The Railway Children


Website Changes Coming

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We have a clear vision here at The Railway Children and understand the key competencies needed to ensure children are safe, secure, and empowered to learn independently.  

We believe in the power of kindness & equality and promote children to embed core values in oneself, where children do not view themselves as better than anyone else; seeking opportunities where they can be a helping hand and make someone else feel a little bit better. 

Our environment has been carefully planned and designed to create a warm, homely, comforting space where children’s self-esteem is promoted through daily routine, fair boundaries, and activities which include support around life skills – typically which you might find in a child’s ‘home life’. 

We embed a curriculum which is stimulating and inviting which enables and encourages young children to be competent, confident learners who will grow into effective contributors of society. We use a range of adult planned activities and child led activities for the best educational outcomes, focusing on children’s interests and next steps in the process. 

We celebrate the process of learning, making connections, imagining and problem solving, recognising everyone as a unique thinker and artist; understanding the need for adaptation so that every child thrives and can learn through various opportunities in their own individual way. 

Our staff provide love, care and attention to the children and establish positive relationships with parents. We want families to be actively involved and encourage parents to attend events throughout the year, confer during review meetings and contribute to the learning opportunities provided within the setting.

 Involving families aids the learning aspects of culture and diversity and supports children to learn about the world in which we live in; we recognise that everyone comes to The Railway Children with a journey to share, from which we can learn. Our vision should empower families and children too. 

The foundations created in the early years are truly crucial for how well a child will progress and deal with the many transitions’ life provides us all with – and what an easier journey that would be if everyone felt equal, supported by their community and most of all valued and loved. This is our mission, and we are here to create the ‘thinkers’ and ‘doers’ of the future 😊