Corso travels to Sintra, Lisbon, Portugal, and meets with Victor Fargas who owns a copy of The Nine Gates. Corso finds that three different engravings in his copy are signed "L.C.F.", and the engravings signed this way have subtle differences from those signed "A.T." Corso relays his findings to Balkan and Balkan orders him to acquire Fargas' copy. The next day the Girl takes Corso to see Fargas, who has been drowned; Corso retrieves Fargas's burnt copy from the fireplace and finds the three "L.C.F." engravings torn out. Corso goes to Paris, France, to investigate the third copy owned by Baroness Kessler. Wary of Corso and knowing he is employed by Balkan, she refuses him. Corso is attacked while walking outside only to be saved by The Girl who exhibits seemingly supernatural powers. Corso hides Balkan's book in his hotel room and tells Kessler about the "L.C.F." engravings, proposing that each copy has three that together make an authentic set of nine. Intrigued, Kessler allows Corso to look at her copy. Corso is attacked, and the Baroness is strangled to death and her library set on fire. Corso returns to his hotel and discovers Balkan's copy is missing, probably stolen by Liana.

Some time later as the two are traveling, the Girl explains Balkan's ritual did not work because one of the engravings was forged. When they stop for gas she seemingly vanishes, but gives Corso a note sending him to the Ceniza brothers. At their shop, Corso finds they have mysteriously vanished and the shop is being cleaned out. As workmen remove a large bookcase, a dust-covered paper floats down from the top. This is the authentic engraving, which depicts a woman who resembles the Girl riding atop a dragon-like beast in front of the burning castle. Corso appears returning to the castle with the gates opening up full of bright blinding light, implying the entrance of the Ninth Gate has opened for him.

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However, this kind of Satanism is looked down on by both Balkan and Baroness Kessler (Barbara Jefford), the owner of a different copy of The Nine Gates. Kessler criticizes the Order for simply turning it into an excuse for sex, which is why she herself has left the order. She also dislikes Balkan for being a coward and sending hired men to look at her copy. Balkan criticizes the Order for similar reasons, believing they do not take their Devil worship seriously enough. He insists that he alone has cracked the code and he alone can enter the ninth gate.

The Nine Doors To the Kingdom of Shadows contains nine engravings. In each of the three surviving copies of the Nine Gates, there are three variations in these engravings: six are signed AT, referring to the Nine Gates author Aristidem Torchia; but three, different in each surviving copy of the book, are signed LCF.


The nine original engravings by Lucifer have been dispersed amongst three separate books; only somebody who is able to study and compare all three books would be able to ascertain this.


Working for Balkan.

The nine engravings are the nine doors, the nine gates, and define the route into or out of the Kingdom of Shadows: the ultimate purpose of the book(s).

The assertion that the Nine Gates can raise up the Prince of Darkness in person is incorrect; one of the many traps embedded within the journey the book entails.

Important Note: one of the engravings signed LCF is actually a forgery, created by the Ceniza brothers who reside in their strange shop, in Toledo, Spain, and this throws our antagonist and protagonist into a fatal spin; however, this very deception is portrayed in the engravings themselves and is a part of the game.

The Norse god Odin hung upside down from the world-tree, Yggdrasil, for nine days in order to attain wisdom. By passing through these nine days of challenge, or nine gates, Odin acquired the runes from the Well of Wyrd, the source and end of all sacred knowledge.

Another frame of reference from which to view The Ninth Gate within, is as a window, looking into the story of Catharism and the fight against the tyranny of materialism. It is the journey of one man, Corso, who manages however unwittingly to escape the Kingdom of Shadows. Boris Balkan locates the Ninth Gate as the 13th century castle, once owned by the Congost family who practised Cartharism and were attacked as heretics by Catholic forces. Each of the nine engravings represents a particular life experience, generic or specific, that one must go through in order to gain access to the world of Light and Illumination. Acquiring the engravings was merely a part of that journey; defining the map, so to speak. The female companion was a guide. It looks at our world from the point of view that we are in fact living in falseness, fooled and subjugated into thinking this is the true reality by Rex Mundi, the Devil, the Prince of Darkness. There is an alternative world, a mirror of our own but where Truth prevails.

The Ninth Gate is the last gate in the realm of Death. Unlike the others, it is up in the sky at the end of the river, where there is no more current. There is, in fact, a sky here, compared to the perpetual fog [1]of the other 8 Precincts.

The way to go through the Ninth Gate is to look at it. Upon seeing the stars of the gate, any being puts away their possessions and begins to rise into the air. However, for some, this ascent is halted because their time is not up yet. They fall back to the river below, safe from the siren's song of the Ninth Gate.

The journey towards Voyage ride and to us the products Sumit and Nischaya is certainly such a journey. Though it is not a journey to find the devil like in the move "The ninth gate". It is about discovering the authenticity of being alive and kicking in the hills and mountains, the highest the world here in Nepal. We believe we are the only ones who can give you an authentic experience of a luxury brand while you are with a 21 days journey to the Himalayas with us. And this journey we believe will transform our friends and make them immortal.

So you have a copy of the ninth gate which is worth millions, and he doesn't wear gloves, he's smoking all over it and letting people drop ash on it... to say he is a book lover/ keeper he does not look after them.

Overall, The movie its self was mediocre and slightly to long but I did enjoy Johnny Depp being all Mysterious.

I wouldn't say that she is LF i would say a fallen angel at most is implemented by the author she is more of a representation of Corso's love life which was non-existent before her maybe the author wants you to believe she is a devil because she is too young for corso or to smart for her age but she is an avid reader and all of her jokes pertain to information that corso is similar with. The ending was the best part in my opinion due to the surprise of the ninth gate being fake, corso able to love again, and the option of filling in your own blanks of what or where corso ends up, I believe with the movie that was what he wanted as the director for the movie to end who is to say that didn't happen corso now knows the secret to the ninth gates why not try it but either way to each his own on his book just thought id put in my two cents.

Arturo Prez-Reverte's supernatural mystery novel, "The Club Dumas," makes for an intriguing, labyrinthine read. Set in a universe where antiquarian booksellers are aplenty (and thriving, due to a steady interest in and demand for rare, precious tomes), the novel follows Lucas Corso, who is hired to authenticate a manuscript by Alexandre Dumas. Corso is soon led down an increasingly dangerous, absurd path that causes him to flit around the world in search of an elusive truth lost to humanity, specifically, the gates to hell.

Dean Corso (Johnny Depp) is an expert in rare books with a conscience which could at best be termed "flexible." His introduction finds him fleecing a couple with regards to the value of a four-volume set of Don Quixote, snatching up the rare prize for a comparatively paltry sum as the books' owner sits nearby, mute, confined to a wheelchair, and visibly (to us, at least) distressed as all hell regarding the proceedings going on just behind his back. While the scene itself isn't significant to the overall plot, I mention it because it's an excellent example of how this film works when it's getting things right. Polanski uses the camera to tell the story as often as he lets the dialogue do so, and composition throughout is haunting and beautiful-without giving too much away, I'll point out that the film manages to make Hell, or at least something clearly symbolic of Hell-absolutely gorgeous. The film itself, however, isn't quite matched to the presentation, though for a while it makes a good go of things. Wealthy book collector Boris Balkan hires Corso to investigate the only two existing copies, other than his own, of a book titled The Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows, as he's convinced that only one copy of the book is genuine, and obviously desires with great intensity to know which one it is. The book is reputed to contain the key to summoning the Devil himself, and as his attempts thus far have summoned absolutely squat, he's fairly convinced that the real book is one of the remaining two. He wants the correct book identified and procured, by whatever means are necessary, and Corso sets off for Europe to begin his detective work. 006ab0faaa

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