I am trying to make a query in SCCM based on the last time a client made a policy request. We have our client settings setup for client to check for updates every 15 minutes so if the power goes out like it did in our office today I can tell if a computer is offline without waiting for 24 hours for it to go inactive in SCCM. If you look at any client in SCCM you will see under client activity policy request.

I want to pull in the name of the computer and their current last policy request time so I can sort it by oldest to newest and find out which computers have not been checking in. I am been looking at this online such as here: -US/b6ce6c7b-0e78-4690-a475-fd433ab8cfb3/wql-query-for... Opens a new window , but the query they provide tells me it has syntax error and I cannot seem to find where this is located in the SCCM database for me to pull this information out. If anyone has any advice on how I can do this I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You.

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I am facing one problem in my environment i.e Client computer are up to date with latest antivirus update definition but somehow the client last connection information not updated. it's showing last login one week ago. But client already logged in and updated.

Restarting the server is only a temporary workaround. From my understanding the MySQL service at midnight is supposed to clean the cache on the ERA server and thus update the client last connected list. It appears this is not happening. We are running the ERA Virtual Appliance and in another thread it was suggested to "add innodb_lock_wait_timeout=600 to your MySQL configuration (/etc/my.cnf) into [mysqld] section and restart database server". We performed these steps but it has not had any effect, we are still experiencing this problem.

Hi, I want to set up sequencing to automate follow-up pings to sales qualified leads that have not responded. In this case, an initial quotation e-mail has been sent and this is stored in the CRM system on the contact (using the BCC address). The email also has attachments. I want the sequence to reply to the last e-mail and continue to engage the potential client until we have a response. It is important that the context is included in the first mail of the sequence, the attachments for the first e-mail, the email thread, and the RE: should also be included. I cannot seem to find how to set this up as a reply to an earlier mail, and include the previous context. Is this possible, please help.

I'm sorry, are you saying that in an automated follow up sequence I can only reply to the first email sent and not the last email in the sequence? 

This is literally the most basic feature of ANY sequencer. And we can't use it with Hubspot, the freaking rolls royce of marketing tools?

That leaves SNI as the last unencrypted bit that intermediaries can use to determine which website you're visiting. After performing a DNS query, one of the first things a browser will do is perform a TLS handshake. The handshake constitutes several steps, including which cipher to use, which TLS version and which certificate will be used to verify the web server's identity. As part of this handshake, the browser will indicate the name of the server (website) that it intends to visit: the Server Name Indication.

In order to explain how ECH works, it helps to first understand how TLS handshakes are performed. A TLS handshake starts with a ClientHello part, which allows a client to say which ciphers to use, which TLS version and most importantly, which server it's trying to visit (the SNI).

My Understanding:

If I have a standard deployment architecture with deployment server and clients and deploy an app to a client, the app will not get updated on the client until I do any changes on the deployment server.

The Problem:

However, if on the client the app is changed by a local system administrator (e.g. disabling audit log input) Splunk will not undo these changes (until I change the app on the deployment server) and I have no chance to recognize this change.

The Questions:

- Is there a chance to enforce an app on the client? (Besides changing the app regularly on the deployment server)

- Is there a smart way to at least monitor the app for changes on the client?

- Did the behavior change from any previous version?

All that changes live on the client as long as the DS will NOT get reloaded or restarted (not the restartSplunkd option). In that case woodcock is right, it instantly will override the app as soon as the client has been phoned home. But without that reload, you can make changes which are not wiped immediately.

When the client phones home it usually calculates a checksum of its app contents and requests the same from the DS depending on the serverclass he is configured in. But it is using the same checksum like it used before when the DS has not been reloaded. That means the DS triggers the client to do that recalculation. If not reloaded - the checksums remain the same - even though there could have been a change on the client. It is unfortunately not clear explained in docs.

If you are using Forwarder Management, every click and save triggers a reload of the DS. Doing changes on the CLI you have to use the CLI command. But if the DS has not been notified about changes he will give the client the last checksum since its last reload, so the client does. 

So that is why the behaviour looks sometimes different, depending on how the DS is used.

Splunk has a setting on the DS called restartSplunkd. The documentation says that this means that when this app is deployed, that the splunk instance on that forwarder will be restarted. HOWEVER, I had a very heated disagreement with a client just yesterday where I insisted that DS aggressively maintains the app contents on the client such that anything that changes on the client is changed back immediately. The client insisted the opposite and actually showed me that he was right (at least on his deployment). The only difference that I could see was that I was using restartSplunkd on my apps and he was not (and also the splunk version). I would try setting restartSplunkd to true and see if this will enable the behavior that you desire. If so, this aspect is completely undocumented but I can assure you that I did see the behavior that you desire at my last client. Please report back your findings.

A deployment client can have many local changes to an app without being overwritten from DS. If that would not be the case, you could never test apps or extend knowledge to an app while managed by a DS. Only if you change the app on the DS, next time the client phones home it gets its list of new or updated apps and downloads the bundle, after that it will wipe the app before unpacking the archive. Then you lose local configuration in such app if it has not been updated to the app on DS. You have to make your user aware of that fact. If you want to force no local changes to an app - you better restrict write permissions in metadata for parts of the config or in general by default. That all works only in splunk context. There is no protection against changing files on the filesystem to gain back write permissions or change other configuration directly.

I have same problem.

When I create new character in online mode, it create the character, then get stuck in loading screen, then crash. And when I try to login into any of existing characters I previously created, I get the same client crash as OP

I'm using OpenSSH Client shipped with Windows 10 (Home) through the Powershell. How do i repeat the last command(s)? I was used to using the up key to browse throught the last executed commands, but that doesn't work, using any arrow key results in stange characters showing up in the command line ( i.e. ^[[A ).Other Linux related commands, like !!, also don't work... any idea?

EDIT: The problem seems to be Server side (Unbuntu) and not the OpenSSH Client on Windows (the same probelm occurs with Putty). So the question now is: how do I activate last command with key up and auto-completion with tab on the remote server.

From a child soldier who was used as a weapon to a young woman trying to find her place as a human again, Violet Evergarden becomes an Auto Memory Doll to understand what love is after previously knowing nothing but destruction and blood. The Auto Memory Dolls in Violet Evergarden are tasked to write and convey their clients' feelings into letters. Violet struggled with it in the beginning but eventually became one of the most widely renowned Dolls.

Through her letters, Violet starts to learn the different forms of love and what it looks like. By the end of Season 1, she gets a little closer to understanding the words her beloved major left her with, and comes to terms with his death. Before the finale finishes, she meets one last client and looks surprised at first before smiling softly. It's left ambiguous but many fans have been wondering: Who could this last client be?

Over the course of the series, Violet met many clients who had a critical impact on her perception of the world. In Episode 10, she met a child named Anne, whose mother -- knowing she wouldn't live long enough to see her daughter grow up -- hired Violet to write letters that would be sent to her daughter on every birthday for the next 50 years. Losing Gilbert hurt Violet deeply and she could see herself in Anne, but seeing the unconditional love of Anne's mother reminded Violet that even though Gilbert was dead, it didn't mean he was gone forever. Judging by Violet's reaction, it's unlikely that it was Anne who saw her -- viewers most likely would have heard her voice call out Violet's name. 006ab0faaa

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