This guide is meant to explore and expand discussion into what causes Input Lag(going to be regarded as IL) and mouse movement. If you do not see a point in reducing as much input lag as possible, that is fine, but this is for people who enjoy the feeling of high responsive gameplay/desktop environments such as back during XP or windows 7 days or at least make the mouse feel that way again.

I have lived with input lag on my Ryzen build for 2 years but had IL(Input Lag) for 4 years due to windows 10. I had no clue why I had so much IL in all of my games and desktop compared to my previous FX and Athlon builds and after 2 years of research I have found some tweaks that can help. tag_hash_107 I am using the same setup: mouse, 144hz monitor, room, outlet as my previous setups so I can feel the performance differences.

The Markc Windows 10 + 8.1 + 8 + 7 Mouse Acceleration Fix Download

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I always disable mouse acceleration in mouse options and use Prio to set games to high priority. Now im disabling fullscreen opt. Like Fr33thy I also use ISLC to set the timer to a perfect .5. That's all I do for input lag.

-mouse acceleration off (this is very bad for aim) (this can be done by using MarkC mouse fix below)

--Markc mouse fix (download) -windows-7-mouse-acceleration-fix.html

don't change pointer speed from the default (6/11), just an fyi

Enhance pointer precision setting can be changed via a call to the windows API. I wrote a small tool that does just that. You can find it on The change takes effect immediately (If you check that it works via the mouse properties dialog, you have to reopen the dialog).

I used "low" setting in windows 2000. As described in this thread I have just been trying to achieve the simple doubling of mouse movement once passing a threshold (I think the threshold for 'low' setting was 6?) with no variable acceleration. Just a straight linear doubling. Unfortunately this has been impossible since XP.

Currently I have win7x64, 60hz refresh rate, 500hz mouse polling text size? whatever default is..not sure what that means. Resolution 1680x1050 but I do run dual monitors. I'm pretty sure back on windows 2000 I used a 125 hz polling rate. I'm willing to learn how to do this myself as I've read some of your other threads..just not sure how to do a simple doubling.

I've tried nearly every conventional method of turning mouse acceleration off that most searches would lead me to (EPP off, raw input, mouse acceleration off in-game) but nothing seems to work. My mouse just always feels uncomfortably fast/slippery even at 9in/360 and lowering my sensitivity doesn't seem to make a difference. I also use a Zowie FK so the acceleration shouldn't be caused by the mouse. Anyone have suggestions or a possible solution to fix this?

Mouse acceleration is a different system to enhance mouse movement. Distance of the cursor on the screen is highly dependent on the speed which mouse is moved. For example, a user moves their mouse 5 cm in 5 seconds and the cursor travels 200 pixels across the screen. With acceleration, if the mouse is moved by the same 5 cm but in 1 second, the cursor travels 1000 pixels - five times the distance of the slower movement.

It is very easy to spot mouse acceleration in-game, as usually very fast mouse movement will result in several 360 rotations of the player's character. Follow the guide below to find out whether a game uses acceleration:

Positive mouse acceleration means that faster you are moving your mouse, farther cursor will travel on the screen. This is the most common implementation and you can find it in Windows (under Enhance pointer precision) and in many games. Some games let you even tweak strength of acceleration.

Rarely you can also encounter a combination of these two (example Remember Me, Watch_Dogs), where the game practically ignores low speed mouse movements and camera just staying still. Positive acceleration is applied to medium speed movements and there is also strong negative acceleration to high speed mouse movements.

While the setting is a personal choice, it is recommend that you disable mouse acceleration to provide a more consistent aim in more competitive titles. While playing without mouse acceleration may initially be difficult for players used to playing with it, after playing without it for some time most players become used to it, and often may see an improvement in the precision of their aim.

If you want to be able to move the mouse around the screen with fewer swipes without enabling mouse acceleration, it is recommend that you pickup a gaming mouse with a high DPI sensor. This allows for the ability to move the cursor farther while keeping the cursor movement consistent.

When I import the registry file and log off and back on, "Enhance pointer precision" checkbox in Windows' mouse settings in Control Panel still enables mouse acceleration. It's also always present on the login screen where you can switch to another user account, regardless of settings in HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Mouse.

I tend cycle between 2500-3300 dpi with no acceleration. (based on xml on wot to default). I can play up at 4500 (mouse maxes out at 6400), but if I'm off my game it'll cost far more twitch time on corrections. It also might vary on what tank I'm in, with meds tending to go on the higher end, heavies on the lower end (less dispersion and more time when turret is rotating to get the fine corrections).

Go into windows mouse settings, find 'enhance accuracy/precision' or whatever, disable it. In every FPS game you have you need to find the mouse settings, and untick or slide mouse acceleration down to 0. This makes your mouse feel like putty and means that movement distance is correlated to movement speed. Which makes it hard to play FPS.

getting rid of mouse acceleration will help build muscle memory quicker. Some games don't use raw mouse input so here is a fix I use. be aware that this is a registry edit but it wont break anything, I do this for my gaming pc e24fc04721

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