How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World was released on January 3, 2019, in Australia, and on February 22 in the United States. Like its predecessors, it received acclaim from critics, who praised its animation, voice acting, musical score, and emotional weight of the conclusion.[5] It grossed over $525 million worldwide, becoming the fifth highest-grossing animated film of 2019, as well as Universal's highest-grossing animated film not to be produced by Illumination. How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World received several awards and nominations: five nominations for Annie Awards and a Golden Globe, while at the 92nd Academy Awards, the film was nominated for Best Animated Feature. A live-action reboot of the franchise is scheduled to be released in June 2025.

Back on the island, Toothless and Hiccup fully realize that dragons will never be safe in the human world and humans will never be allowed in the Hidden World. Hiccup bids an emotional farewell to Toothless as the Berkians set their dragons free to live in the Hidden World, with the Light Fury leading the dragons away and Toothless following them. Three months later, Hiccup and Astrid marry and become the chieftains of New Berk.

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10 years later, Toothless and the Light Fury have mated and hatched three hybrid dragon fledglings, Night Lights. Hiccup, Astrid, and their two children[N 3] sail across the sea to visit them at the edge of the Hidden World. After introducing his son and daughter to his old friend, Hiccup and Astrid take their children flying on Toothless and Stormfly, accompanied by the Light Fury and their offspring. Hiccup vows that until humankind is ready to co-exist peacefully with one another, the dragons will stay hidden while the Berkians guard their secret.

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World grossed $160.8 million in the United States and Canada, and $361 million in other territories, for a worldwide gross of $521.8 million, against a production budget of $129 million.[3] Deadline Hollywood calculated the film's net profit as $130 million, accounting for production budgets, marketing, talent participations, and other costs; box office grosses and home media revenues placed it 12th on their list of 2019's "Most Valuable Blockbusters".[38]

The Hidden World is set within a massive volcanic caldera, which serves as a portal to an endless maze of chambers and volcanic tubes that wind their way around the world.[1] This subterranean world is filled with bioluminescent fungi, coral, and bright, scintillating crystals that adorn the vast cavernous spaces and antechambers.[1] Water seeps through cracks in the earth's crust to form waterfalls and collects in pools on coral shelves. Water that reaches the caldera's floor is heated by magma and turned into steam, creating a tropical environment.

Scientists come from around the world and build a state-of-the-art research facility, including the parents of Thomas "Tom" Kullersen, Jun Wong, D'Angelo Baker and Alexandra "Alex" Gonzalez (who were taken there by their parents), creating Project I.C.A.R.I.S. (International Crevasse and Research Investigation Station). Tom would eventually venture into the Kullersen Fissure, where he would meet a Night Light dragon he later named Thunder. After the two bond, they discover a passage to the Hidden World, an underground realm where all the dragons have been hiding for years. Throughout the series, Tom forms a secret group of dragon riders called the Dragon Club with Jun, D'Angelo, and Alex, who have all bonded with dragons of their own, to protect humans and the secret of the Hidden World from those who would misuse the dragons.

When Olivia discovered the secret, she had a hard time accepting it but slowly began to understand why Tom had lied and the bond her son and his friends had with their dragons regardless their adventures went on. They continued on their efforts after the Flamethrowers were saved from Buzzsaw and reunited them with their alpha Sky Torcher. In the process, the Dragon Club discovered a new realm: the Nature Realm. However as they explore deeper into the Hidden World below, Olivia had a hard time keeping the secret up above, making Tom aware that the secret they hide won't be hidden much longer with people getting closer to the dragons. Rakke Town was put into a deep freeze with normal ways of keeping the town alive out of commission. The Dragon Club are forced to call upon their dragons and try to do so undetected, but because of Sledkin, the secret gets out in the form a daring rescue mission where the Dragon Club saves Olivia and Chief Baker and introduces the town their dragons and urges them to keep them secret.

With the people of Rakke Town in on the secret of the dragons Tom found out that it wasn't always easy living up to the great status of uniter of his great ancestor Hiccup as well as the other riders coming into trouble of the own but it turned out what both he and Olivia wanted and fear came to fruition. Just as there were those who respected the dragons there were those who didn't as Buzzsaw continued causing below for the dragons trouble also came from above from Sledkins who was desperate for recognition and to make her mark she saw that dragons as her experimental guinea pigs even more when Olivia reported her findings about the Dragonsite. The club discovered why the dragons depend on it because it oxygenates the whole entire hidden world. Meanwhile as Buzzsaw's corporations were causing trouble below the gang discovered another realm: Giant Realm home of the Floodfangs, Ocofins, Shellfires and Deathgrippers. One of the mad loggers escapades nearly threatened Thunder's life causing Tom to surrender his family ancestor's Book of Dragons and finding out they have been getting worse the club made the decision to tell the adults but to their horror they found Rakke Town a in blaze and Buzzsaw beat them to it.

Now that the people of Rakke Town are aware of Buzzsaw and him being in possession of the Book of Dragons things become worse as he's able to track down dragons to capture and abuse into forming his dragon army and in pursuit of a legendary death dragon. Though some good things come out of this this such as Philip gaining a Hobgobbler to keep lookout also Tom and Jun beginning their romantic relationship, but things still get worse as Sledkin returns to continue mining her Dragonsite which leads to the Desert Realm and an angry Glass Caster dragon which then leads to the fact of the Realms being based of the Norse Myth Legends of the Nine Realms. Buzzsaw and Sledkin then form an alliance which then becomes much worse as they continue destroying the Hidden World and the dragons however some good news is thanks to Alex the book is rightfully back with the Riders however Buzzsaw's pursuit for his death dragon continues and leads him to the Dark Realm a world of misery and horror. When the riders clash with the unhinged lumberjack his actions force Thunder to do the unthinkable and release the World Serpent Jormungandr the apex predator of dragons who wreaks havoc in the Hidden World.

Yes, so basically until quite recently we thought these were separate groups of land plants, mosses, liverworts and hornworts. We always knew they were similar and they had a similar lifestyle but we thought that perhaps some of these groups were more closely related to other land plants than others. And it's really just in the past 10 or 15 years that we've come to the conclusion that what we actually have is a natural group, mosses, liverworts and hornworts, or bryophytes together, are a group of green land plants that split off from the lineage which led to all the other land plants that we know today, that's the the ferns and the conifers and the firring plants, probably about 500 million years ago, and they've been doing their own thing ever since. So they're just a different group of terrestrial green land plants with a different way of living. And nonetheless, they're actually very diverse. So there are about 20,000 bryophytes in the world. So they're actually a very important group.

Yeah, absolutely. Mosses are, people are always trying to get rid of mosses, aren't they, from places, lawns and stones. But I do actually love a bit of moss. I think it's, they're wonderfully tough and often beautiful. I mean, is that something that you really get to appreciate when you're studying mosses and you're presumably down on your belly or looking up. or in odd places to find these things I'm imagining there's a lot of hidden beauty there.

Yeah, absolutely. And in fact, I mean, you're asking why mosses are so underrated. It is just the scale, I think, that's underlying that. So mosses are small plants. So they're not what you'd actually call microscopic. So you can actually see them with your naked eye, especially with a hand lens, a sort of magnifying glass, if you want to look at them more closely. But they're not so big that we're aware of them when we're just going about our everyday business. So not like flowers or trees where they're basically they're impinging on your consciousness when you're walking around. With mosses you actually have to make an effort to look more closely and it's that fact that they're sort of in between that microscopic and macroscopic world I think that makes mosses and moss diversity so underrated and ignored. But yes, to see mosses properly or to see other bryophytes properly you have to you have to look closely, you have to make an effort. And that's what I hope this book is going to do. It's going to get people down on their knees or looking at wall tops, looking at this green stuff that you see around them and trying to see that actually what looks like just a single substance is actually a collection of many different species of mosses and liverworts.

It's time for a short and sweet Q&A this week. I can't remember specifically who asked me this question. I think I've had it a few times, but people were asking what a TDS meter is and whether they need one. TDS meters, have you got one? Do you use it? And what on earth does TDS stand for? Well, it's Total Dissolved Solids. And this is a meter that you use in water to test water before you give it to houseplants. And you'll probably be able to pick one up for between, I don't know, five and $10 or pounds online fairly easily. If you've never seen one before, they look a bit like, I don't know what I could compare it to. They look a bit like a thermometer, a digital thermometer that you might use when you get sick, and very much small enough to pop into your pocket and they have a digital readout so you can just pop them into the water that you want to test. There's kind of some nodes at the end which you just pop into your water and you'll get a reading for the parts per million. So what are they measuring and do we need one? Well the dissolved solids in water are made up of mainly two things. A bit of organic matter, so particularly if you're using say rain water, organic matter might make up for a larger proportion but generally the organic matter is quite small and insignificant. The main part is what we call mineral salts and this is made up of stuff that you find generally in tap water that is put in there as part of the treatment process and also can vary depending on the geology of where you live and what's happened to the water. So we're talking about things like potassium, sodium, calcium, nitrates, chlorides, and sulfates.So if you tested distilled water, there should be no dissolved solids in that water. So your TDS meter should show zero. And what is that number actually referring to? Well, it's PPM parts per million. So generally speaking, if you had drinking water, you'd be looking for parts per million that were under 300 and if it was really good drinking water you'd expect it to be round about the 100 mark and that would mean 100 parts per million so if you've got a million particles 100 of them are consisting of dissolved solids. So the kind of people that often have TDS meters are people that are growing carnivorous plants because carnivorous plants cannot cope with a lot of mineral salts in their water. So if you're growing sundews or venus flytraps you want a kind of a maximum ppm probably of about 50 the lower the better really. And you would want to test your tap water and see whether your tap water could actually offer that.If it doesn't then you might be looking at either collecting rainwater using distilled water or getting a reverse osmosis water, either from your own system or from an aquatics shop. Now, the measurement you're getting here, I should say, is different from the pH, the acidity or alkalinity of the waterhose are two different things. So the TDS meter is not going to tell you that, and we can cover testing pH in another Q&A. But what about other growers? If you're not growing carnivorous plants, do you need to bother? Well, I think it's one of those things that's handy to have. It's interesting to be able to measure and compare your water against other sources of water like rainwater. It's not essential, I would say, but it's an interesting addition that I would certainly add to your houseplant toolkit if you can. So I hope that helps whoever it was that was asking me that question about TDS meters. And if you've got a question for On The Ledge, drop me a line on theledgepodcast at Right, it's time to get back into the world of soss and warning, you're going to need your hand lens. e24fc04721

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