"The King of Fighters 2002: Challenge to Ultimate Battle" brings together characters from various SNK franchises. It features a diverse roster of fighters and emphasizes team-based gameplay. Players assemble a team of three characters and engage in intense battles using a combination of unique special moves and strategic team tactics. The game is celebrated for its extensive character selection, fluid animation, and engaging fighting mechanics.

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Omega Rugal made his return to The King of Fighters on April 14 as part of a free update for KoF 15. His return was also accompanied by a brand-new Boss Challenge mode, where players can do battle with an appropriately powered-up version of the character that is meant to be reminiscent of his days as one of fighting game's most feared and revered final bosses. The new mode came with the promise of a difficult new challenge for fans of the franchise meant to hearken back to the game's roots. Players quickly discovered, however, that the promise was not meant to be.

While SNK fighting games' difficult bosses have gained plenty of notoriety for their stiff challenges, fighting games in the modern era have gradually shifted to easier boss encounters in comparison to the highly-difficult encounters of days gone by. The return of Omega Rugal to King of Fighters canon along with the Boss Challenge mode created intrigue to the potential return of a truly challenging boss encounter, a factor that has been lacking in the franchise in quite some time. Numerous factors in the handling of the Boss Challenge, however, see Omega Rugal's stature diminish below the foes he once toppled with ease.

To select BOTR Iori & Leona, Orochi & Goentiz, you have to defeat them in Arcade Mode before you can play as them in your next game though. Contributed By: jamesng31121980 12  4

UnlockablesAlternate characters ARCUnlockableHow to UnlockAndy RB2Hold start on AndyBilly RB2Hold start on BillyBlue Mary RB2Hold start on Blue MaryJoe RB2Hold start on JoeKing AOF2Hold start on KingKyo 95'Hold start on KyoMai RB2Hold start on MaiNightmare GeeseHold start on GeeseOmega RugalHold start on RugalOrochi ChrisHold start on ChrisOrochi IoriHold start on IoriOrochi LeonaHold start on LeonaOrochi ShermieHold start on ShermieOrochi YashiroHold start on YashiroRobert AOF2Hold start on RobertRyo AOF2Hold start on RyoTerry RB2Hold start on TerryYamazaki RB2Hold start on YamazakiYuri AOF2Hold start on YuriContributed By: AzulFria 6  5

Fighting and Unlocking Boss CharactersWhen you reach the fourth fight the game pits you against one of six possible fights. You will either fight Shingo, Eiji, Kasumi, Rugal, Orochi Iori, or Orochi Leona. The thing that determines who you fight is how many DM and SDM finishes you have before the fourth stage. There are three boss characters as well, Omega Rugal, Goenitz, and Orochi. The team you fight before the final boss is an indication of who the final boss will be. If you get the Orochi Team then you'll fight Orochi. If you fight the 96' boss team then you'll fight Goenitz, if you fight either the Iori team, the USA sports team or the Masters team the you fight Rugal.UnlockableHow to UnlockEiji or KasumiHave 3-5 DM or SDM finishes by the fourth matchGoenitzHave 3-5 DM or SDM finishes by the final fightOmega RugalFail to meet of the the above requirementsOrochiHave 6-9 (S)DM finishes by the final fightRugal, Orochi Iori, or Orochi LeonaHave 6-9 (S)DM finishes and do not lose a singe round by the fourth matchShingoFail to meet any of the above requirementsContributed By: Armageddon9 26  17

Unlock Ending GalleryIn arcade mode, use the following edit teams to unlock the team's ending gallery.After the ending credits, the edit team's gallery will appear and it will be unlock in the PS2 section in gallery mode.UnlockableHow to Unlock94 IKARI TEAMHeidren, Ralf ,Clark95 RIVAL TEAMIori, Billy, Eiji96 BOSS TEAMGeese, Krauser ,Mr.Big96 WOMENS TEAMKasumi, Mai, King98:UM BOSS TEAMRugal, Goenitz ,OrochiAnti-AOF TEAMEiji, Kasumi, Mr. BigAwaken TeamOrochi, Orochi Leona, Orochi IoriDETEST "SHINGO" TEAMIori,Yashiro, YamazakiFormer Art Of Fighting TeamRyo, Robert, TakumaNINJA TEAMAndy, Mai, EijiSkin-Head TeamMr. Big, Chang, ChoiTEENAGE GIRLS TEAMAthena, Leona, KasumiYAMAZAKI TEAMYamazaki ,Mature ,ViceContributed By: thefury617, TheOsvaught 16  5

Unlock Movie GalleryEndless Mode, defeat all 64 characters (Including Goenitz, Omega Rugal & Orochi) to unlock the Movie Gallery. Contributed By: jamesng31121980 12  4

Unlockable Characters X360While playing in arcade mode if you get a certain amount of DM (Deadly Move) or SDM (Super Deadly Move) then you can unlock alternate characters. Highlight the character at the character select screen and press the back button.UnlockableHow to UnlockEiji, KasumiHave 3-5 DM or SDM finishes by the fourth matchGeonitzHave 3-5 DM or SDM finishes by the final fightOmega RugalGet less then 3 DM or SDM finishes by the final fightOrochiHave 6-9 DM or SDM finishes by the final fightRugal, Orochi Iori, Orochi LeonaHave 6-9 DM or SDM finishes and do not lose a single round by the fourth matchContributed By: mcnichoj18 6  3

The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition CheatsCodesHidden Characters PCHold Select + any command button to choose a hidden version.EffectCodeEX '97 Special Team (RBFF 2)Hold Select on '97 Special TeamEX Art of Fighting Team (KOF '94 Ryo & Robert; KOF '95 Yuri)Hold Select to Art of Fighting TeamEX Fatal Fury Team (RBFF 2 Terry & Andy; KOF '94 Joe)Hold Select to Fatal Fury TeamEX King (AOF 2)Hold Select to KingEX Kyo (KOF '95)Hold Select to KyoEX Mai (RBFF 2)Hold Select to MaiNightmare Geese (RBFF 2)Hold Select to GeeseOrochi IoriHold Select to IoriOrochi LeonaHold Select to LeonaOrochi TeamHold Select to New Faces TeamContributed By: didi3784 2  1

Random Select PCHold select and assign a button in Help & Options > Controls> Provocation (does not work in the Neo Geo mode)EffectCodeSelect a random team of charactersAssign a button in Help & Options > Controls > Provocation.Select a single random character.Hold select in the controller.Contributed By: didi3784 2  0

UnlockablesChallenges PCYou can unlock additional challenges by completing all of the ones before them.UnlockableHow to UnlockChallenges 17-24Beat Challenges 9-16.Challenges 25-30Beat Challenges 17-20.Challenges 9-16Beat Challenges 1-8.Contributed By: Polymathic 2  0

The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest CheatsCodesCharacters NEOEffectCodeAlternate charactersHold START while selecting Kyo, Terry, Billy, Andy, Joe, Ryo, Robert, or BillyPlay as alternate charactersHold start while selecting Terry, Andy, Joe, Mai, Billy, Ryo, Robert, Yuri, Yashiro, Shermie, ChrisPlay as Kyo '94Highlight Kyo, hold START and press any buttonPlay as Omega RugalWhen choosing a character, hold start and choose Rugal.Use Orochi team from '97Hold Start and select Yashiro, Shermie and ChrisContributed By: Shirow, expensivegift, dwulf 24  31

Expert Survivor Mode NGCDHighlight "Survivor Mode" and push the following button combination:EffectCodeExpert survivor modeA, CContributed By: ImmortalLynx 7  4

Modes NEOEffectCodeHarder survivor modeHighlight 'Survivor Mode' and press ACContributed By: Shirow 7  14

Play as Omega Rugal NGCDTo play as Omega Rugal, choose Rugal at the character select screen while holding down start.EffectCodePlay as Omega RugalHold start, choose RugalContributed By: ImmortalLynx 22  3

GlitchesTeammate assistance NEOWhen your fighter is being held, quickly tap ABC to have an unused teammamte jump in and free that character. Obviously, this doesn't work if all your teammates have already been defeated.Contributed By: Shirow 8  0

UnlockablesAlternate characters NGCDHold start on the following characters to unlocked their alternate versionsUnlockableHow to UnlockAndy RB2Hold start on AndyBilly RB2Hold start on BillyJoe RB2Hold start on JoeKyo 95'Hold start on KyoMai RB2Hold start on MaiOmega RugalHold start on RugalOrochi ChrisHold start on ChrisOrochi ShermieHold start on ShermieOrochi YashiroHold start on YashiroRobert 94'Hold start on RobertRyo 94'Hold start on RyoTerry RB2Hold start on TerryYuri 94'Hold start on YuriContributed By: AzulFria 6  3

Misc. Unlockables PSUnlockableHow to UnlockKyo '94Highlight Kyo and press L1.Omega RugalComplete a one player game with Rugal, then save the game and load it, then when selecting Rugal hold StartContributed By: Shirow, Kasket_Darkfyre 6  2

Unlockables DCUnlockableHow to UnlockAlternate Survival ModeHold Start, press A when selecting Survival ModePlay as Boss RugalHighlight Rugel on character select screen, hold Start and press XPlay as Orochi TeamHighlight Chris on the character select screen, and press StartContributed By: IHZer0, BongoGoku, Kasket_Darkfyre 5  1

Easter EggsCycling Students ARCWhen you play on the Japan Street stage, have Choi win the third round with 30 or more seconds remaining, using a special or Desperation Move, while having a partially full health bar. Also, Choi must be assigned as the second or third fighter; at least your first teammate must be KOed. When he wins, press the C button to have him do that corresponding win pose. Doing all of this will cause a couple of high school students to zoom past on a bicycle, and one will call out to you.Contributed By: Polymathic 7  1

Secrets97' Boss Orochi Team ARCHold start on Chris,Yashiro, or Shermie to select their 97' Boss Orochi characters.Contributed By: _Zeth07 9  1

Alternate characters ARCSimply hold START and select the character and you will be playing with an alternate version. The code works for the following characters: Kyo, Terry, Joe, Andy, Ryo, Robert, Billy.Contributed By: Shirow 11  1

Alternate Characters PSAt the Character Selection screen hold L1 and press any button to get a different character.Contributed By: mike_tru 4  0

Alternate colors DCPress A, A + X, A + Y, or A + X + Y while choosing your character to pick a different costume. Contributed By: Shirow 3  0

Alternate Stages DCWhen selecting stages in VS mode, holding down the Start button on some stages lets you play on alternate versions of those stages.Contributed By: StarToad 3  0

Bonus Characters DCAt the Character Selection screen, highlight the normal version of one of the following fighters, then hold Start and press any button.

Kyo Kusanagi - Terry Bogard

Andy Bogard - Joe Higashi

Ryo Sakazaki - Robert Garcia

Yuri Sakazaki - Mai Shiranui

Billy Kane - Orochi Yashiro

Orochi Shermie - Orochi Chris

Omega - RugalContributed By: _ATadeo_ 3  1

Choose your winning pose NEOPress a button immediately after beating the opponent. Each button gives a different winning pose.Contributed By: Shirow 8  1

Clean Pause DCPress X + Y while the game is paused.Contributed By: BongoGoku 4  0

Determine whether power stocks will go onto next character ARCWhen you have to select the order of the characters, first hold START and a face will appear on each character. The colour of the face shows whether the power stocks will be conserved or whether you'll lose all of them when you control the next character. 

White normal face: the power stocks will get passed on 

Yellow smiling face: the power stocks will get passed on and you'll get one more too 

Red angry face: you'll lose all the power stocks 

You may then set up your team depending oh how your characters are feeling.Contributed By: Shirow 7  0

Determine whether power stocks will go onto next character NEOWhen you have to select the order of the characters, first hold START and a face will appear on each character. The colour of the face shows whether the power stocks will be conserved or whether you'll lose all of them when you control the next character. 

White normal face: the power stocks will get passed on 

Yellow smiling face: the power stocks will get passed on and you'll get one more too 

Red angry face: you'll lose all the power stocks 

You may then set up your team depending on how your characters are feeling.Contributed By: Shirow 7  0

Different Costumes DCHighlight one of these on the Character Select screen: Andy, Billy, Chris, Joe, Kyo, Mai, Robert, Ryo, Shermie, Terry, Yashiro, or Yuri. Next, press X while holding down Start to select your characters alternate costume.Contributed By: BongoGoku 3  0

EX Versions PSTo select the EX versions of a character, highlight them at the character select screen and press and hold Start. If their portaits change, they have an EX version, if not, then they don't. (Kyo, Iori, Chizuru, Heidern, Saishu, Takuma are some of the characters who don't have EX Versions.)Contributed By: ___Zero___ 10  1

Fight against Shingo Yabuki PSEarn at least 100,000 points in the third round before knocking out the computer, earn at least 100,000 points in the fourth round before getting a perfect knockout or win all fights rounds one through five without losing any teammates.Contributed By: Turbo_Speed 4  2

Get the Orochi versions of Chris Yashiro and Shermie PSPress L1 on Chris, Yashiro or Shermie and youll get the Orochi versions of those charactersContributed By: ramzagriasvivi 5  1

Lavel Select PSAt the Order Selection Menu press Select to choose your level.Contributed By: mike_tru 4  1

Select your winning pose ARCImmediately press a button after beating the opponent. Each button gives a different winning pose.Contributed By: Shirow 6  0

Special Ending Teams ARCFinish the game with any of the following team to see a special ending : 


- Andy, Benimaru, Robert 

- Athena, Mai, Yuri

- Billy, Chang, Joe 

- Benimaru, Daimon,Shingo

- Chang, Chin, Choi 

- Chizuru, Iori, Kyo 

- Chris, Kensou, Shingo 

- Chris, Kyo, Saisyu 

- Chris, Yamazaki, Yashiro 

- Clark, Lucky, Terry 

- Goro, Joe, Yuri 

- Heidern, Leona, Ralf 

- Iori, Kyo, Shingo 

- Kim, Saisyu, Takuma 

- Kyo, Ryo, Terry 

- Kyo, Saisyu, Shingo 

- Mature, Rugal, Vice 

- Mature, Shermie, Vice 

- Mature,Shingo, King

- Ryo, Takuma, Yuri

- Ralf, Brian, Chang

- Ralf, Mary, Lucky

- Robert, Choi, KensouContributed By: Toshi, quati44 10  0

Teammate Assistance DCHold B when selecting the fighter before a match. The faces that appear should be smiling or normal for each fighter for the cheat to work. If an angry face shows up, the trick doesn't work. Now, when you playing and your characters is stunned or held by the opponent (eg. Joe's throw, King...), hold X + Y + A and one of your teammates will jump in and help the your fighter.Contributed By: Shirow 3  0

Teammate Assistance ARCHold START when selecting the fighter before a match. The faces that appear should be smiling or normal for each fighter for the cheat to work. If an angry face shows up, the trick doesn't work. Now, when you playing and your characters is stunned or held by the opponent (eg. Joe's throw, King...), hold A+B+C and one of your teammates will jump in and help the your fighter.Contributed By: quati44 9  3

$(document).ready(function(){$('.content_ratings.voted').attr('title','You have already voted on this item.');$('.content_ratings.mycode').attr('title','You can not vote on your own contribution.');$('.content_ratings').tooltip({ position: { my: "left+0 center", at: "right+15 center" }, tooltipClass:'tooltip'});});function cheat_vote(code_id, cur_vote, vote){$.ajax({type: 'POST',url: '/ajax/gamespace_item_vote',data: { vote: vote, id: code_id, type: 'code', key: 'd8ea32c5' },success: function(response){var d = $.parseJSON(response);if(d.success){$('#'+code_id+'c'+vote).addClass('myvote');$('#'+code_id+'c'+vote+' span').text(cur_vote+1);$('.content_ratings.c'+code_id+' span').removeAttr('onclick');}}});}Know Something We Don't?You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge. e24fc04721

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