The Occult Reptilian Saga





10,500 BC - Who lived on Earth?



Abduction and The Reptilians



A Dulce Base Security Officer Speaks Out



Agenda Reptiliana Frustrada - Catástrofe Galáctica en La Vía Láctea, Año 2370


Alex Collier - On Reptilians - ETs and The Global Connection


Algunos Rasgos Reptilianos en los Seres Humanos



American Southwest Evidence of a Reptilian Alien Race


America's Name Derives from the Incan AMARUCA


Ancient "Lizard People" Underground in LA?



Anunnaki History and the Role of Reptilian ETs



Anunnaki vs. Reptilianos



Anus Horribilis - Terrifying Old Woman



A Reptilian Contact Experience



A Study of Reptilians



Brotherhood of The Snake - Main File



Características de Los Híbridos Reptilianos



Carlos Castaneda's Don Juan's Teachings - Main File


Characteristics of Reptilian Hybrids



- ¿Cómo Se Vería un Planeta Controlado por Los Reptilianos?


Cosmic Explorers - Different Reptilian Factions on Earth


Credo Mutwa On Alien Abduction & Reptilians



- ¿Cuánta Evidencia hay de que el Máximo Liderazgo del Planeta Tierra 'No es Humano'?


David Icke - Main File



Destruida Base Reptiliana Submarina - Terremoto Grado 6.9 en El Mar Oriental de China


Do Reptilian-Human Hybrids Run Our World? - The Biggest Secret


Dragons Came Down to Earth From Sirius to Share Their Wisdom With Humans, Myths Say


East China Sea 6.9 Quake - Undersea Reptilian Base Destroyed - Andromeda Council


El Cerebro Reptil



El Conflicto Reptil-Humano



El Misterio del Culto a la Serpiente


El Nacimiento de un Anfitrión Reptiliano


El Plan Reptiliano para Dividir y Conquistar a la Raza Humana


ELs, Atlantis, Scotland and Egypt - Biblical History and Prophesies of The Els


El Túnel de Luz que la Gente ve cuando Muere es una Trampa


Evidencia de una Raza Extraterrestre Reptiliana en el Sudoeste Estadounidense


Exploradores Cósmicos - Diferentes Facciones Reptiles en la Tierra


Gli Oscuri Segreti della Sala delle Udienze del Papa - Rappresenta un Rettiliano Gigante


Grays and Reptilians May be Interdimensional



La Conexión Humano-Reptiliana



La Conexión Reptil



La Hipótesis Siluriana - No seríamos la Primera Civilización Avanzada en la Tierra


Las Raíces Reptilianas de La Pedofilia



 -  Le Basi Biologiche dell'Elitismo e del "Diritto Divino" di Governare


Los Lagartos y La Iglesia Romana



Los Oscuros Secretos detrás de la Sala de Audiencias del Papa - Representa un Reptiliano Gigante


Los Reptilianos y el Consejo de Los 13



Los Reptilianos y La Prisión Holográfica



Lost City of the Amaru Muru



Lost Land of The Lizard People



Manipulación Astral de Los Sueños - Los Reptilianos


Manipulating Those of Us on the "Surface"



MKULTRA (Reptoid) Mind Control Machine



Mono-Atomic Gold - A Secret of Shapeshifting and the Reptilian Control?


Myth, Reptilians and Underground Bases


New (Reptilian) World Order



Nuestra Historia Borrada



Nuestros Soberanos Reptiloides - Un Día con David Icke


Nuevo Orden Mundial (Reptiliano)



Ocultaron una Ciudad Subterránea de Reptilianos Descubierta en Los Ángeles en 1934


On Reptilian Agendas and Masquerades


Oro Mono-Atómico - ¿Un Secreto Sobre Cambios de Forma y El Control Reptiliano?


Our Reptilian Overlords - A Day With David Icke


PINDAR - ¿El Rey Lagarto?



PINDAR - The Lizard King?



Ports of Gaol - "Eggs Files" for Dragons Feeling for Europe's Navigators


Prince of EArth and The Brotherhood of The Snake


- ¿Quien Escribió La Agenda Reptil? - El Origen de Las Escrituras Anunnaki


- ¿Quiénes Nos Están Manipulando Desde un Nivel Más Alto y Qué Los Motiva?


- ¿Quien Vivió en La Tierra en 10,500 A.C.?



Razas Universales



Removing Reptilian Undersea Bases from Middle East & China - Andromeda Council


Reptiles, Aryans and Horror


Reptilian Agenda - Milky Way Galaxy Catastrophe Year 2370


Reptiles, Aryans and Horror


Reptiles, Sacerdotisas y Genes Extraños



Reptilian Agenda Thwarted - Milky Way Galaxy Catastrophe, Year 2370


Reptilian - Grey Data - Extracted from 'Matrix II'



Reptilian Humanoids - (Homo-Subterreptus) - Case Files


Reptilianos 101



Reptilian Revelations Out of Africa



Reptilians 101



Reptilians and The Council of 13



Reptilians at Montauk



Reptilians, Priestesses, and Strange Genes



Reptilians, The Ancient Ones and The Anunnaki - Understanding The Difference


Revelaciones Reptilianas de África


RH-Negative Blood and the Reptilian Connection


Rivelazioni Reptiliane in Africa


Sir Laurence Gardner, Reptilian Shape-Shifter?



Sobre Reptilianos e Híbridos - ¿Comparten Medio con Nosotros?


Some Reptilian Traits in Human Beings


Spirals, Symbols and Snakes



The Anunnaki - Main File



The Biggest Secret - Main File



The Birth of a Reptilian Host



The Dark Secrets Behind the Pope's Audience Hall - It's a Giant Reptilian


The Dragon Court - Main File



The Human-Reptilian Connection - from "The Hollow Earth Insider Research Report"


The Lizard of Ahs - from Chapter 20 of "Trans-Formation Of America"


The Marcabians



The Mystery of Serpent Worship



The Orion Queens



The Reptilian Blood Legacy



The Reptilian Brain



The Reptilian Connection



The Reptilian/Human Conflict



The Reptilian Plan to Divide and Conquer the Human Race - Len Kasten


The Reptilian Roots of Pedophilia



The Reptilians - Humanity's Historical Link To The Serpent Race


The Reptilians - Why They are so Obsessed with Bloodline and Ritual


The Reptilian Watch - Who's Posing as Human?



The Reptoids Defined by The Cassiopaeans



The Royal Dragon Bloodline (Reptilian) and The Dragon Program (MK)


The Sons of Snakes - The Biblical Seth



The Tuatha de Danaan - Main File



The Tunnel of Light that People see when they Die is a Trap


Transmission About The Social Order and Lifestyle of the Greys and Reptilians


Trascendiendo al Reptil



Una Experiencia de Contacto Reptiliano



Uncovering the Truth through 'Remote Viewing' - Nazis and Reptilians in Antarctica


Viajeros del Tiempo - Nazi Jehovitas - Una Historia Corta


What Would a Reptilian Controlled Planet Look Like?



White (Solar) Brotherhood - Main File



Who Are Manipulating Us on A Higher Level and What Motivates Them?


Who Wrote The Reptilian Agenda? - On the Origin of The Anunnaki Script


Additional Information



About Credo Mutwa - Main File



A Description of Rainbow City - From The Hefferlin Manuscript


Alien Influences on Humanity


A Likely Origin of Homochirality in Amino Acids, Sugars, and Nucleosides on Prebiotic Earth


Andromeda Council Sonic Beam Destroys Reptilian Base - Magnitude 5.0 Gulf of Aden Quake


An Alien Abduction Account



Ancient Jerusalem Markings Stumps Experts



Armas de Rayos Sónicos del Consejo de Andrómeda Destruye Base Reptiliana - Temblor de Magnitud...


A Summary of "Terra Papers - The Hidden History of Planet Earth"


Ata-i-lek - El Nuevo Papa Reptiliano



Ata-i-lek - The New Reptilian Pope



Atlantis Grid, DNA, Energy, Wormwood - Dinosaurs Lived With Man


Atu-waa - The Anunnaki Time Re-Starting Device



Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict and Creation - Selected Excerpts


Children of The Matrix - Excerpts



Comet Elenin and Brown Dwarf Star Are Part of ET Reptilian Invasion


Could "Advanced" Dinosaurs Rule Other Planets?



Crashing Finances



David Icke And The Biggest Secret - Main File



David Icke Está en Lo Cierto Acerca de Los Reptiles


David Icke Is Right About The Reptiles - Stuart Wilde


David Icke's Moon Matrix Theory Explained



Destrucción de Bases Submarinas Reptilianas en El Oriente Medio y China - Concejo de Andromeda


Dinosaurs and The Gravity Problem






Doing to Others... What Was Done to Us?



El Archivo Lacerta



El Atu-waa - El Dispositivo Anunnaki Para Re-Iniciar El Tiempo


El Invisible Deslizarse de los Invasores Serpentinos


El Juego de La Bolita - Es Hora que Alguien diga como es Realmente...


El Legado Prohibido de Una Raza Caída



El Pacto Secreto Reptiliano


Evidence for The Likely Origin of Homochirality in Amino Acids, Sugars, and Nucleosides on Prebiotic Earth


Experts Claim there are 'Three Hostile Alien Species visiting Earth'


Eye of The Demon



Fake Invasion - The Fake Rapture  (The Alien Agenda - Coming Soon)


From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells



Galactic History - The Old Universe/Old Empire/Mind Eaters/DNA

Galactic History According to Alex Collier and The Andromedans


George Hunt Williamson and the 'Brotherhood of the Seven Rays'


- ¿Haciendo a Otros... Lo Que Hicieron a Nosotros?



Healing Reptilians and Other Dark Beings



Hipocresía Hipocrática: Un Relato de Dos Serpientes - Exponiendo la Mentira


Hippocratic Hypocrisy: A Tale of Two Snakes - Exposing the Lie


Historia Galáctica según Alex Collier y Los Andromedanos


How to Spot the Reptilians Running the U.S. Government


Inanna - Ishtar - Lilith - Main File



Influencias Extraterrestres Sobre La Humanidad



In the Realm of the Ring Lords



Join The Collective - Is it really such "A Privilege to be Assimilated"?


Kingship and Ritual



La Edad de Oro y Nuestro Imaginario



La Matrix de La Luna - Explicación de la Teoría de David Icke


Las Crónicas del Gírkù - Material Citado de Libros, Entrevistas y Comunicaciones por Anton Parks


Las Edades de Uraš - La Historia Profunda del Planeta Tierra y Sus Pueblos


Las Leyendas del Jardín del Edén y los Ángeles



La Teoría Reptiliana de David Icke - Aproximación Cultural


La Tierra Prometida



Lilith, Inanna and Hillary



- ¿Listo para Aprender la Antigua Sabiduría de 'Los Sabios'?


Magic Mushroom Trip Report about Saints and Reptilians


Massive Reptilian Undersea Base Destroyed - 5.1 USGS Quake at Southeast Bay of Bengal - Andromeda...


Meetings with Remarkable Aliens



'Mythical Roman Cave' Unearthed



Our Human/ET Origins - A Planetary Epic



Pandemonium and Silence at Corinth



Perché un Serpente è il Simbolo della Medicina e delle Farmacie?


- ¿Porqué una Serpiente es el Símbolo de la Medicina y de las Farmacias?


Project Aquarius - Executive Correspondence/Executive Briefing


QUETZALCOATLUS - Dragon of the Clouds


Ready to Learn Ancient Wisdom of "the Sages"?


Reality Check



See The Movie "They Live"



Shell Game - It is Time Someone tells it like It Really Is...



Soros - Un Verdadero y Excelente "Reptiliano" - Exdiputado ruso advierte de No Subestimarlo


Spiritual Reptoids Speak Out



Steven M. Greer and Disclosure - Main File



Study Suggests Alien Worlds Could Be Full of Super-Intelligent Dinosaurs - Welcome to Our New Lizard...


Terra Papers - A História Secreta do Planeta Terra



Terra Papers - Hidden History of Planet Earth



Terra Papers - La Historia Secreta del Planeta Tierra



The Allegory of The Alien - Alien Intervention on Earth - from "Matrix Brainwashing"


The Biological Basis of Elitism and "The Divine Right" Rule


The Chronicles of The Gírkù - Quoted Materials from Books, Interviews, and Communications by Anton Parks


The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race



The Great Reset Snakes are Slithering together in Davos


The Greys - extracted from 'Matrix II'



The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction - Book Review


The Illuminati Hierarchy



The Lacerta Files - Reptoids of The Inner Earth



The Late Karla Turner Speaks of Reptilian Atrocities



The Legends of the Garden of Eden and The Angels



The Lost Tribe of Dan



The Jarmo "Connection"



The Master File - From the "Rebellion in Heaven" unto Present and Future Times - Main File


The Origin of The Dragon Lords of the Rings



The Promised Land



The Real Secret Word of The Freemasons



The Reptilian Appearance of The Ancient Ones



The Reptilian Kyoto Protocols and The Emerging New World Order


The Secret Covenant - A Member of The Illuminati Tells All?


The Slithering Stealth of the Serpentine Invaders


The Solar Brotherhood of the Seven Rays 



The Timeless Kabiri



The Unbelievable Connection Between the Pentagon, Aliens and The United Nations


The Way - DOMA Daughters Of Ma



The Windsor-Bush Bloodline



The World Divided



Thoth-Hermes / Ningishzidda-Ishkur / Quetzalcoatl-Viracocha - Main File


Three Essays on The Dinosaurs



Tipología de Razas Extraterrestres según Alex Collier y los Andromedanos


Transmisiones que Contienen Muchos Detalles Sobre la Situación en la Que Está la Tierra


Transmissions Containing Many Details About the Situation Earth Is In


Tres Ensayos Sobre los Dinosaurios



Typology of Extraterrestrial Races according to Alex Collier and the Andromedans


UFO War Expands - Heavy Action In Antarctic Ocean



Universal Races



Un Resumen de "Los Documentos Terra" - La Historia Oculta del Planeta Tierra


Why is a Snake Symbol of Medicine and Pharmacies?


Your Three Brains in One Brain



The Dracos



 -   A Draco Planet in the Kuiper Belt


Alex Collier - On Reptilians - The Draconians and The Paa Tal


Alfa Draconianos



Alpha Draconians



- ¿Cual es la Verdadera AGENDA de la Cábala de los Arcontes, Anunnaki y Dracos?


Del Concejo Extraterrestre - La Guerra Contra Los ETs Grises-Dracos Reptilianos Ya Se Ganó


Draconianos de Hale-Bopp podrían Visitar Primero los EE.UU.


Draconianos del Hale-Bopp Posiblemente un Grupo Subversivo


Draconianos - La Raza de Alfa Draconis 



Draconians - The Race from Alpha Draconis - from 'Typology of Extraterrestrial Races according to Alex...


Entendiendo la Mente Reptiliana



ET Council - War with Grey-Draco Reptilian ETs is Won - No False Flag ET Invasion


La Federación Galáctica inició la Limpieza Planetaria


La Línea Real Draconiana



Los Alfa Draconianos y la Creación del Humano Estelar


Los Ciakar - de "La Historia de La Galaxia - Alex Collier"


Los Draconianos



Los Draconianos - Principio de Diálogo



Los Draconianos y los Paa Tal



Los Drakons-Nefilim-Anunnaki



Los Pioneros de La Tierra



Man Being - Volume IV: Bucephalus - communicated to Dramos and Bohemias


Más de Actividades Draconianas con Niños Humanos


Más de la Naturaleza de la Civilización Draconiana



Novus Ordo Draconis



The Alpha Draconians and The Creation of the Starhuman


The Character of Myth and The Draconic Transverse



The Ciakar - from "History of The Galaxy - Alex Collier"


The Constellation of Draco (The Dragon - Reptile)



The Draconians



The Draconians Strike



The Drakon-Nephilim-Anunnaki



The Earth's Pioneers



The Race from Alpha Draconis - from LFA Vol 2 No.3



 -  Twenty Years as a 'Cyborg Supersoldier' on Mars and Kuiper Belt


Understanding The Reptilian Mind



What is the True Agenda of the Archon, Anunnaki and Draco Cabal?


The Nagas



Los Antiguos Mitos de los Dioses Serpiente


Los Misteriosos Nagas  - La Gente Serpiente que vive en Secretas Ciudades Subterráneas


Mysterious Nagas - Serpent People who Live in Secret Underground Cities


Nagas and Serpents



The NAGA - A Description of the Shape-Shifting Reptilian Beings witten about in Ancient India


The Nagas



The Nagas - Origin of the Hopi Snake Clan?



The Serpent Race



Details Concerning The Serpent Race - Extracts from "Out of the Dragon’s Lair" by Branton


Edens, Serpents and Dragons - from "The Secret Doctrine"


El Reino de Los Dioses Serpientes - de 'Los Reinos Perdidos - Z.Sitchin


Flying Serpents and Dragons - by R.A. Boulay



Jung's Ring and Serpent ID-Entities



La Dinastía de los Reyes Serpiente Mayas adoptó los Dioses Locales para alcanzar el Poder en Guatemala


La Dinastía Serpiente - El Imperio Perdido de los Mayas


La Gente Serpiente



La Historia de la Gente Serpiente y Su Guía


La Serpiente de Vida y Sabiduría



Nagas and Serpents



Observación Sobre la "Cofradía de la Serpiente"



Per Conoscere di più sulle Origine del Culto del Serpente


Puertas Estelares - Agujeros de Gusano y Los Dioses Serpiente Barbados de Todas las Religiones...


Rastreando los Orígenes del Culto a la Serpiente


Sabios Como Las Serpientes e Inofensivos Como Las Palomas - El Pueblo Serpiente


Serpents in The Streets



Serpents of Wisdom



Serpientes y Dragones Voladores - by R.A. Boulay



Stargates - Wormholes and the Bearded Serpent Gods of all Major Religions


 -  Subterranean Kingdom of Shahmaran and the Land of The Snakes


Symbolism and Iconography of The Serpent



The Cult of The Serpent



The Great White Brotherhood in Peru and the Serpent Masters from Venus


The SERPENT and the EYE - Archeological Evidence Linking Reptilian Origins to Anunnaki - The Ubaid


The Serpent Code - The Sacred Past of Serpent Worshippers


The Serpent Knights of The Round Temple



The Serpent of Life and Wisdom



The Serpent People



The Story of The Serpent People and Their Guidance


The Worship of the Serpent


Tracing the Origins of the Serpent Cult


Books and Treatises



Agent Buried Alive - A Survivor of NSA Genetic Enhancement and Occult Warfare ... - by James Casbolt


Agente Enterrado Vivo - Habla Un Sobreviviente de Proyectos de La NSA - por James Casbolt


Children of The Matrix - by David Icke



Cosmic Explorers - Scientific Remote Viewing, Extraterrestrials, and a Message for Mankind


Dragons of Eden - Speculations On The Evolution Of Human Intelligence - by Carl Sagan


El Mayor Secreto - por David Icke



El Regreso de Inanna - por V.S. Ferguson



El Secreto de Las Estrellas Oscuras - Las Crónicas del Girku - Volumen 1 - por Anton Parks


El Secreto de Los Andes - por George Hunt Williamson (Brother Philip)


ETs y La Atlántida - Manipulación Genética



Genetic Manipulation - ETs and Atlantis


Inanna Returns - by V.S. Ferguson


Mythos and Cosmogony - Origins of the Solar System - by Tess Clark

Secret of the Andes - by George Hunt Williamson (Brother Philip)


Serpientes y Dragones Voladores - by R.A. Boulay



Tales From Time Loop - by David Icke



The Active Side of Infinity - by Carlos Catañeda



The Biggest Secret - by David Icke


The Body Snatchers - by Susan Reed



The Children of Mu - by James Churchward



The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret Societies - by Philip Gardiner


The Kebra Nagast - the Book of the Glory of the Kings of Ethiopia


The Lost Continent of MU - by James Churchward



The Sons of The Serpent Tribe - by Jonathan Sellers



Thirty Thousand Gods Before Jehovah - Henry Binkley Stein


WARNING   - The Alien Agenda Revealed - by Art Greenfield




Alien Abduction - Corrado Malanga



Contacto Extraterrestre en Africa - David Icke y Credo Mutwa

David Icke... How It All Started



Deja de Ser Alimento - El Cerebro Reptiliano



El Espacio Secreto - Secret Space



El Pacto Reptil

Genetic Manipulation - ETs and Atlantis

George Bush Senior - Confirmed Reptilian Humanoid


Global Reset and Reptilian Overlords - Rise of the Resistance and Full Disclosure


Intervención Extraterrestre en La Antigüedad


In the Shadow of Lizards - The Secrets of Power - David Icke 2004

Laugh All You Like - Possession and Reptilians are REAL


Prenderne Coscienza - Rapimenti Alieni - Corrado Malanga

Quest for The Lost Civilization - Graham Hancock




Reptilianos - La Hermandad de La Serpiente:



  1 - Reptiles - La Historia de Hathor

  2 - Masones Reptilianos



  3 - Invasion de Los Dioses Celestes

  4 - Arte e Historia Reptiliana


Reptilian Rulers - Alex Collier


Revelations of A Mother Goddess - David Icke 2006


Ruled by "The Gods"


Secret Space - Ancient Texts Can Tell Another Story...


The Book of Man


The Lizards and The Jews - David Icke


The Reptilian Agenda - David Icke and Credo Mutwa - English-Español

Transcending The Dualistic Mind - Transpersonal Psychology - John E. Mack

United Nations makes commercial with a Reptilian Dinosaur Warning us of a 'Climate Crisis'...


Related Reports



About Dan Winter - Main File



About Laurence Gardner - Main File



About Robert Morning Sky - Main File



Black Nobility - Main File



Ciencia Real - Main File



Courtney Brown and Remote Viewing - Main File



Craneos Insolitos - Main File



Del Menhir a Las Catedrales y a la Virgen del Pilar



Descendants of The AN.UNNA.KI



Dulce Base - Main File



El Continente de Mu o Lemuria - Main File



Flying Serpents and Dragons



Galactic Federations-Councils - Main File



Galactic History - Main File



Genoma - Main File



La Teoria de La Tierra Hueca - Main File



La Verdadera Historia del Cristianismo - Main File



Los Hopi - Main File



Los Merovingios - Main File



New World Order - Main File



Orion Technology and Other Secret Projects



Summer and The Anunnaki - Main File



The Archons - Los Arcontes - Main File



The Astral Plane - Main File



The Bushes and The New World Order - Main File



The Dogon - Main File



The Illuminati - Main File



The Orion Zone - Main File



 -  The Real History of Christianity - Main File



The United Kingdom and Brexit - Main File



Underground Anomalous Constructions - Main File



Vida en Nuestra Galaxia - Main File



Watchers-Nephilim - Main File



Zeta Reticuli Interaction With Earth - Main File




Return to The Anunnaki



Return to Temas / Main Files



Return to Vida en Nuestra Galaxia



Return to Humanity's History and Ancient Civilizations



Return to The Divine and Manipulative Extraterrestrials




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