An assassin named Khamel kills two elder Supreme Court justices, Jensen and Rosenberg. Tulane University law student Darby Shaw writes a legal brief detailing her theory on why they were killed. Her law professor and lover Thomas Callahan, a former clerk of Rosenberg's, reads the brief and gives a copy to Gavin Verheek, special counsel to the director of the FBI. Soon after, Callahan is killed in a car explosion, which Darby barely escapes unhurt. Realizing her brief was accurate, she goes into hiding and reaches out to Verheek.

Darby meets Grantham in New York City and shares the theory expressed in her brief: the assassinations were done for oil tycoon Victor Mattiece, who intends to drill the oil found beneath a Louisiana marshland that is habitat for an endangered sub-species of brown pelicans. A court appeal to deny Mattiece the drilling rights is expected to reach the Supreme Court. Darby surmised that Mattiece, hoping to turn the case in his favor, is behind the two justices' murders, as they shared similar environment protection views. As a generous donor to the president, Mattiece expects him to appoint justices favoring oil and gas exploitation over environmental issues while the next president may not.

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Darby Shaw, a Tulane University law student, conducts research on Rosenberg and Jensen's records and writes a legal brief speculating they were not killed for political reasons. She shows the brief to Thomas Callahan, her law professor and lover, who in turn shows it to his friend, an FBI lawyer, Gavin Verheek. Soon afterwards, Callahan is killed by a car bomb, while Shaw, who witnesses his death, is contacted at the scene by suspicious people. Afraid that she is the next target, Shaw goes on the run. She contacts and agrees to meet Verheek, but Khamel murders Verheek and impersonates him when they meet. He is just about to kill Shaw when he is shot by an unknown person, so she manages to escape again.

Gray Grantham, a reporter for The Washington Post, is contacted by an informant calling himself "Garcia", who believes he has seen something in his law office that is related to the assassinations. However, Garcia is reluctant to come forward. Shaw shows her findings to Grantham, believing that the assassinations were committed on behalf of Victor Mattiece, an oil tycoon who seeks to drill on Louisiana marshland which is home to an endangered species of pelican. A case that would decide whether Mattiece can gain access to the land is expected to be heard before the Supreme Court. Despite their status as ideological opposites, the two slain justices had a single characteristic in common: a history of environmentalism, causing Shaw to surmise that Mattiece orchestrated their murders to make sure their replacements would be appointed by the current president, a hardline reactionary. Grantham agrees to help Shaw prove her suspicion is correct.

The president and his Chief of Staff, Fletcher Coal, try to cover up the White House's link to Mattiece, afraid that it might endanger the president's re-election. The president orders FBI Director F. Denton Voyles to temporarily stop working on the brief, and asks the more trusted CIA Director Bob Gminski to conduct the investigation instead. They also send an agent to Mattiece to find out whether the brief is true, but Mattiece, who has become practically insane over the past several years, has the agent killed.

Shaw and Grantham manage to track down Curtis Morgan, a.k.a. "Garcia", an employee of the law firm representing Mattiece, only to find out that he died some days before in an apparent mugging. They manage to contact his widow, leading them to discover Morgan's written and videotaped testimony. Morgan reveals that, some time before the assassinations, he accidentally looked at an internal correspondence and realized that some of his co-workers were involved in the murders. Afraid that he himself might be killed, Morgan decided to record his testimony. With this evidence, Grantham and Shaw approach the Post's chief editor. Voyles appears at the newsroom and reveals that he has a tape recording of the conversation with the President ordering him to stop working on the brief, and that the CIA was investigating Mattiece and killed Khamel to save Shaw's life. He also arranges a plane for Shaw to disappear.

Oh, no, sorry, in fact all she did was type up her ideas and hand them to her ethically problematic mentor + lover, describing it as a dumb theory that even she doesn't believe in. It's the prof who gives the brief to a pal at the FBI, and that guy circulates it so widely that the president soon holds a meeting about it in the oval office, where everyone asks who this "Darby Shaw" person is before winking broadly at the camera.

Or is she? I mean, I guess she briefly helped Grantham get a crucial document that someone else left for him. And she wrote a cool brief at the start of all this, but again, anything she found would presumably have surfaced at some point, since none of it was secret. And Grantham was hot on the trail of his big scoop before he even met her.

The story opens with two Supreme Court justices murdered on the same night by a contract killer named Khamel (Stanley Tucci). Engrossed by the bizarre events, 24-year-old Tulane law student Darby researches and drafts a brief detailing an obscure case eventually destined for the court docket that could provide inspiration for the dual murders.

0:05:20.8 Peter: Yeah. It's inherently sexy. So the plot. Let's give a quick overview of the plot. Two Supreme Court justices, one liberal, one conservative, are assassinated. Julia Roberts plays Darby Shaw, a law student at Tulane. She starts looking at cases and issues where the two justices agreed in order to put together a theory of who did this. She finds out about an ongoing case where there are some oil interests fighting for the ability to drill near an environmental preserve. She writes it up into a brief, the Pelican Brief, and shows her law professor, who shows some connected friends. Turns out her theory was right. In fact, the conspiracy goes all the way to the top.

0:06:07.8 Peter: The president of the United States is somewhat implicated by the theory, not directly, but his main donor is like the guy who's at the top. And so the bad guys get wind of the brief, and everyone who knows about it starts getting murdered. And it's up to young, hot Julia Roberts and intrepid reporter Denzel Washington, also young and hot, to expose the bad guys.

0:22:13.6 Peter: Right, right. Now, we should talk about the first murder, the murder of the professor. And the professor and Julia are just engaged in a love affair, and the professor hands off the brief to his FBI friend, the dad from Home Alone, and then there is a sort of weird scene where he's just too drunk and hanging out with Julia Roberts, and he's going to drive, and she gets into a fight with him about it. And then he gets into the car, and she turns around, and she's looking at him, and he starts the car, and it blows up. And it's actually a pretty good shot of Julia Roberts in shock, and obviously realizing that the bomb was potentially for her in the ensuing scene, and it was in my mind that, like, I guess it's supposed to be sort of tragic, but at the same time, it's like, well, he was about to drunk-drive like pretty drunk.

0:26:40.0 Michael: It's also very funny when later on Lithgow thinks that Denzel is dead briefly for like 20 seconds. Like not even, right? Somebody tells him that Denzel's car got blown up and then as he's having a moment, Denzel walks in, and that tension is gone, but in that 20 seconds, he says, "I knew I should have taken him off the case." And it's like, what are you talking about? That's like, when I said that, you thought it was too dangerous, but you thought it was bullshit. That's why you said he should...

The Dalmatian Pelican is globally rare and endangered ~ drainage practices in the Danube Delta have placed immense habitat pressures on the pelican population, so it is ironic in a way that a made-made reservoir has provided a valuable refuge for this incredibly beautiful species.

Parents need to know that The Pelican Brief is relatively free of foul language, violence, or explicit sex. But one brief scene features a murder in a porno theater; the main character is shown in a heavy clinch with a boyfriend, and several characters are killed over the course of the film (though gore is at a minimum). To stay in the loop on more movies like this, you can sign up for weekly Family Movie Night emails.

It has been 20 years since the release of The Pelican Brief; a political thriller directed by Alan J. Pakula. In 1993, the movie came across as an interesting political thriller that felt a bit like paranoid fantasy. Now, it feels like an uncomfortably plausible political coup. When two Supreme Court Justices are murdered, Tulane Law Student Darby Shaw (Julia Roberts) puts together a legal brief presenting an "unlikely little theory" about the killings. With her life in danger, Darby contacts Washington Herald (cough, Post, cough) reporter, Gray Grantham (Denzel Washington). Together they publish the story and repercussions of the shocking murders reach to the highest levels of government.

There are seven living pelican species, one of which can be seen at the Zoo and three that are on exhibit at the Safari Park. The great white pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus, the second-largest species, is native to parts of Africa and the Mediterranean. Measuring up to 5.7 feet long and weighing 22 to 24 pounds, the great white pelican soars with a wingspan of 8 to 10 feet.

The largest species, the Dalmatian pelican Pelecanus crispus, weighs up to 26 pounds and has a wingspan of up to 10.5 feet. It can be found from southeastern Europe to India and China. Noticeably different from the great white, the Dalmatian sports gray legs and grayish-white plumage. Its nape feathers earn the Dalmatian its alternative name: the curly-headed pelican. 2351a5e196

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