The "value is too long" error typically occurs when the TXT record value you are trying to add in the DNS settings exceeds the maximum character limit allowed by Shopify.

Google seems to automatically create DKIM records in 2048 bit, which Shopify does not support. If you ask to generate a new DKIM record, Google asks you if you want this to be in 1024 or 2048 bit. If you choose 1024 bit, Shopify has no problem accepting your new TXT record. Your email should then authenticate in google workspace with no trouble.

It's nice to see that you have set up a custom email address! It's such a great way to allow your business to appear more professional, as well as to strengthen trust with prospective customers. If you're looking to continue to build your business' brand imagery, I recommend going through our resources linked below:

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Moira | Social Care @ Shopify 

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Hey Moira! So what is the solution if I would like to add a 2048 bit DKIM record? Does Shopify have any plans to support 2048 bit DKIM records? It would be great if 2048 bit records are supported considering the increased level of security it offers compared to the conventional 1024 bit DKIM records.

Hey Sconnor. I've gone 10 rounds with Shopify, Google, and Klaviyo support. I feel pretty confident in what I've found. 

DKIM, SPF, & DMARC policies:

If you're using an ESP like Klaviyo, then your DKIM and SPF records should be automatically updated by them. The only thing that Klaviyo cannot do for you is the DMARC records. I've been using -lookup for help with DMARC. 

The ONLY thing I cannot seem to get clarification on is if the 1024 bit DKIM records Shopify requires will be compliant with google/yahoo. Google currently suggests 2048 bit DKIM but Shopify's backend can only handle 1024. So I guess I'm still lost there... So would still love an answer form ANYONE at Shopify regarding 1024 bit DKIM records and if/when we can use 2048 DKIM records in Shopify's backend....

edit: I've also made a full encompassing post here but no one from Shopify has replied yet... 


Any solutions yet to the too short field for the TXT record? I spoke to Shopify on chat yesterday and the rep was clueless. End of Jan deadline. It is so frustrating to not have a solution - my problem is authenticating Shopify and Mailerlite (who also suggested the split TXT record as a solution but this doesn't work on the Shopify backend).

I have gone round and round with Shopify for 2 weeks regarding this problem. My open rates have dropped from a very, very consistent 40% to 16-20% overnight due to this. The DKIM keeps coming back with an error message. I'm at my wit's end. This is a major problem for small businesses and majorly impacts our profit margins and bottom lines. I am absolutely floored by the inability of Shopify tech support to support us through these changes. We spend a heck of a lot of money every month and should receive far better service with changing policies.

Hey folks! Thank you for your feedback on this. We are continuing to share this with our developers and I recognize how important it is to see this change happen. I still cannot provide a timeline on this subject, but hopefully we will see this roll out in the near future.

Shay | Social Care @ Shopify 

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Been on chat with Shopify a lot in the last few days. They said they have fed the request to fix this (have a longer TXT record field) to developers but have no timeframe as to when it might be done (if they agree to do it)....

After reading the Wired story last week about Zachary Harris discovering a widespread vulnerability related to the use of weak cryptographic DKIM keys (less than 1024 bits) by companies like Google, eBay, Yahoo, Twitter and PayPal, and the subsequent CERT warning (VU#268267), I decided to write a quick tool to check DKIM TXT records and determine their key length:

Outstanding Tool. More ISPs are requiring DKIM >=1024 and some of the providers I use to offer free sites to Not-for-Profits have not moved their support to the required level. This allowed me to find the Domains with issues very quickly. Thank You

As with many operating system artifacts, this data is not created for our use in forensic investigations, but they are often useful in supporting our theories surrounding user activity, specifically file and folder knowledge, on a Windows computer.

Registry data is structured in a tree format and each node within the tree is referred to as a key. These keys can contain data entries, also called values, or may contain subkeys, which in turn may contain data entries. Each key or subkey can have one or more values. ( -us/windows/win32/sysinfo/structure-of-the-registry).

Most examiners are familiar with the NTUSER.DAT Registry hive that is created in the root of each Windows user account profile folder. Many operating system artifacts are sourced from the Windows Registry and items recovered from the NTUSER.DAT Registry hive may be particularly useful as they are associated with a specific Windows user account, potentially helping to provide attribution in a forensic investigation.

The RecentDocs key is tracking recent file and folder access and is populated via Windows file explorer when a user opens folders or opens or saves files. Simultaneously, within the RecentDocs key, examiners will find subkeys for the different file extensions which have been accessed using File Explorer to open or save files or open a folder.

Within the RecentDocs key examiners will find value entries including MRUListEX and numeric values. Microsoft takes an interesting approach to the way the MRUListEx data entry is populated which can lead to some confusion during manual analysis. In the RecentDocs Key graphic above, we can see the first entry is 16. First, the MRUListEx data entry tracks an ordered list of files or folders accessed, with the first item listed in the value data being the most recently accessed and the last entry being the oldest.

As mentioned previously, there are subkeys within RecentDocs for Folder along with the different file extensions a user account has interacted with. These subkeys will each contain an MRUListEx entry with hexadecimal values and data entries with decimal values for the individual items accessed which are populated the same as the RecentDocs key. As an example, below is the subkey entry for the TXT file extension. The MRUListEx entry indicates the most recently accessed file as 0x02 or decimal two (2).

Fortunately, this data is presented to us in an even easier to understand way using the Artifact explorer of AXIOM Examine. Depending on user activity on a Windows computer, we may be able to find artifacts within four different artifact categories in AXIOM Examine: MRU Folder Access, MRU Opened-Saved Files, MRU Recent Files and Folders, and MRU Run Commands. Our examples above focused on the RecentDocs entries, which are displayed in the Artifact explorer within the artifact category for MRU Recent Files & Folders.

Using the same examples from earlier, selecting the MRU Recent Files & Folders artifact category in AXIOM Examine, we can again see that a LNK file named The Internet was the most recently accessed file, according to the RecentDocs key. Also note that AXIOM is displaying the Value Name of 0, as seen in the Registry explorer view, and showing the Registry Order value of 1, indicating this is the first item from the MRUListEx entry from the RecentDocs key, just as we saw previously. AXIOM parses the hexadecimal data within all of the MRUListEX entries in RecentDocs and its associated subkeys, and then uses the corresponding decimal values from the Name column to present this information to examiners.

Depending on user activity on a Windows computer, we may be able to find artifacts within four different artifact categories in AXIOM Examine: MRU Folder Access, MRU Opened-Saved Files, MRU Recent Files and Folders, and MRU Run Commands. Our examples above focused on the RecentDocs entries, which are displayed in the Artifact explorer within the artifact category for MRU Recent Files & Folders. The other potential MRU artifact categories are: 152ee80cbc

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