Welcome to the Lyon's Den

Learning from home

Hello and welcome to the Lyon's Den.

I understand that our current reality is challenging, and that learning needs strike a balance in your homes and your lives.

What follows is a description of the expectations placed upon your child while classes are cancelled:

  • Junior high students should complete a minimum of 10 hours of school work per week as dictated by the Minister of education.

    • What this means for MAP students is that their time should be split equally between Science and L.A. for a total of 5 hours of learning per class. Should this be unrealistic please contact me at simon.lyon@horizon.ab.ca

  • I will be using google classroom and hapara to support your child's learning while classes are cancelled. While your child knows how to interact with both these websites, here are some links so that you may learn about them yourself.

  • I will contact your child on a regular basis to support their learning needs. This will typically happen over the phone unless you specify a preference for something else.

  • Your child should check Google classroom every Monday morning to see what the assignments for the week.

Weekly check-ins will be available for Grade 7-8 students Mondays and Wednesdays at 11 am
These check-ins will be video meetings on google meets.

Weekly check-ins will be available for Grade 9 students Mondays and Wednesdays at 11:30 am

These check-ins will be video meetings on google meets.