My husband sometimes touches our 3 and 6 year old daughters in ways that I find mildly inappropriate - e.g. pulling down the 3 year-old's pants so we can see her bottom, or caressing her bottom when she just needs help pulling down her night-time diaper to use the toilet in the morning; or holding the 6 year-old across his lap in an armchair and stroking her leg from top to bottom (just on the outside).

So we're not talking about anything obviously sexual, but nevertheless it makes me feel uncomfortable, and I feel I shouldn't ignore my gut reaction, even when it seems like an overreaction. I'm not sure how (or whether) to talk about it to him, or what to say to my daughters to help protect them.

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Speaking Up

After looking over some these resources, including some of those indicated below, sit down and have a conversation with your husband about how certain types of touching, even when the intention is loving, can be harmful to children. This would be the time to include any other observations you have that concern you.

Making out is a term of American origin dating back to at least 1949,[1] and is used to refer to kissing, including extended French kissing or heavy kissing of the neck (called necking "above the neck"[2]),[3] or to acts of non-penetrative sex such as heavy petting ("intimate contact, just short of sexual intercourse"[2]).[3][4] Equivalent terms in other dialects include the British English getting off and the Hiberno-English shifting.[5] When performed in a stationary vehicle, it has been euphemistically referred to as parking,[6][7] coinciding with American car culture.

In the years following World War I,[19] necking and petting became accepted behavior in mainstream American culture as long as the partners were dating.[20] A 1956 study defined necking as "kissing and light caressing above the neck" and petting as "more intimate contact with the erogenous zones, short of sexual intercourse".[2] Alfred Kinsey's definition of petting was "deliberately touching body parts above or below the waist", compared to necking which only involved general body contact.[21]

Making out is usually considered an expression of romantic affection or sexual attraction. An episode of making out is frequently referred to as a "make-out session" or simply "making out", depending on the speaker's vernacular.[22] It covers a wide range of sexual behavior,[23] and means different things to different age groups in different parts of the United States.[1] It typically refers to kissing,[3] including prolonged, passionate, open-mouth kissing (also known as French kissing), and intimate skin-to-skin contact.[1][3] The term can also refer to other forms of foreplay such as heavy petting (sometimes simply called petting),[3][4] which typically involves some genital stimulation,[24] but usually not the direct act of penetrative sexual intercourse.[3][4][25]

"Video calls also provide us with a unique opportunity to communicate with our partners in a nonverbal way," she says. "Smiling, winking, and blowing kisses are all great ways to express your love physically, without needing to touch your partner."

My MIL and FIL are the kind of parents who hover and try to insert themselves into everything me and my husband do. I've been with my husband for over 10 years and she's made my life hell from the start. My current complaint is how she is treating my baby daughter (our first child and their first grandchild). It started when I noticed my daughter had a diaper blowout during one of their visits. I grabbed my baby out of MIL's arms and said "she needs to be changed." MIL said "you can change her here". We were in the basement. It was kinda weird but I know they like to be involved and I figured it wouldn't hurt. So I went and grabbed the diapers and wipes and travel change pad. They watched while I wiped her and MIL was hovering and grabbing her leg, the diaper, etc. etc. when suddenly the baby started peeing so MIL held her up for me while I cleaned her back. Baby was all nice and clean and MIL was still holding her while I went to the laundry room to grab a sleeper. When I came back 10 seconds later, I noticed my MIL was wiping her in her labia while FIL watched on. I was confused as I thought she was already clean. I thought I might be paranoid but something about her feeling the need to assert herself into the diaper change weirded me out.

A few weeks later, we went to their house. I said out loud "{Baby's name} needs to be changed. MIL and FIL grabbed the change pad, diapers and wipes and laid it out on their dining room table. I was still paranoid from last time so I started to quickly change her. She had only peed this time. I was in the process of putting her diaper back on when I saw my MIL come through the kitchen door and go directly up to us, grab my baby's leg and stick her face in her thigh/bum crease area and give it a big kiss. I immediately asked her "Did you kiss her bum?" She said "No, I kissed her thigh" and proceeded to do it again right in front of me! Now, me and my husband have never kissed her thigh, or bum and I've told some Mom friends about this and even they don't kiss their baby's bum. I was really upset since, as my baby's Mother, I wanted to wait until she was older to kiss her body parts like belly when it felt natural for the both of us. I also don't want my daughter to think that being naked is an invitation to be kissed/touched. Tbh, I felt violated by my MIL when she did this. She got into my space while I had my daughter naked to change her and it happened without asking or without warning. Later that evening, she took my baby out of my arms to "give Mama a break" which I didn't ask for. The next hour was filled with kisses and touching/rubbing arms legs, etc. When I looked over, I saw my baby's socks were off and placed on the arm of the chair while she was rubbing and kissing her feet. My husband thinks his mother is a saint who can do no wrong so he doesn't see any of this as a big deal. I went home later that night and I cried. That night I couldn't sleep due to a stomache ache.

i'm obsessed with my doggo and i think he might be an olfactory and tactile stim for me. i love kissing his little snoot and cheeks and smelling his eyes and mouth. and i realized that i do it when im overloaded with joy, but also stressed.

i sometimes kiss him so much, so often -- maybe every 10 minutes when i get up and walk around my apartment (working from home) and kiss him for a good minute, like 10-15 times. it almost feels like a compulsion.

Community science is when non-scientists and scientists work together to collect data to answer scientific questions. Our community science project loves help from community scientists like you! You can participate by sending us kissing bugs from Texas and throughout the United States. We are trying to learn more about where different kinds of kissing bugs live. We are also working to learn more about how many kissing bugs are infected in different places. And we want to learn more about which animals kissing bugs feed on. We have lots of questions, and any kissing bugs you send us help us get closer to answering the questions. If you think you have found kissing bug in or around your home, kennel, yard, or other area, please reach out to us!

It's best to NOT squish a bug, but sometimes it happens! After the bug is squished, do not touch the bug with your bare hands. The T. cruzi parasite may be in the feces of kissing bugs, and their bodies may have the parasite on them. Use an item like a small plastic bag to pick up the bug and throw it away where other people and animals cannot get it. If you squished the bug and there is a mess, consider using a bleach solution to clean the surfaces where the bug was found. Read the label on the bleach container before using. If you want to send us the squished bug for research, read below about how to send us a bug.

When you find a kissing bug, write down the date, time of day you found it, where it was caught (indoors or outdoors), and any possible bites on people or animals. If you are in Texas, you can submit kissing bugs that bit a person to the Texas Department of State Health Services. Our lab at Texas A&M University is a research lab, and we mostly test kissing bugs that are NOT associated with bites.

There are many bugs that look like kissing bugs. Many of these non-kissing bugs feed on plants or insects. They can have strong mouthparts that cause a painful bite if they are bothered or feel threatened. No insects other than kissing bugs are known to carry the parasite that causes Chagas disease. We've assembled pictures of some of the most common non-kissing bugs here. Please take a look and see if your bug resembles these bugs; if so, it might not be a kissing bug. If you have any questions, please feel free to send a picture and a message. The bug can be put in a freezer for a few hours to kill it. This will also preserve the DNA for our testing.

Sometimes when I kiss a man, especially for the first couple of times, I feel like a fish riding a bicycle: sure, I'm going fast and enjoying the wind blowing through my scales or what have you, but also, oh my god I am a fish riding a bicycle what is happening!?

If I were dating a man with a nice head of hair you can bet your sweet bippy that I'd be all over that with both hands when we were kissing. However, I'm dating a bald man, and while I love to grope at his scalp when we kiss (sounds weirder than it actually is, I promise) I also still find myself more than a year out exploring his head, face, neck, and torso, looking for spots to touch him when we're kissing.

In my continuing quest to be the best darn girlfriend I can be, I decided to cut out the middle man and stop randomly groping my boyfriend in a thoroughly unsexy way. I decided to ask guys where men like to be touched when they're kissing, and they were very happy to tell me. e24fc04721

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