There is nothing you can do unfortunately, until she is a teen she will have to live in that house alone as you cannot move a sim below the age of a teen into a house with another sim: -sims-freeplay-getting-divorced/

They can stay there or you can move them out to live with another sim (become good friends and get the option to move in) or move them into an existing empty house as explained in this post: -sims-freeplay-empty-house-options/

The Sims Freeplay

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I no longer want to play sims freeplay, like I want to delete the app. So Im waiting till all my sims die of old age till I no longer have anymore sims left. The only pets I have are 2 horses and I dont know what to do about them. I want to sell them or delete them but I dont know if I can. I dont want to just leave them there and delete the app. What options do I have? What should I do?

Personally, I've been on level 55 for 2 years and since I don't care for the timelimited prize from the Road to Fame quest, I've taken a break, a looong break, to mostly do events and putting the Main quests on hold. I'm still not sure I want my sims to grow old and die, hence my reluctance to progress.

All you need to do is make another Game Center account. So whenever your husband wants to play on his sims game he can sign into his account and it should load his profile. Then when you want to go back to your sims profile, you sign back into your game center account.

First you wait until you are in the tenth level then you get the option to marry the two sims. Next you buy a bed for the baby. All you have to do is just click on the bed and your sims will try for a baby. Thanks this was written by DahliaJohnson

Well first gather your sims in a house. Make them inspired, then let them plant (all of them) [i would recommend a higher payback, like beans] then close the app, double press the home button then press and hold the game icon, then when the red minus sign is out, press it. Go to your settings, remove the set automatically, then set the date to year 2011

Second make sure your sims have the highest relationship possible(I think it's partner) and I know it completely sucks but you have to wait until you receive the task to make your sims get married. Until you receive the task you WILL NOT have the option to get married. So it's very important to complete your task because then the sooner the marriage task will come. Don't get discouraged it will eventually come(I believe I was on level 16 or 17 before it finally came)..

First, make sure your sims freeplay is off (double click home button, hold down app and tap minus), then go into settings > general > time&date > turn off automatic > then change to Dec 26 2013, then click home screen and open sims. Free Money but then go back to settings and turn automatic back on, then go back into sims, let it load completely. Then repeat cheat!! Should work!

1.Get all your sims that are not doing any thing into one house. 2. Count the amount of sims there is, and get that much gardening patches and make them all garden the most expensive one (depending on level) 3. Go off the app and go into settings. General. Date and time. And set the date to December the 19th 2013(if it's already 2013 keep it like that) double click the home button and hold the sims and click the minus sign. Go back on and ta the all your sims have finished.

Make your sims plant anything.Plant beans for more money.Go out of the app double tap the home button and press the sims icon long and press the red minus.Then go to settings to general and press set date and time.Change the year to 2011 since this year is 2012.Go back to your sims game until it loads.Go out of the app again and double tap the home button and press the red minus to turn it off.Go to settings again and change the year back to 2012.Go to your sims and collect your beans and xp.Your sims will still be planting but it shows 100% so,double tap the home button and hold long on the icon and press the red minus.Your sims will be normal.

Hi everyone, I found out that when you have a sim out in a neighbors town, your sim count goes down by one, making it possible to create a new sim regardless of your sim level cap. I'm level 30 with 18 sims.

NOTE: you will notice you will have to wait extra levels to get your next sim created...not true, just put one of your sims at a neighbors town and then you'll still be able to create another sim. Hope this helps, having an extra sim will bring you a bit more money. Good luck.

Go to your first Sim's house and call over all of the sims. You must have garden patches for all of them, if not, most of them. You can move other garden patches from other houses to that house. Make them grow a crop such as onions (10 hours and $800). Exit out of the Sims Freeplay and go to settings, general, date & time and change "set automatically" to OFF. Click "Set Date & Time" and change the year to 1970. Double click the home button and close Sims Freeplay (tap the X). Open Sims Freeplay. After it has loaded exit it again and close it. Go back to setting and change "Set Automatically" to ON this time.

Cheat time! So while I was collecting my revenue (XP and simolieons off the map) I accidentaly tapped twice on the money. Surprisingly, it game me 2x the money! So the little 5 came up, then it came up again! If you tap your money/XP up to 3 time, you get more! Sometimes this dosent work, and you go into the sims house

Basically, it's pretty clear that no one actually plays this game at night, so basically, I got all my sims to plant garden patchs, with the most paying ones but with the latest amount of time needed, (I.e onions and beans are really good)so I get my rest and my sims are working their asses off, and when I check out the app later on ..

My bar is maxed out my sims are partners they were living together but I moved him out hoping I could marry them faster. I'm on level 15 and keep choosing "be romantic" but I don't get the propose or buy a ring option. I'm getting discouraged. I have a iPhone

Okay so here's how you get money fast, first, type in freesavingsdiscountcard/ then click a card and click purchase card. It's free so just purchase a card and then go on the sims and buy the amount you want and then just click buy or purchase and voila! You just got free stuff.

Okay, first look up *discountsavingcards/sims*. Next, go to the sims and find what you want(sorry it can't be a package just Simoleons and Life points,sorry). Then, type in the amount you want in the box, and click $ or LP. Finally, it automatically connects so don't worry about email, the moment you've been waiting for, you get the card and go to the sims,click on the exact amount you wanted in the small box and then buy it! It'll say *discount savings card was connected* then click buy and voila! ENJOY FREE SIMOLEONS AND LIFE POINTS PEEPS

Sim ply have many adult sims in the same house, and this works best with a lot of sims and a lot of gardening thingies and you put all of the sims to work on planting the free (30 second) thing, and just keep putting them to work over, and over, and over, and over and over and over and over and over again.

When you have finished the tutorial and have control of your town, delete all other sims so you only have the one you started with. Demolish the houses that other sims lived in and in a house plot build the 'Unfurnished Studio' for free. Once it has finished building tap 'View House.' Sell everything including the rooms and plants. Demolish the house. Repeat this process until you have enough to buy a 'Japanese Retreat' sell everything and make about $40,000.

If you don't want to wait 24 hours for your cake to be done all you have to is go in to Sims the double tap your home button and delete sims from your history (this won't delete the game) the go into settings and Go to general and find date and time then change the date to somewhere in 2011 go back to sims then delete it from your history (again won't delete the game) then go back to settings and. Change the date back to the current date And go back to sims when you do this you should get 20 thousand coins 2 LP and your birthday cake will be done this worked for me if it didn't for you please try again

On level 6 you have to to do the love in the air quest or if you are past that and you forgot how to get married all you have to do is gettwo sims to flirt and be romantic and stuff and then eventually you can get married and ask to move am already married in the sims I am on level 10.

For this cheat you will have to have the social club built, but since it only takes 15 social points just keep doing neighbors task until you have enough points for this. You need at least 9-10 sims for this. Go to the club and have one person "become" DJ. Then have the rest of your sims dance to the music. The more sims you have the better, you get get XP just for dancing. The happier the sim is about dancing the XP they get. So just keep making them dance to the DJ and your XP bar will jump like crazy.

We all should know that you can get money out of gardening on The SimsFreeplay, right. So if you need money, I recommend that you should have all of you sims plant green beans. Green beans cost 115 simeloens and take nine hours. If you don't have the patience for your beans to be collected for profit, then do it before you go to school, work, but mainly do it before you go to sleep. If timing is right also, you can do it before you go to bed and collect the profit and plant some more again before you leave for work/school. The profit of the beans are 840 simeloens. But if your sims inspired before and then do the gardening while they are still inspired, then the profit of the plant is 1,240 simeloens. This might sound like more of a tip than a cheat, but either way it is very helpful. S..

When you have done that go back to the game and you will see that the sims that went to work have finished but won't go home. When you click the sim in simtracker click cancel going to work. Do this for all other sims, after this you will gain lots of money and the sims that went to work will have full bars on everything. I did it and had 6,000 simoleons and afterwards I had about 21,000 simoleans. ff782bc1db

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