The Real History of Christianity - La Verdadera Historia del Cristianismo


the US produces aircraft. Germany produces cars. Greece produces saints and the braintumorguy … BRAIN TUMOR, HOMELESS, in Athens, GREECE, please make a small Donation, my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page ...


Estados Unidos produce aviones. Alemania produce automóviles. Grecia produce santos y tumores cerebrales... TUMOR CEREBRAL, SIN HOGAR, en Atenas, GRECIA, por favor haga una pequeña donación, mi tumor cerebral está creciendo, para obtener más información sobre mí, visite mi página web MÉDICA ...


[ ITALIANO ] -  TUMORE AL CERVELLO, ad Atene, GRECIA, Si prega di fare una piccola donazione, nella mia lotta contro il mio tumore al cervello, che è in crescita, per ulteriori informazioni su di me, si prega di visitare la mia pagina web MEDICA …






A Growing Number of Scholars are Questioning the Historic Existence of Jesus


Ancient Confession Found - 'We Invented Jesus Christ'



Atención! - Hay Errores de Traducción en la Biblia y la Palabra 'Elohim' Puede Ser Usada como Plural


A True Account of The Birth of 'Jesus Christ'



 -  Beware! - There Are Mistranslations in The Bible and The Word 'Elohim' Can Be Used as a Plural


Bible Morality or Depravity?



Bible Scholar Claims Christianity Invented as Part of Ancient Roman Psy-ops Campaign


Bible Scholar - New Testament Books and Letters Bogus



Christianity - Extraterrestrial Religion? - Reflections on Von Daniken and Biblical UFOlogy

Christian Transhumanism is Trending - Contradictory Words and Opposing Meanings...


Christ, The Templars, and Sex Magick - Aleister Crowley: My Obsession


Cómo Fue Creado el Mito de Jesús



Cristianesimo, Gesù e L'Equivalente Pagano



Cristianismo, Jesús y La Conexión Pagana



Darkening Skies - An Interpretation of Enuma Elish and its Consequences in Religion


Dead Sea Scrolls Prove The Bible Is Unoriginal



De Cómo llegó Jesús a ser tan Guapo - De dónde Vinieron en Realidad las Populares Imágenes de Jesús


Desencadenando la Edad Oscura - El Asesinato de Hipatia


Desintoxicando el Auto-Engaño - Se Puede Probar Que Jesucristo Nunca Existió


Detoxifying Self-Deception - It can be proven Jesus Christ never existed


Did Jesus Christ Really Live?



El Fraude del Cristianismo


El Golem - La Leyenda Talmúdica


El Lado Oscuro de Jesús


El Ministerio de Jesús - de 'Los Dioses del Eden'


El Registro Holográfico de La Cristiandad - de 'Defendiendo Tierra Sagrada - El Compendio de Andromeda'


El Transhumanismo Cristiano es la Tendencia - Palabras Contradictorias y Significados Opuestos...


- ¿En qué Lengua Escribió Yahvé los 'Diez Mandamientos'?


- ¿Es el Cristianismo una Mentira y una Conspiración con 2000 Años de Antiguedad?


- ¿Estará pronto Regresando Jesús? ¿Estará Cerca el Fin?


Fábulas del Antiguo Israel siendo ahora Diseccionadas


Famous Peoples Religious Quotes



 -  Getting History Straight... The Ten Commandments  



 -  Gospel of The Nazirenes - Integrating Reincarnation and Christianity


 -  Growing Number of Scholars are Questioning the Historical Existence of Jesus


 -  Historia de Cristo - Desde Damasco a Santiago de Compostela


 -  How Did Jesus Get to be So Hot? - Where Popular Images of Jesus Actually Came From


 -  Nine "Facts" You Know 'for Sure' about Jesus that are Probably Wrong


 -  Is Jesus Coming Soon? Is The End Near?



 -  Is the Vatican in Shock Over a 'Newly Discovered' Bible that Says Jesus Wasn't Crucified?


 -  Jesus as The Sun Throughout History


 -  Josephus, Pilate and Paul - Its Just a Matter of Time


 -  Judaism and Christianity - Two Thousand Years of Lies - 60 Years of State Terrorism


 -  La Destrucción Cristiana del Mundo Clásico


 -  La Historia de Jesús y su Linaje


 -  La Historia Oculta de Jesús y el Santo Grial



 -  La Horrible Verdad Acerca de Las Religiones



 -  La Verdadera Historia de La Cristiandad y Otros Comentarios a Los Textos de Michael Sokolov


 -  La Verdad sobre el Mito de Jesucristo - Los Antiguos Orígenes de una Leyenda


 -  La Vida Secreta de Jesus



 -  Los Cascotes de La Biblia



 -  Los Falsificados Orígenes del Nuevo Testamento



 -  Los Orígenes del Cristianismo y la Búsqueda del Jesús Cristo Histórico


 -  Los Orígenes Paganos de Jesús Cristo y la Cristiandad



 -  Nine "Facts" You Know 'for Sure' about Jesus that are Probably Wrong


 -  Nueve "Hechos" que usted Conoce a 'Ciencia Cierta' sobre Jesús Que Probablemente estén Equivocados


-  Old Religious Hegemony, NWO - Jesus to the Palestinians: "Love One Another" / God to the Jews: "Get...


- ¿Por qué 'Dios' No Hizo que 'Su Hijo' naciera en Roma?


Prince Nannar's Plot - Jesus Christ & Planet X Nibiru



Proof That Roman Catholicism Is Witchcraft



Prueba de que El Catolicismo Romano es Brujería



 -  Reintegration of The Races - Three Christs, Zionites and Preparation for 2017 AD

Sex, Drugs, Violence and the Bible


Sexo, Drogas, Violencia y La Biblia


Sobre la Teofagia y Otros Plagios


Source of Bible Covenant With God Discovered?



The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold



The Christmas Hoax - Jesus is NOT The "Reason for The Season"


 -   The Christ Myth



 -  The Da Vinci Code  - Main File



 -   The Forged Origins of The New Testament



 -   The Hidden History of Jesus and The Holy Grail



 -   The "Historical" Jesus?



The Holographic Record of Christianity - from 'Defending Sacred Ground - The Andromedan Compendium'


 -  The History of Jesus and His Bloodline - from 'The Lyran Beginnings' by Lyssa Royal Holt


 -  The Jesus Ministry - from 'The Gods Eden'



 -  The Jesus Ossuary - A Report Concerning the Discovery Channel Documentary, The Lost Tomb of Jesus


 -  The Nazarene - from "The Only Planet of Choice"



 -  The New Atheists



The Origins of Christianity and The Quest for The Historical Jesus Christ


 -  The Pagan Origins of Jesus Christ and Christianity



The Pagan Origins of three Catholic Practices


 -  The Piso Family and The Story of The Bible  - Main File



 -  The Real History of Christianity - And Other Comments to The Texts of Michael Sokolov


 -  The Religious Conspiracy - from "The Atlantean Conspiracy - Exposing the Illuminati from Atlantis to 2012"


Una Cosmovisión Mítica versus Religiones Judías


Una Narración Verdadera Sobre El Nacimiento de 'Jesús Cristo'


Virgin Mothers and Virgin-Born Gods



Was Jesus an Extraterrestrial?



Was 'Jesus Christ' Chinese?



Who Wrote The Bible



Additional Information



1st-Century Gospel of Mark Fragment Found?



20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity



Algunos Elementos y Símbolos del Mito Cristiano



Aquarius Rising - A New Age Dawning?



Aquella Que Unge



Amazing Grace - The Coming of the Cassiopaeans



Anatomy of a One World Religion?



-   Ancient Gnostic Disciples of Jesus Reveal Reasons for Extraterrestrial Denial in Western...


Ángeles - Una Historia de Ángeles en el Pensamiento Occidental


Angels - A History of Angels In Western Thought



Antiguos Gnósticos Discípulos de Jesús Revelan la Razón de La Negación de Los Extraterrestres en La...


Astro-Theology - Retelling an Ancient Story



Archaeologists Unearth 'Unparalleled' Pre-Christian Temple in Norway


Arqueólogos Desentierran en Noruega Templo Pre-cristiano Sin Paralelo


Astro-Theology - from "The Atlantean Conspiracy - Exposing the Illuminati from Atlantis to 2012"


Bloodline of The Holy Grail - Lecture



Companion Guide to ZEITGEIST - Excerpts



Conclusion of The Christ Conspiracy



Christ in Egypt



Christmas and The Ancient Winter Festivals of Light Around The World


Cristo, Maitreya, Jesús & Asoc.



Dal Mito alla Realtà - Archeologi Sionisti stanno usando la Bibbia per Riscrivere la Storia


Descubren en el Sahara Egipcio Pintura Rupestre de hace 5.000 años con Representación de un "Belén"


Despite a No-Show From Jesus This Spring Some Christians Won't Stop Believing - The Awaited Return...


Die Bibel, Sex und Drogen



 - "Dios",... el Divino Mentiroso



- "Dios ha Muerto" - La Polémica Afirmación de Nietzsche que Invita a Liberarnos de la Moral Cristiana


Easter - The Resurrection of Spring



El Cristianismo Ha Arruinado la Civilización Antigua



El Génesis Revisado



El Infame Museo de la Biblia


El Legado de Magdalena - Revelaciones Más Allá del Código Da Vinci


 -  El Mas Grande Engaño - Por el Dr. Jack Pruett - Una Reseña de Libro


 - ¿Es la Religión Una Fuerza Para Bien o Para Mal?



Famous Peoples Religious Quotes



From Myth to Reality - Zionist Archeologists are using the Bible to Rewrite History


From the Christian Cross to Mobile Phone Towers - A Brief History of Mind Control


 -  Garden of Eden Originally a Pygmy Myth?



 -  Génesis de Los Reyes del Grial - Conferencia



 -  Genesis of The Grail Kings - Lecture



Genesis Revisited



 -  God and Creation - from 'The Only Planet of Choice'



Gods and Their Religions



 -  God Save Us From Religion - from "Children of The Matrix" by David Icke


 - "God",... The Divine Liar



 -  Growing Number of Scholars are Questioning the Historical Existence of Jesus


 -  High-Technology in The Bible


 -  House of Theosophy Seminar - Reveals Plans For Last Stages of New World Order


 -  How The Jesus Myth Was Created



 -  Iconografía Religiosa, Imaginería Peligrosa


Isis - Virgin Mother - Virgin Mary



 -  Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil?



Jesús, el Extraterrestre



Jesus, Santa, Mithra and The Magic Mushroom



Jesus, The Extraterrestrial



 -  Krishna Born of A Virgin?



La Biblia, Sexo y Drogas



La Frase de Nietzsche "Dios ha Muerto"



La Inmaculada Concepción - Un Engaño del Lado Oscuro


Las Leyendas del Jardín del Edén y los Ángeles



Las Raíces Religiosas del Superpoder Estadounidense



 - ¿La Raíz de toda Maldad? - "El Engaño de Dios"


 -  Las Religiones Son Los Asesinos #1 de Las Almas


Lies, Damned Lies, and Holy Scripture



 -  Life of Buddha - Was Buddha an atheist? What is the relationship between Buddhism and Christianity?


Los Manuscritos de Qumrán - Los Datos Olvidados del Cristianismo


 -  Los Pergaminos del Mar Muerto Prueban Que La Biblia No Es Original


 -  Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark



 -  Lucifer - Cómo y Cuánto Te Han Maltratado, Lucifer...



 -  Magdala’s Green Stone



Marx, Moisés y los Paganos en la Ciudad Secularizada


Mary Magdalene



Mastema - El Perseguidor de ''Dios''


Mind-Control Via Religion - extracted from 'Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict and Creation'


Mithra - The Pagan Christ



- ¿Moisés para la Lista del Movimiento #MeToo?


Moses for #MeToo?



Noah - The Bloodline of The 'Watchers' and the Beginning of The 'End'


Orden Simulado - Jehovah-Yaldabaoth



Pathocracy And Religion



Psychedelic Bible - The Discovery of A Lifetime



Psycho-Social Study of Human Conflict Reveals Alien Influence on Humans


Quotes to "Illuminate" You - A "Gift of Love" from Three Mayor Religions


- ¿Que es Dios?



Raíces Secretas de La Religión



Random Thoughts



Redemonizing Judas - Gospel Fiction or Gospel Truth?



Reinterpretar La Biblia



Religion as An Invisible Eggshell



Religion Is Mental Illness - God Is A Psychopath



Rex Deux - Resurrection of The Dragons



Rudolf Steiner and The Legacy of The Star Gods



Scoperta nel Sahara egiziano Pittura Rupestre di 5000 anni che raffigura un "Presepe"


She Who Anoints



Simulated Order - Jehovah - Yaldabaoth



Some Elements and Symbols of The Christian Myth



- "Spiritual" Satanism and "Christian" Conmen



STAR FIRE - The Gold of the Gods



Tecnología Avanzada en la Biblia


Texas Textbook Controversy Puts Moses in The Spotlight


The Ashtar Command - Main File



The Bible, Sex and Drugs



The Bloodline, Starfire and the Anunnaki



The Covenant - from 'The Only Planet of Choice'



The Eden Experiment - Aliens, Archons and The Associative Universe


The Endgame Series - Special Reports



The Forbidden Secrets of the Church



The Grandest Deception - By Dr. Jack Pruett - A Book Review


The History of Mythicism



The Horrible Truth About Religion



The Immaculate Conception - A Dark Side Deception


 -  The Legends of The Garden of Eden and The Angels



The Making of A Myth - A Monotheistic Religion



The Masada Fraud - The Making of Israel Based on Lies


The Masada Myth



The Master File - Revelation of Awareness with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter - Main File


The Messiah Complex and Jerusalem Syndrome - Dangerous Delusions


The Messianic Star Identified



The Patriarchs And Saints Are The Gods of Other Cultures

The Personal Devil



The Phallic 'Savior of The World' Hidden in The Vatican



There May Be a Rapture, But it Won't Be this Saturday



The Root of All Evil? - "The God Delusion"



The Son of God is The Sun of God



 -  The Waldensians - Belief Systems Shattered... - Hiding Magdalene Lineage - Does This Affect You?


The Writings of Joseph Wheless



Transmisiones acerca de Los Orígenes del Cristianismo


Transmissions about The Origins of Christianity



Unfolding the Secrets of the Copper Scroll of Qumran



Were George Washington and Thomas Jefferson Jesus Mythicists?


What is God?



What is Mythicism?



-   What Religion Has Done for Us and Why I don’t Belong to Any Religion


When was The First Christmas?



Who are the Anunnaki?


Why do The Maya Believe Christ is The Sun?



Zeitgeist - Main File



Zombies Religiosos



'The Bible Fraud' Related Reports



Behind The Bible Fraud - What Was The Church Trying To Hide?


-  From "The Bible Fraud" - Just Who Were the Parents of Jesus?


Interview With Tony Bushby Author - The Bible Fraud



The Bible Fraud - by Tony Bushby



The Bible Fraud - Setting The Record Straight



 -   What Was The Church Trying to Hide?



 -  Written Reviews About The Bible Fraud



The Crucifixion - La Crucifixión



Arqueólogo Arrestado por Falsificar Artefactos que muestran la "Crucifixión de Jesús"


Atis - Nacido de Una Virgen el 25 de Diciembre, Crucificado y Resucitado al Tercer Día


Attis - Born of A Virgin on December 25th, Crucified and Resurrected After Three Days


Attis - Nato da Una Vergine il 25 Dicembre, Crocifisso e Risorto Dopo Tre Giorni


 -  Krishna Crucified?



 -  La Crucifixión Fue Un Fraude



The Crucifixion of Truth - Excerpts of Chapter Thirteen



 -   The Crucifixion Was a Fraud



The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors


The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors - Christianity Before Christ - by Kersey Graves


Who Was Jesus and Was He Crucified?



Books and Treatises 



Astroteologia e Sciamanesimo - Le Origini Pagane del Cristianesimo - di Jan Irving

Astrotheology and Shamanism - Christianity's Pagan Roots - by Jan Irving


 -  Blue Apples - A Search For The Lost Stargate Technology And Spiritual Teachings Of Jesus - by W. Henry

 -  Caesar’s Messiah - The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus - by Joseph Atwill


¡Defendámonos de Los Dioses! - por Salvador Freixedo



El Ser Humano - Volumen I: La Transmisión - comunicado a Dramos y Bohemias

Forgery in Christianity - by Joseph Wheless


Holy Blood, Holy Grail - by  Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln

How the Bible was Invented - by Mangasar Mangasarian


Is It God's Word? - by Joseph Wheless



El Cristianismo - Un Mito Más - por Salvador Freixedo


La Ciencia Jovial - por Friedrich Nietzsche



La Revelación De Los Templarios - por Lynn Picknett y Clive Prince


Man Being - Volume I: The Transmission - communicated to Dramos and Bohemias


Matrix of Power - How The World Has Been Controlled By Powerful People Without... - by Jordan Maxwell


Pistis Sophia


The Age of Reason - by Thomas Paine



The Books of Adam and Eve



The Book of Jasher



The Book of Leviticus - Levitikon


The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold - by Acharya S


The Da Vinci Code - by Dan Brown


The Dead Sea Scrolls



The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception - by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh

The God Delusion - by Richard Dawkins


The Gospel of Mary



The Lost Gospel of Judas - From the Codex Tchacos



The Nag Hammadi Library


The True Authorship of The New Testament - by Arius Calpurnius Piso (Flavius Josephus)


The Truth About Jesus - Is He a Myth? - by Mangasar Magurditch Mangasarian


The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ - by Nicolas Notovitch




Analysis of Christianity - David Icke


Are The New Testament Gospels History? Where's The Proof?

Biblical Horrors - A Trip Through Some of the Most Insane Acts of Violence in the Bible

Caesar's Messiah - The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus

Conspiracy of Religion


Christ in Egypt - The Horus-Jesus Connection


Did American Founders Think Jesus Was a Myth?


El Virus de La Fe - The Virus of Faith - Richard Dawkins for Channel 4

Jesus Mythers - "Zeitgeist Refuted" Debunked and Exposed

La Ilusión de Dios - The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins


La Inquisición Farmocrática


La Verdad Jamás Contada - Zeitgeist


Man Made God - Barbara Walker


Religion and Politics - Jesus Camp


Religion and The Theft of Our Values

Religión y Política - Campamento Jesus


Secrets of The Vatican


Should This Video Be Banned? YOU DECIDE!


- "Sun of God?"


The Dead Sea Scrolls - A Cover-Up? - John M Allegro


The Four Horsemen


The God Delusion


The Naked Truth - Documentary by Jordan Maxwell



The Pharmacratic Inquisition


There's "Lots of Evidence" for Jesus!


The Root of All Evil - Richard Dawkins


What Genesis Got Wrong


Which One Is Your Jesus? - Caesar's Messiah


Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ



Related Reports



Ancient Manuscripts and Treatises - Main File



Brotherhoods and Secret Societies - Main File



Buddhism and The Kalachakra System - Main File



Effects On Humanity by Manipulative Extraterrestrials - Main File


Evil Bible - External Link



Jehovah - Yahweh - YHWH - Adonai - Main File



Jesus Never Existed



Lilith, Inanna and Hillary



Merovingios - Los Reyes Perdidos - Main File



The Anti-Christ



The Occult Reptilian Saga - Main File



The Kolbrin - Main File



The Middle East Exopolitical Saga - Main File



The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion - Main File



The Robots’ Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance - by David Icke


The Watchers - Nephilim - Main File



The Way - DOMA Daughters Of Ma



War in Heaven - by Kyle Griffith




Return to The Divine and The Manipulative Extraterrestrials



Return to Gods and Religions on Planet Earth



Return to The Dark History of The Vatican



Return to Herejes en La Ciencia



Return to Temas / Main Files



Return to "The Family"



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