No matter your deliverable, your business proposal should help you cross the threshold between marketing and sales. You could include testimonials and a small portfolio of your previous work in order to build trust. A problem statement and basic pricing information are also good candidates for inclusion.

In Ristorante Ltd t/a Bar Massimo v Zurich Insurance PLC [2021] EWHC 2538 (Ch), the High Court interpreted a question on an insurance proposal form that related to the insolvency of persons expressly identified.

The New India Assurance Proposal Form Download

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The Supreme Court on Wednesday, has set aside a National Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum order against an Insurance company and held that notes appended to proposal forms which limits insurance coverage to the goods insured, binds the insured. Apex Court bench comprising of Justices J. Chelameswar and Abhay Manohar Sapre made this observation in United India Insurance Co. Ltd. Vs. M/s...

The information provided within the Statement of Fact or proposal form is taken into account by insurers when calculating the premium and terms and conditions upon which the policy is formulated. As a result, policyholders have a duty to make a fair presentation of the risk to insurers to include disclosure of every material circumstance known to them and to ensure that the information provided is correct and made in good faith.

Conversely, insurers need to avoid asking ambiguous questions because if there is a genuine ambiguity in a question put to an applicant by insurers in a proposal form or Statement of Fact, then insurers cannot rely upon the answer as a misrepresentation of fact if that answer is true in respect of the question asked.

The importance of both fair presentation and the principles relating to the proper interpretation of the questions in a proposal form has been considered by the High Court in the recent case of Ristorante Ltd (t/a Bar Massimo) v Zurich Insurance Plc [2021] EWHC 2538 (Ch).

The Judge in the present case considered that the exercise of interpreting questions posed in proposal forms does not depend on the subjective intention or understanding of the parties but is instead an objective exercise.

The judgment is a reminder to insurers of the importance of clear and careful drafting of questions in proposal forms and to consider what information they actually require from the applicant, ensuring that the questions are drafted appropriately to elicit that information. Save for limited circumstances, if there is ambiguity in a question put by insurers, it will be resolved in favour of the insured.

Furthermore, Mr Justice Snowden specifically noted that insurers need to keep abreast of developments in case law and decisions relating to the interpretation of proposal form questions if they are to avoid drafting questions which end up waiving their entitlement to material information which is necessary for underwriting purposes.

Insurance, at the very basic level, is an agreement between the insurer and the insured. This agreement is based on the information that the insured provides in the proposal form. Hence, this form becomes the single most important document in the whole insurance policy.

Competitive proposals may also include a summary budget and budget narrative for 24 additional months following the proposed period of performance, indicated above. This information should indicate what objective(s) and/or activities could be accomplished with additional time and/or funds beyond the proposed period of performance.

Applicants should have existing, or the capacity to develop, active partnerships with thematic or in-country partners, entities, and relevant stakeholders, including private sector partners and NGOs, and have demonstrable experience in administering successful and preferably similar projects. DRL encourages applications from foreign-based NGOs headquartered in the geographic regions/countries relevant to this NOFO. Applicants may form consortia in order to bring together organizations with varied expertise to propose a comprehensive program in one proposal. However, one organization should be designated in the proposal as the lead applicant, with the other members designated as sub-award partners. DRL reserves the right to request additional background information on applicants that do not have previous experience administering federal grant awards, and these applicants may be subject to limited funding on a pilot basis.

In accordance with Department of State policy for terrorism, applicants are advised that successful passing of vetting to evaluate the risk that funds may benefit terrorists or their supporters is a condition of award. If chosen for an award, applicants will be asked to submit information required by DS Form 4184, Risk Analysis Information (attached to this solicitation) about their company and its principal personnel. Vetting information is also required for all sub-award performance on assistance awards identified by the Department of State as presenting a risk of terrorist financing. Vetting information may also be requested for project beneficiaries and participants. Failure to submit information when requested, or failure to pass vetting, may be grounds for rejecting your proposal prior to award.

This proposal form for Wikimedia Foundation's proposal to the FDC for 2012-2013 Round 1 may be viewed in tab view or standard view. To discuss this aspect of the proposal to the FDC, please visit the discussion page.

Each section of the proposal provides guidance on the amount of detail expected in response to each question or field. If you have additional questions about the form, please contact the FDC support team.

Please provide the relevant information below. "Year to date" refers to the period between the start of your entity's current fiscal year and the date of submission of the proposal(+). If it is helpful to link to your entity's tag_hash_112___________________________________, please do so.

22. In the Committee's view, a misunderstanding of the terms of the contract is at the root of dissatisfaction under this head.In its working paper it expressed the view that there was no justification for legislation restricting motor vehicle insurance policiesto "valued" policies. It suggested that the solution lay (a) in requiring insurers offering the indemnity type policy to indicateclearly on the proposal form that the declared value would not necessarily represent the market value of the car at the time of loss,and (b) in requiring the insurer to bring this statement expressly to the notice of the applicant.

24. After considering the matter the Committee is still of the opinion that a statutory requirement obliging the insurer to setout clearly in the proposal form the real effect of an indemnity policy would help. It recommends the enactment of appropriate legislation.

28. The paper further suggested that the practice of enlarging the duty of disclosure (see paragraph 25 above) to facts thatthe insured did not know and could not have known could also cause injustice and that there was something to be said for implementingthe proposals of the English Law Reform Committee in paragraph 14(2) of their Fifth Report (Conditions and Exceptions in Insurance Policies, Cmnd. 62, 1957), namely -

36. The Committee suggested in paragraph 38 of its working paper that the insurer should not be able to escape liability wherethe accident was not caused by the unsafe condition. The Law Society said it strongly supported this suggestion. The State GovernmentInsurance Office and the Fire and Accident Underwriters' Association were also in agreement, the Association stating that it intendedto amend the form of comprehensive policies used by its members to give effect to this proposal.

48. In paragraph 33 of its working paper the Committee suggested that an insurer should be required by statute to attach tothe policy, when this is delivered to the insured, a copy of the completed proposal form. The Law Society agreed with this suggestion.On the other hand, the State Government Insurance Office and the Fire and Accident Underwriters' Association opposed it because theysaid it would increase costs and, in any case, little would be achieved since only a very sma ll proportion of policy holders wouldmake use of the copy provided.

51. Moreover, some renewals are made (to quote from a renewal notice) "...on the understanding that the warranties, statementsand answers made by the insured in the original proposal, and forming the basis of this insurance, continue to be true and accurate,and would be the same if truthfully made today". Others carry no such term, but any warranty or undertaking embodied in the proposalwould automatically become a term of the renewed contract. As Lord Wright pointed out in Provincial Insurance Co. v. Morgan  [1933] A.C. 240 at 252 -

54. Some insurers include in their proposal forms a summary of what they consider to be the important terms of the policy; othersdo not. In its working paper (paragraph 45), the Committee tentatively proposed that the terms, conditions and exclusions of a policyshould be available to the applicant before he signifies acceptance of them, or, at least, that specified clauses should be adequatelysummarised on the proposal form, in print of a specified size. In supporting the Committee's proposal, the Law Society suggestedthat consideration should also be given to the use of a different coloured ink.

(a)Indemnity type insurance contracts must clearly indicate on the proposal form that whatever the sum declared by the proposer asthe value of the insured vehicle may be, the insured will not be entitled to recover any sum in excess of the market value of thevehicle at the time of the accident (paragraphs 22 and 24). ff782bc1db

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