It's that magical time of year when the leaves turn color, the cloudy skies swell with water, and you add a warmer blanket to your bed. This collection was born of the love- well let's be honest, borderline obsession, with Fall; a time for sweeping romance! Whether that be with someone else or yourself. We drew inspiration from fiction's past like Jane Eyre! Heart broken, soaked through, collapsing on cliffs against the background of sweeping coastal scapes. Or Elizabeth Bennet, with her muddy, trodden skirts, unruly hair and stubborn attitude. Strong Marianne Dashwood and her unflapping devotion to finding true love- catching her death while whispering in the rain before her lover's castle, "Willoughby!" These characters hold near and dear to our hearts for many reasons, but mostly because it is a telling of the world through the female gaze. And it is in a time when female gaze fiction was not common. Austen, Alcott, and Bront are 19th century women that wrote complex stories about sisters, independent women and female friendships, proving to the publishing world that not only did women deserve their rightful place alongside men (even if that came to be by writing in the guise of a man) but also that people wanted to read their stories. We relate so much to these books and so many of the relationships written by these women are still exactly true of us all today. We imagined a modernized telling of these stories through our garments. The formation of this collection really came together with the inspiration of fall time female gaze, dramatized of course, against the rainy cliffs of Scotland, streets of London, and countrysides of Ireland. We firmly believe one of the most wonderful experiences in this life comes from our close friendships- those mornings after an uproarious evening out, a ball, a bar, a boy, a girl, or whomever you may have kissed last night, recounting the moments and telling secrets into cold gusts of wind, or nestled warmly, giggling in bustling pub corners. Wherever it be and whenever, we have been leaning on each other for centuries, and these outings, these reckless nights and cozy mornings with our friends have outfits attached to them like colorful bookmarks in our lives. Clothing is never just clothing, it's like music or scent and when confronted with clothes of your past it can conjure floods of memories. At Selkie we strive to make collections that serve as the perfect accompaniment to your vivacious lives, like olives to your martinis, frosting to your cakes, the perfect looks for your main character moments, and all the drama woven into yards and yards of ruffles for your well deserved Highland flings and your follow up cliffside declarations in the rain.

2023 - Charlie Greenland accompanied by wife Miriam Day Greenland

If you have any information that can help us fill in the gaps, please contact us at: or 801-772-4507. Thank You!

The Highland Fling Pdf Download

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TOUR HIGHLIGHT - NATURAL WONDERS: Magic abounds on the Isle of Skye, home to some of Scotland's most iconic landscapes which enchant the senses. With magnificent mountain ranges, miles of captivating coastline, and heroic history, Skye casts a spell with its breathtaking beauty and sense of highland adventure.

The gang travel to Scotland to visit Velma's friend, Aggie McDuff, who lives in an ancient castle that has been turned into a tourist attraction. On the way there, the gang pass by the Loch, where they see a ghostly Scottish highlander playing the bagpipes and a huge Loch Ness monster in the lake. They stop at a nearby inn to ask directions, where the inn keeper warns them to stay away from McDuff Castle. They ignore his warnings and head to the castle, where Aggie tells them that a monster and a ghost has been scaring all the tourists away. They meet her assistant, Mr. Jamie Craigmore, who claimed to have seen the ghost. The ghost happens to be Aggie's great-grandfather, Finnyan McDuff.

All of these important aspects must be understood. First, though, an overview. Scottish highland dancing can be divided into two specific areas: Highland and National. The Highland consists of four dances: The Highland Fling, The Sword Dance, The Seann Truibhas, and The Reel. These are all competitive dances and the most popular of dances in Scottish highland dancing. The National dances are also mostly competitive dances with a few demonstration dances.

Within Scottish highland dancing there are competitive classifications/levels. Primary dancers are dancers who are four, five, and six years of age. The next level are the Beginners, then the Novice, and then the Intermediate. The highest level dancers are classified as Premier.

Well met my bonnie lads and lasses! Welcome to Julie's Highland Fling. A light-hearted,haggis-warming account of my trip to Intersection in Glasgow. Sit down with a glass of finesingle malt whiskey and a tin of shortbread, and relax as the first strains of bagpipe musicfilter down from the highlands...Highland Snapshot #1Click This beauty was taken at the con bar. (We were drinking coffee for thosewho are wondering.) The lady on the right is Lydia Moon, who works atmy local bookstore and has sold lots of copies of my book, for which I ammost grateful. The gentleman in the middle is Stephen Saffel, who as well asbeing a good friend of Lydia's is also an editor at Del Rey . When I camedown with the dreaded Highland Flu on the last day of the convention,Steve kindly gave me some rather nice Swiss cough drops.Highland Snapshot #2Click The Great Thigh-Off! This photo was taken at the Tor party , wherethis lovely lady and I had a little skirmish over who had the best thighs! I'm sorry to say shebeat me hands down. I would have slugged her then and there, only she was holding a copyof my book at the time and I didn't want torisk damaging it! Just wait until the re-match in L.A .Highland Snapshot #3Click This is me. Yes, just me. It was taken at the Orbit/Warner Aspect party , where everyone who attended received a copy of The Baker's Boy as well as David Feintuch's wonderful book Midshipman's Hope . If you look closely, you can see that I am in fact signing oneof my books. I'll send a fresh haggis to anyone who can guess what I wrote!Highland Snapshot #4Click This is me and my con-buddy Anna. In addition to introducing me to the delights of chocolate hazelnut spread and being a thoroughly charming person, Anna once worked on Clive Barker's astrological chart. For those wondering about the graphic on the handsome t-shirt I'm wearing, it is the U.K. cover for Bruce Bethke's totally hip cyberdrama Headcrash.Highland Snapshot #5Click Laura and Me. I met this lovely, friendly woman at the Kansas City Bid Party (I think!). It was one of several parties going on that night, and as I was wearing the Cool Sunglasses at the time, I couldn't see anything very clearly.Highland Snapshot #6Click This striking gentleman was on his way to walk down Glasgow's main street when I commandeered him for photographing. While graciously agreeing to be photographed, he understandably refused to comment on the potential perils of being caught in the infamous Scottish mist while wearing fishnets and a tail!Highland Snapshot #7Click Hmm. This photo was taken the night I turned up late for the CompuServe dinner, and Diane Duane and Peter Morwood kindly offered to let me eat with them instead. Diane and Peter were the guests of honor at the convention, and in addition to knowing an awful lot about food and wine (Peter's combat vest was loaded down with hot sauce samples), are a very kind and gracious couple. The handsome gentleman whose kilt I am holding is Vince Docherty, who as Co-Chair of the convention must be congratulated for making Intersection such a great success.Highland Snapshot #8Click This wonderfully dressed lady turned heads in the convention for fours days solid! Not onlydid this confirmed Anne Rice fan look terribly spiffy with her cane, fangs, ruffles and thigh boots (sorry, blame the cameraman they aren't in the shot, not me!), but she was also very friendly, too

Lastly, if you are interesting in donating an item(s) for the fling, you can arrange pick-up/drop-off with Alaina at (724) 832-8401 ext. 3307. We are grateful for any goods, gift cards, or services donated for the Fling. Items donated in the past include but are not limited to: restaurant/store gift cards, vouchers for services like massages, nails, or hair, paintings, books, body care such as lotions, soaps, creams, house dcor, kitchenware, items to make raffle baskets, overnight stays at vacation properties, collectable items, tickets to events or places, homemade items such as tumblers, signs, blankets, ect., and so much more!

It was a tragic battle, with many casualties and deaths, many more on the Jacobite side. The main feature is a cairn in the field to commemorate those that died here. There are also flags that line the battlefield, showing where the front lines were, blue for the highlanders, red for the government. e24fc04721

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