Mother is an orc shaman who lives with the gremlins. The human teams see weaker orcs being sacrificed to various gods in an orc religious ceremony. Summoners are able to summon demons. Demons fight for the summoner. Summoners and demons possess supernatural powers.

The Eidolon. Though you can kind of fake it with the right inquisition to get a mount or animal companion... but you don't share your teamwork feats with it. You also don't get the Eidolon buffing stuff, like sharing HP, granting bonuses while within reach, teleporting to each others squares, sharing evolutions.

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Original summoner or unchained? I have to agree with you on unchained, but the original summoner spell list is loaded with reduced spell level goodies so that you look like a weirdly specialised sorcerer half the time. Later on that better spell list adds up to a higher optimisation ceiling.

I really don't feel the summoner is any less MAD than the monster tactician. The monster tactician can be built and played as a full caster. They just have more options to branch out from that, than the summoner has.

Frankly I'll never understand GMs being paranoid about the summoners. They're far from overpowered. Comparing similar concepts, I would say from experience, an oracle or a cleric with an animal companion is worse because of the bigger spellcasting. The eidolon might still be stronger, but not by much. The only real problem is more on length sessions, having a character, a companion and summon monsters active at the same time don't help.Otherwise, Summoners are more reliant on the party for their own usefulness, Monster Tacticians are more "selfish". But none are inherently stronger than the other.

Pazio banned Synthesist Summoner from Official gameplay. I'm playing one and he isn't over powering at all. It was his Pit Spell that did more damage then his fused Eidolon. He attacked a double of his fellow party member never came close to hitting her. My AC is actually lower then three Tank PCs. His damage output is lower as well. Medium Eidolon's max normal damage is a D6 without spending evolution to improve it. You can increase that to a D8. And half their attacks are secondary gving that attack a minus 5 to hit. 

The spell selection of a Summoner is also to be blunt sucks. A specialized wizard gets more variety and they can cast those opposed schools at a higher cost. The minute per level at low levels is sweet but at higher levels not so much really. It makes a difference in some cases but not always. 

After playing a synthesist summoner would I play one again? No. I've wanted to experiment with one. After playing with him I'm not impressed at all. His cohort an archtype of a Warpriest is way more fun and effective then him. I have a dwarf rogue wizard specializing in Conjuration who is more effective with his spells and monsters. His rogue level combined with his monsters allows him plenty of back stabbing opportunites.

Is it? I ocne calculated the damage gain form my SUmmoner's Haste, and ended up with a number on part with the damage output of one of the party's martials. With Haste and the Eidolon, my Summoner provided the damage output of two good martials.Overall, as pretty much always the case, what's best depends on what you actually want. If you want a martial (or rather gish) character that summons some extra bodies, Monster Tactician is best. If you want a purely summoner focussed character, Master Summoner is best. If you want to add a powerful melee presence and damage boost to a group with some martial/gish characters, vanilla Summoner is best. All of these are among the most powerful Pathfinder has to offer in the 6/9 casting range.

I presume you're either talking about unchained Summoner, or have never seen a proper Eidolon. A well-build Eidolon is so much better than an animal companion it's not even a competition, and blows 98% of all martial characters out of the water, too!Philippe Lam wrote:Frankly I'll never understand GMs being paranoid about the summoners. They're far from overpowered. Comparing similar concepts, I would say from experience, an oracle or a cleric with an animal companion is worse because of the bigger spellcasting.You don't see the issue because you're making the wrong comparisons. Sure, compared to a Oracle or Cleric, Summoner isn't problematic, but what about a martial? From their viewpoint, you have someone in your party who's class feature is (probably) better than your entire class, and the guy still has 6/9 casting with an amazing spell list on top of that! Even for a Barbarian, having to spend three rage powers and waiting until 10th level when the Eidolon can just get pounce for 1 evolution point at first level, and likewise having to spend three rage powers to get a few rounds of flight per day at a time where the Summoner has cast Overland Flight on the Eidolon for all-day-long flight, can easily feel unfair.The problem with Summoner has never been power level, but spotlight stealing power. Synthesist is the same thing on crack, having the same issues but lacking the feel good effect martials get form recieving Haste every combat (which is why Synthesist is even more hated despite being a huge downgrade in power). I Wizard buffing the melee, and teleporting the melee around, and using spells to prevent enemies from hitting the melee, is way ahead in power, but that doesn't feel bad from a melee's perspective. Someone who just does more damage than a melee without having the same problems with flying or invisible enemies may be much weaker, but can still feel much more overshadowing.

When I played a vanilla original summoner, I found the Eidolon to be far more powerful than summoned creatures. It felt like my character was 3/4 of a full caster, with a pet that was 3/4 of a martial, each with their own standard actions. The Eidolon was a bipedal with weapon proficiency: greatsword and the Reach evolution. It also had Disable Device and the Skilled Evolution for +8 on the checks. I used the summon monster SLA mostly for out of combat utility.

There are certainly some weaker martial characters, but as you stated: it is not a problem of the summoner or the eidolon, as it would be the same for the Oracle or Cleric, it would be a problem of the corresponding class being weak in general and not well designed.Regarding the Animal Companion: it certainly depends on the context and situation, but some AC classes like the druid have some powerful buffs for their ACs like Animal Growth. Using that on an appropriate combat AC is actually surprisingly strong.

Regarding the Eidolon: it certainly depends on the context and situation, but the summoner has some powerful buffs for their Eidolon like Greater Invisibility. Using that on an appropriate combat Eidolon is actually surprisingly strong.

Another benefit of the inquisitor is they actually get skills. Not only do they get 3 times the amount of skill points they also get bonuses to multiple skills. They also have a much better class skill list then the summoner. CHA is the summoners primary stat and they have only two CHA based skills on their list

The inquisitor also gets two good saves vs one. And since they are often getting into combat will probably have a higher CON which will make their Fortitude save even higher. They also get medium armor and shields. Overall this is going to boost their durability over the summoner.

@MysteriousStranger, all true, but many of those advantages you listed become mitigated, or maybe matched is a better term, by the summoner's eidolon. The eidolon gets its own skills, which are effectively skills for the summoner to use. The eidolon can act as the summoner's guard or proxy in combat, that's basically its job. Out of combat, it can use its various abilities and skills for the summoner, or aid another to help with skills it lacks.

Speaking of, does anyone know if you already had 2 Ability Increases at level 6, and your Eidolon was the Archon subtype(of course can't be a quadruped), which grants another Ability Increase at 8. Do you have 3 that can apply to the same ability score since the Archon 8 says "applied to an ability score the summoner chooses"? Not explicitly overwriting the restriction but could be read as such?

I would definitely argue that a Warrior Spirit Fighter would try to get the Gloves ASAP as they are an incredible power boost. So both his "staying power" and the actual power of the Warrior Spirit selection is increased. But yes, the fighter certainly have to limit the usage of WS to the important fight, similar to the summoner who has to decide on what to buff for each fight (large evolution vs some more easy encounters for example). And yes, Extended Rods are as important for a Summoner as the gloves for a Fighter.Quote:Dire Tigers were Bestiary 1 and Animal Growth was Core Rulebook, so not sure about that part.Yeah, but later you got things like Atavis, Animal Growth (even Animal Growth alone put a the AC on Str 32), Aspect of the Wolf, Celestial Servant (giving Smite to the AC), Strong Jaw, Thorn Body, Vine Strike, Evolved Companion, AC specific feats and archetypes - and even Divine Power and Righteous Might (if you manage to be a Cleric, Inquisitor or Oracle with an AC). It is depending on your class, build and if you even have access to these feats and spells, but I believe between an AC back in the Advanced Player Guide age and today there is a power difference. I do not dispute the fact that a well build combat eidolon will be superior to a combat AC (especially considering easy flight access and human-like intelligence vs animal tricks), only that the difference may not be that great anymore compared to previous years.And for higher levels the magic items slots (shared on the eidolon vs limited on the AC) will be a completely different topic as well.

I would definitely argue that a Warrior Spirit Fighter would try to get the Gloves ASAP as they are an incredible power boost. So both his "staying power" and the actual power of the Warrior Spirit selection is increased. But yes, the fighter certainly have to limit the usage of WS to the important fight, similar to the summoner who has to decide on what to buff for each fight (large evolution vs some more easy encounters for example). And yes, Extended Rods are as important for a Summoner as the gloves for a Fighter. e24fc04721

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