As the Criminal Justice Department of the Bush administration failed to prosecute these vultures in 2007, instead benefiting from the prosecution of criminals and others involved in the distribution, medical professionals, and Pharma industries. The malice intent that is necessary for criminal prosecution was identified in 2016, yet no one has been charged prosecuted or convicted of the heinous felonies that resulted in the over 200,000 deaths associated with these drugs. Even more malicious was a monopolization of this market by the refusing generic drug makers the opportunity to samples much sooner to create cheaper versions which could have revealed the problem much sooner saving countless lives. Without access of the necessary materials the creation of generic version was impossible further filling the addicted power from the public and the federal Drug Administration. This same problem exist in almost every production of pharmaceuticals from blood pressure in cholesterol pills to life saving medication these pharmaceuticals and the profit the maximum at all cost even at the high price of human lives. These regulation problems must be addressed in pursuit of Justice, transparency, and citizen protection. Percocet, vicodin, dilaudid, all have a similar potency of addictive qualities this but they ingredient denial of this truck this drug addictive this was a principal selling tool that train sales people told doctors that oxycontin was less prone to abuse than other opioid days. A felony conviction for Miss Brandon in 2007 for Purdue pharmaceutical it's only a preacher Surrey punishment needed to address this issue. This is where the #1 Innocents Association and the associated organizations can step in the gap and bring support to these various issues.

The 8.6 Billion in funds the President is pushing for the Border Wall could be better spent and should be contributed to the creation of the drug overdose prevention centers nationwide that the #1 Innocence Association aims to push for wijth the Placement of the Innocents Project. Proposing further fines to those associations that contributed to the elevation of these issues. This will create a revenue source for the up $5 billion for Prevetion. treatment, research, and development of alternative pain relief options. The investment in Social Community Services related to treating the after effects of the loss of family members, employment, drug treatment, incarceration, vocational training, and other social efficient solutions needed to address this multiple faseted epidemic. The decision of these companies and prosecutor's to not protect the citizens and bring more serious charges that may have slowed the opioid epidemic. These officials, offices, legislature, businesses, and company associations must be held accountable in pursuit of Justice. Now with discussions revolving around charging Street dealers for trace sales opiate related products with death penalty level offenses. Which the failure to prosecute the manufacturers and distributers whom are ultimately dealers of large amounts further exaggerated the systemic problem where the the high powered higher individuals and high paid lawyers contracted like hitman using the pplatform of Law to protect them from prosecutorial pursuit. Attorney Cohen and Giuliani is obvious evidence of the role of Devil's Advocate as it comes to the Donald Trump conspiracy, collaboration, or witch hunt whatever you'd like to call it. Paris tax and the coflict that has risen with the citizens expense being percieved as these games are being played in France and also America. As the loss of life associated with state government and municipality from everyday citizens being shot down in the street unarmed, to individuals turning their self in at police stations being killed and the lack of civilty and medical intention for incarcerated individuals brings a truth to the need for an oversight organnization in place for Citizens Protection. The Protection of the Innocents Team offers this solution with offices in the Detention facilities across America and Defender advocate Attornies and investigators implementedd unassociated with government contract.

The loss of life from these various issues has impacted the lower class and communities of color in the most detrimental way. The borders where immigrants are shot by border officials and various other tragedies of Justice continue to playout through the seperation of families. This offers no resolution for these communities and no real opportunity or option of relief. The #1 Innocents Association bring these accusations and prosecution under charge based on Dialectical Federalism: Habeas Corpus and the Court and The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for Violation of the for those citizens incarcerated by these failures. With full intention to hold these producers of guns, oxycodone, and morphine accountable with these legislators and officialls that have failed the citizens. These prosecutions can bring a test to the lies and futures lost by the criminal enterprise and offer resolution through initial acceptance of these errors and actions towards resolving these issues. This is the first declaration for the innocent victims as we bring suit nationally and internationally against the Justice Department and Drug Enforcement Agencies for satisfactory prosecution as well as newly implemented policy for effectiveness of this academia. It is through these funds that institutions like The Public Defender's Office, National Institute of Health, The Public Health Organization, and The American Cancer Society can offer cancer screening. Providing of DNA sequence partnership for research and development. With this coglameration Research and Development and can reach new heights in further documentation for the identifying a bone marrow transplant other diseases. Crohn's disease, Alzheimer, a malaria all could be investigated further through further research provided through these and it is by bringing these charges and prosecution to help formulate the legal branch of this Association. Providing a balance to the high power prosecutor's, judges, and advisors brought aboard for the prosecution for these crimes against a citizens. These funds will provide the services of research development, stabilization of community, as well as housing, social, and environmental projects to bring a better life to the world citizens as a whole by providing the proper implementation of policy in law through the #1 Innocence Association for the citizens.

is a non-for-profit organization that provides housing and various other social services to the homeless, ex-felons, and emotionally disabled persons. Providing a safe location for individuals to acquire the education and sustenance for recuperation and reconstruction of their lives. We are hoping to open a facility with miniature homes as the primary strategy idea that focuses on addressing homelessness starting with providing them with a safe place to live programs have been successful in cities like Dallas, Detroit, and Portland whom already has micro home communities for the low-income or homeless up and running. These facilities would be an example of how providing these services can work. Equipped with community showers and restrooms, gathering area for groups, religious services, and dining facilities.

The autobiography of J.P. Country

During my time in prison it was a constant threat of violent attacks, subpar management and care. Combined with the emotional and mental stress in these situations caused a waterfall of events and restrictions that hinders my life today. This is perfect example of what we see everyday in those facilities of detention. Which was often understaffed, overpopulated, and poorly managed. Causing the most dangerous situations for those incarcerated. During my stay at these unsanitary and dangerous facility. I witnerssed physical assault, death, and battery by staff was an every day occurence. Being housed with convicted and non-convicted persons alike. Made these instances worse. This is a detailed story about what I and many others go through when dealing with the criminal justice system and how the system takes advantage of the failures of society for profit.

Teams of highly trained officers specializing in non-lethal detention and control. Specially trained experts in de-escalation and social issues related to dealing with the mentally disabled. Videojournalist teams surveying the communities and providing up to date content continuously on citizen interactions with government and policing agencies. In partnership with the associated press and various other organizations, The #1 Innocents Association Teams of Non-lethal officers will coordinate with Law enforcement in Protecting citizens from unlawful attack and Discrimination while providing a safe and transparent environment in protecting citizens from unlawful attack. The Organization of trained cooperatives with Law enforcement aims to reduce the possibility of the loss of life and result in the safest an equitable resolution for all parties involved.