So what about marriage? Well marriage is a conditional covenant. it requires the promises in the form of vows. Now I realize that people today make all kinds of flowery homemade vows. But biblical vows are based on Exodus 21: And those three items are reiterated in Ephesians 5:28-29, which talks about the married person's obligation to nourish, care for, and love their spouse. The concept of faithfulness: "forsaking all others," was added by Jesus' words. And by the way it's important to notice that the vow for women to obey the husband is not a New Testament or Jewish vow. It is a Roman addition and it is not often used anymore. The marriage covenant can be ended if the vows are broken. The other party can choose to keep trying but they are permitted to declare that the covenant is ended. If you're in a marriage with a pattern of adultery, sexual immorality, domestic violence, emotional abuse, severe addictions, or neglect, your spouse has already broken the marriage covenant. And you're free to choose to remain, or to leave without anyone judging you. But I want you to know you can love God and get a divorce and God will still love you. Really.

Keeping wedding vows is essential because they are promises you make to your partner for life. Marriage is a sacred institution that requires a lot of commitment and hard work. When two people get married, they pledge to love, honor, and cherish each other for life. Keeping wedding vows is a crucial element in making a marriage work.

The Vows Go Unbroken Mp3 Download

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From the moment I met you, you made my life complete. This wave of pure devotion that has swept me off my feet, and tonight when we kissed you still took my breathe away. It goes without saying but I'll say it anyway . The vows go unbroken and you still know I do love, keep and honor always true to you. Though I have been tempted though I have never strayed. I'd die before I damage this union we have made. The vows go unbroken and you still know I do love, keep and honor always true to you. I knew from the first that for better or worse I'd stand by you all my life and the vows go unbroken and you still know I do love, keep and honor always true to you2

Isn't it a good thing

How awesome we long for life

With lots of courage 

Still have an awful lot to gage

For the life holds lots of junk

Since we ain't deprived 

Neither are our minds depraved 

We may commence a journey too early 

Only to arrive and wait 

Or rather; 

We may set a foot on a path 

Too narrow and long for us

Since our miniature fade frame 

Can send one into snitches 

Oh! My ribs hurts till now

From a talk that binds bonds 

To a feeling that relieves

And the heart's are big secrets 

Before you act villain in a scene 

Vindicate why the villein lives Short 

One sum one for two

Once in paper not in heart 

And a woman shall live to man's 

Where one sum one for one once

Their lyrics too loud and visible 

And joggingly life trends


Love and peace prevails invasively 

A union worth all bronze 

A mountain full of lava

A valley full of glacier 

A forest full of cyprus

Rich like the Amazon dew

Whose value can't be ruled

Like a cluster of diamonds dropping down a deep sea

Neither do its verdict have jurisdiction 

Till death parts them 

If one shall love 

Then i

If one shall be entrenched 

Then you 

If angels shall dance

Then we

Vows and vows untamed 

For birds that fly

With a straight cloud above 

The wild dance and dance 

Shades sway 

And not shades of grey

Leaves move and ducks fly

Flies high and high

Higher like the butterflies 

For a man is worth a promise 

And a basket full of stones 

One by one till dawn 

He throws them miles away

Then he smiles to hit a day 

A day of his days 

A day of his fortune 

Not a single day shall he tire

Of creeping to keep the flower fresh 

To keep a vow

Vows and vows all along

Vows unbroken 

And the days hereafter...

The two parties had to be kneeling or standing opposite each other and clasping each other's right hands. A third party held their wand, standing quite close to the pair holding hands, and placed the tip of their wand onto the linked hands, acting as the witness. Then, the first would ask a certain number of vows of the other, whereupon each time the second accepted a term, a thin stream of fire would be emitted from the witness's wand, weaving around the hands of the pair taking the vows. Upon the vow being completed, if the one who accepted the terms broke any of them, they would die.[1]

c. 1300, in reference to vows or compacts, from un- (1) "not" + broken. Attested from late 15c. in reference to material things; 1510s in reference to courage, spirit, etc.; 1530s in reference to horses; 1560s in reference to the flow of time. Old English had ungebrocen.

The thing is, we as people may seem to take vows to be trivial in our daily affairs, but when it comes to Spiritual matters, Vows have dire consequences to your destiny more so than you can imagine. Especially, when you make a vow before God. God expects us to keep our vows that we make before Him at all times. If we break such vows by being dishonest in our intentions, we unleash an insane amount of curses over our lives that cannot only affect us personally on an individual level, but can ultimately affect future generations born after us since breaking a vow is considered spiritually a SIN and can turn into a GENERATIONAL CURSE.

AT dawn of the following day O'Sullivan crossed Slieve Murry, and, as he came near the villages, beat the drums and displayed the standards captured from the English at Aughrim, pretending that his men were Royalists and English, so that the food might not be hidden by the inhabitants. However, this device did not avail him, for the flocks and herds were removed, food and drink hidden, or carried into the fort, and MacDavid, the lord of the village, assembling a large, though for the most part unarmed, crowd of men, attacked him from a distance with missiles, and followed annoying, throughout the whole day, and cutting him off from food. At nightfall O'Sullivan concealed himself in the thick woods of Slieve O'Flynn. There, having lit fires, the soldiers, exhausted by the continuous watchings of the previous night and their great toils, had scarcely begun to yield their wearied limbs to rest when a man came to them to announce that the natives had decided and arranged to surround and destroy them at daybreak. Thereupon they kindled larger fires, as if all were encamped there, and quickly moved off, enduring with patience tremendous sufferings of an unseasonable march and time. The rain so poured on them that they were scarcely able to bear the weight of their soaked clothes. Quite tired out, they sank into deep snow as if into pits, and, when lifting one another out, were rather dragged down by their comrades than the latter pulled out. Nor was darkness the least of their trials, for, if any stars did shine, the boughs of the trees, interwoven with one another, formed an unbroken screen and shut out their light, so that they wandered about as if blind, following only the sound of familiar voices. And, moreover, the winds rustling the branches made a louder noise than mere whistling, and made hearing difficult. However, through the skill of their guides, they got through the wood, having covered four miles. When at daybreak the natives, under MacDavid, surrounded the quarters deserted by O'Sullivan, and found nothing but fires, they followed the track of the fugitive, and having come up with him about nine o'clock, attacked with missiles until he reached the top of a high hill. There some of O'Sullivan's men, whosep.171

AFP - Investors on Monday cheered the Japanese opposition's election landslide, chasing stocks up to the highest level of 2009 on hopes that a new government will get to work on reviving the ailing economy.

The yen hit a seven-week high against the dollar after a crushing win by the Democratic Party of Japan that ends more than half a century of almost unbroken conservative rule and clears the way for an end to legislative deadlock.

Investors drove the benchmark Nikkei-225 index up two percent in early deals to the highest intra-day level of the year but by lunch shares were down 0.35 percent amid worries about the stronger yen, which is bad for exports.

The general voice of no ordinary occasion has assembled together in anxious council the democratic party of Franklin County. Hurried events of startling interest and just alarm, have brought us together here, to renew our vows of fealty to the constitution, and to lay our peace offerings upon the altar of a common country. A fearful time of gloom, and peril, to the welfare and prosperity, of our once happy and now distracted country, has summoned from the borders of this ancient county, this large assemblage of anxious faces and beating hearts. What lofty purpose, my fellow citizens, has brought you together? What thought kindles every mind? What emotion fires every breast? You are met here for the purpose of appointing delegates, to represent your county in a General State Convention, to assemble under the call of the Democratic State Central Committee, in Harrisburg, on the 21st day of February, 1861. This day has not brought you here for the ordinary purposes of a County Convention to vindicate the claims of some favorite candidate, or secure the triumph of some cherished measure. But we are here to promote a nobler aim, and accomplish a higher purpose. To make one more earnest and united rally for the constitution, and strike one more heavy and determined blow for the honor and the happiness, the peace and the prosperity, of a kindred people and a country undivided. It is indeed a source of just pride, to be a member of the great conservative democratic organization, and to march to the battle field under its time-honored colors; to mingle in the strife of its heroic struggles, and to share the glory of its peaceful triumphs--But it seems yet a nobler privilege, and a prouder distinction to participate in the holy and harmonious feelings of this place, and to bear an [sic] humble part in the solemn and patriotic deliberations of this great occasion. We are met here as Democrats; as Pennsylvanians; as Americans. Here, it is most true, in harmony and in pride, as the faithful disciples of the illustrious Jefferson, and the devoted followers of the immortal Jackson. But also here as the grateful country-men of the god-like Washington, and all that little band of brave and heroic spirits, whose blood made rich the soil of every battle field, and whose graves like pilgrim shrines are scattered all over the land of the free and the home of the brave. To day the ties of party may indeed be expanded, but will not be weakened. To day the just and protecting principles of the Democracy, may unfold themselves in the power and majesty of their conciliating wisdom and conservative strength, and be made to throw their golden cords, in the beauty and tenderness of kindred sympathy and fraternal affection, around the pale and tottering form of our whole and beloved country, and to bind once more, together the alienated States of this one proud and happy land, in the just and equal bonds of eternal peace and perpetual Union. 2351a5e196

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