Victory of the People

Senate leaders hold press conference on people's initiative

Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri, Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda, and Senate Majority Leader Joel Villanueva held a press conference to talk about the fight against People's Initiative (PI) for charter change on January 29, 2024.

Preserving the Promise

Upholding Justice, Humanity, and Equality in the Face of Charter Change

In the discourse surrounding the potential amendment of the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines, the principles of justice, humanity, and equality stand as guiding beacons. Embedded within the framework of the constitution itself is the provision for the People's Initiative, offering a pathway for Filipinos to directly engage in the process of charter change. As the nation contemplates the prospect of amending its foundational law, it is crucial to ensure that these fundamental values remain at the forefront of the discussion. 

Beyond Signatures

The People's Initiative in the Philippines - A Balancing Act Between Empowerment and Uncertainty

photomanip by Angelyn Castillo

The Philippine Constitution empowers its citizens with a unique tool for direct democracy: the People's Initiative (PI). It allows Filipinos to propose changes to the Constitution or enact national laws by gathering signatures and putting them to a national vote. But this seemingly straightforward process carries complexities and controversies, raising questions about its effectiveness, fairness, and ultimate role in shaping the nation's future. 

Breakneck Victory

100 meters track competition, Tj D. Deatras secured victory with an impressive time of 12:38 seconds, outpacing his rivals Alwali D. Kanapia and Aljoher D. Kanapia who claimed the second and third spots with times of 12:39 and 12:42 seconds, respectively, on February 20, 2024 at Esperanza Central School.