The Research of Amitakh Stanford





2012 - Another Anunnaki Hoax



2012 - Otro Engaño Anunnaki



About Amitakh Stanford - "It Is Done - It Is Finished"



Acerca de Amitakh Stanford - "Ya Está Hecho, Todo se Ha Cumplido"



Al Borde del Nuevo Orden Mundial Anunnaki



Aliens And The Super Powers



Aliens at War



Aliens Behind The Super Powers and Super Alliances



Aliens Behind World Government



Alien Wars - Covert and Overt...



Anunnaki and The Coming of The "Sacred" Cross



Anunnaki Pedophilia Syndrome



Anunnaki Sewage Plants



Aprisionamiento de La Mente-Conciencia



Ata-i-lek - El Nuevo Papa Reptiliano



Ata-i-lek - The New Reptilian Pope



Atu-waa - The Anunnaki Time Re-Starting Device



Commonwealth Games - Commonwealth Glory



Crashing Finances



Demagnetización - Omni #1



De Pobres a Ricos en El Mundo Anunnaki



El Atu-waa - El Dispositivo Anunnaki Para Re-Iniciar El Tiempo



El Colapso de Los Sistemas Astral y Físico



Imprisonment of Mind-Consciousness



Is One World Government Just a Cover Story for Extermination?



La Casta de Clases



La Rueda de Esclavitud Anunnaki



La Subida y La Caída del Rey Arturo



Los Masa-karas - Alienigenas en La Meseta de Atherton



Nibiru and The Anunnaki



Nibiru y Los Anunnaki



No Time For Jihads or Crusades



Olcar Intervention in The Anunnaki Wars



On The Brink of Anunnaki New World Order



Programming Wars



Rags to Riches in The Anunnaki World



Science - Error in Rigor



Síndrome de Pedofilia Anunnaki



The Aliens Responsible For Fluoride Being Forced Upon Us - Greys' Anatomy


The Anunnaki Chess Tournament



The Anunnaki Remnants Are Still on Earth



The British Olcar’s ETS - A Crucial Step to Its World Dominance



The Class Caste



The Collapse of Astral and Physical Systems



The Future of Humans - Becoming The Anunnaki’s Biological Robots



The "Gods" Are Crazy



The Masa-karas - Aliens on The Atherton Tablelands



The Pinto Center



The Proliferation of Disease-Causing Alien Implants



The Real Secret Word of The Freemasons



The Reptilian Kyoto Protocols and The Emerging New World Order



The Revised Anunnaki Protocols - The Protocols of the Elders of Zion



The Spirit World and Spirit Karma - Is There a Spirit World Where the Departed "Souls" Reside?


The Vulturites



The World Divided



Additional Information



Amitakh Stanford - Nibiru and The Anunnaki - An Interpretation



Anunnaki - The Elite and The Remnants



Nibiru and The Anunnaki - An Interpretation



Nibiru y Los Anunnaki - Una Interpretación





The Personal Devil - by Amitakh Stanford



Related Reports



Australia - Continent of Contrasts - Main File



Nibiru - Planet X - Main File



Zecharia Sitchin - Main File




Return to The Anunnaki



Return to Temas / Investigadores



Return to Temas / Vida Alienigena



Return to The Divine and The Manipulative Extraterrestrials




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