Angus Flint is a Scottish archaeology student excavating the site of a convent at the Derbyshire bed and breakfast run by the Trent sisters, Mary and Eve. He unearths an unusual skull which appears to be that of a large snake. Angus believes it may be connected to the local legend of the d'Ampton 'worm', a mythical snake-like creature from ages past said to have been slain in Stonerich Cavern by John d'Ampton, the ancestor of current Lord of the Manor, James d'Ampton.

When a pocket watch is discovered in Stonerich Cavern, James comes to believe that the d'Ampton worm may be more than a legend. The watch belonged to the Trent sisters' father, Joe Trent who disappeared a year earlier near Temple House, the stately home of the beautiful and seductive Lady Sylvia Marsh. The enigmatic Lady Sylvia is revealed to be in fact an immortal priestess to the ancient snake god, Dionin. She surreptitiously enters the bed and breakfast and steals the snake's skull, before baring fangs and spitting venom on a crucifix hanging on the wall. Eve later touches the crucifix, absorbing some of the venom, and is disturbed by a surreal vision involving a crucified Jesus being encircled by a giant serpent, while a group of surrounding nuns are raped by Roman soldiers.

The Lair Of The White Worm Full Movie Download

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Lady Sylvia picks up a young male hitchhiker named Kevin and brings him to Temple House, where she seduces him before paralyzing him with snake venom and killing him. James visits Temple House moments later and is invited in by Lady Sylvia for a drink. She tells James she is terrified of snakes and the d'Ampton worm legend. That night, James has a surreal nightmare in which he boards a plane with Eve and Lady Sylvia acting as stewardesses.

At dawn, police officer Ernie arrives at the bed and breakfast, summoned by James's phone call. Mary accompanies Ernie, believing they are headed to the police station, but Ernie reveals they are driving to Temple House to investigate the events that occurred the night before. Upon arrival, Mary discovers Ernie has been bitten and is under the serpent's spell. Angus, using bagpipes, lures Ernie away and kills him as Mary flees into the subterranean space beneath Temple House. Angus follows, and is bitten and incapacitated by Lady Sylvia, who appears with a blue tinge and has morphed into a partial serpentine form in her lair. Mary is bound and watches as Lady Sylvia prepares to sacrifice Eve to Dionin, who awaits at the bottom of a pit. Angus manages to thwart the sacrifice by pushing Lady Sylvia into the hole, where Dionin consumes her, before detonating the giant serpent with a grenade. All the while, James leads a crew to investigate the Stonerich Caverns from above the lair.

It was one of Hugh Grant's first movies and Ireland says Grant was "embarrassed by it" in later years.[6] "I'm not sure if it was meant to be horrific or funny," Grant said shortly after the film was made. "When I saw it, I roared with laughter. As ever, I get to play a sort of upper-class young man. I have some exciting things to do: I get to slay a giant worm with a big sword, cutting it in half. Very, very symbolic stuff."[13]

Robin Fields and Jacquelin Sufak of the Chicago Tribune praised the film for its use of deadpan humour as well as for Donohoe's performance, adding: "Lair may be a bit more palatable as a whole than most of Russell`s efforts, but that doesn`t mean the film is easily digested. An impaled eyeball, a dinner of pickled earthworms in aspic and a hallucinatory sequence involving the rape of nuns keep viewers from resting too easily: This is a Ken Russell film, after all."[32]

Caswall's Black African servant, Oolanga, a man obsessed with death and torture, prowls around the Castra Regis estate, enjoying the carnage left by the White Worm. Adam's mongoose attacks Arabella, who shoots it to death. Adam buys more mongooses and keeps them locked in trunks when not using them to hunt. Arabella tears another mongoose apart with her hands. Oolanga takes a liking to Arabella, perhaps sensing something violent in her, and makes advances. Arabella scorns Oolanga and is deeply insulted that he would dare to approach her. In an attempt to win her over, Oolanga steals one of Adam's trunks (which he believes is filled with treasure, but is actually just another mongoose), and Adam follows Oolanga. Arabella lures Oolanga to a deep well in her house, then in rage and disgust murders him by dragging him down into the deep pit tunneled through a bed of white china clay. Adam witnesses the murder, but has no evidence of it apart from his own word. Arabella writes him a letter the next day, with the previous night's events twisted, claiming her complete innocence. Adam and Sir Nathaniel begin to suspect that Arabella is guilty of other crimes and that she wants to murder Mimi Watford.

There are occasional flashes of brilliance in the novel. After the White Worm awakens, the heroes of the story seek shelter in Doom Tower. At night, they peer out through the tower windows and see the glowing green eyes and white body of the serpent towering, silent and still, over the treetops in the distance.

Another frightening scene is a frantic flight of the heroes by carriage, pursued to the coast of England and beyond by the monstrous worm. These scenes show what White Worm could have been, if its author had been in better health.

Amanda Donohoe Hugh Grant Catherine Oxenberg Peter Capaldi Sammi Davis Stratford Johns Paul Brooke Imogen Claire Chris Pitt Gina McKee Christopher Gable Lloyd Peters Miranda Coe Linzi Drew Caron Anne Kelly Fiona O'Connor Caroline Pope Elisha Scott Tina Shaw Paul Easom James Hicks David Kiernan Matthew King Ross Murray Andy Norman Bob Smith Jackie Russell Ken Russell

The two girls came to the door together. Strange sounds werecoming up over the Brow from the west. It was the rustling andcrackling of the dry reeds and rushes from the low lands. Theseason had been an unusually dry one. Also the strong east windwas helping forward enormous flocks of birds, most of them pigeons withwhite cowls. Not only were their wings whirring, but their cooingwas plainly audible. From such a multitude of birds the mass ofsound, individually small, assumed the volume of a storm. Surprisedat the influx of birds, to which they had been strangers so long, theyall looked towards Castra Regis, from whose high tower the great kitehad been flying as usual. But even as they looked, the cord broke,and the great kite fell headlong in a series of sweeping dives. Its own weight, and the aerial force opposed to it, which caused itto rise, combined with the strong easterly breeze, had been too muchfor the great length of cord holding it.

Silent-footed as he was, Lady Arabella heard him coming, and turnedto meet him. It was somewhat hard to see in the gloom, for, asusual, he was all in black, only his collar and cuffs showing white. Lady Arabella opened the conversation which ensued between the two.

Then he rubbed his eyes in sheer amazement. Up the stone stepsfrom the narrow door by which he had entered, glided the white-cladfigure of Lady Arabella, the only colour to be seen on her being blood-markson her face and hands and throat. Otherwise, she was calm andunruffled, as when earlier she stood aside for him to pass in throughthe narrow iron door.

Lady Arabella, whose face had blanched to a deadly white, now resumedher ministrations at the tea-board as though nothing unusual had happened. The slop-basin was full of half-burned brown paper, over which tea hadbeen poured.

Mimi was greatly distressed when she saw her cousin lying prone. She had a few times in her life seen Lilla on the verge of fainting,but never senseless; and now she was frightened. She threw herselfon her knees beside Lilla, and tried, by rubbing her hands and othermeasures commonly known, to restore her. But all her efforts wereunavailing. Lilla still lay white and senseless. In fact,each moment she looked worse; her breast, that had been heaving withthe stress, became still, and the pallor of her face grew like marble.

As she looked out of the window, she saw something thin and whitemove along the avenue. She thought she recognised the figure ofLady Arabella, and instinctively drew back behind the curtain. When she had ascertained, by peeping out several times, that the ladyhad not seen her, she watched more carefully, all her instinctive hatredflooding back at the sight of her. Lady Arabella was moving swiftlyand stealthily, looking back and around her at intervals, as if shefeared to be followed. This gave Mimi an idea that she was upto no good, so she determined to seize the occasion for watching herin more detail.

She followed on steadily through the gloom of the trees, dependingon the glint of the white dress to keep her right. The wood beganto thicken, and presently, when the road widened and the trees grewfarther back, she lost sight of any indication of her whereabouts. Under the present conditions it was impossible for her to do any more,so, after waiting for a while, still hidden in the shadow to see ifshe could catch another glimpse of the white frock, she determined togo on slowly towards Castra Regis, and trust to the chapter of accidentsto pick up the trail again. She went on slowly, taking advantageof every obstacle and shadow to keep herself concealed.

At the top of the Brow, beneath them as they looked down, they sawa shining mass of white, which looked strangely out of place amongstsuch wreckage as they had been viewing. It appeared so strangethat Adam suggested trying to find a way down, so that they might seeit more closely.

All right, this is just too much. I understand that Sylvia is probably feeling pretty contemptuous of everyone and everything in town, but playing Snakes and Ladders? Especially one with a giant white serpent in the middle?

Second, I can't tell what James is doing here. If it were anyone else I'd swear he was conducting some sort of psychological warfare by subtly letting on that he knows about the whole lair thing, but it could just as easily be that James is just a giant ponce who doesn't know what he's doing. e24fc04721

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