The Great Pyramid - La Gran Piramide


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Estados Unidos produce aviones. Alemania produce automóviles. Grecia produce santos y tumores cerebrales... TUMOR CEREBRAL, SIN HOGAR, en Atenas, GRECIA, por favor haga una pequeña donación, mi tumor cerebral está creciendo, para obtener más información sobre mí, visite mi página web MÉDICA ...


[ ITALIANO ] -  TUMORE AL CERVELLO, ad Atene, GRECIA, Si prega di fare una piccola donazione, nella mia lotta contro il mio tumore al cervello, che è in crescita, per ulteriori informazioni su di me, si prega di visitare la mia pagina web MEDICA …






 -  Cosmic-ray Particles reveal Secret Chamber in Egypt's Great Pyramid

 -  Discovery of a Big Void in Khufu's Pyramid by Observation of Cosmic-ray Muons


 -  Estudio Revela que la Gran Pirámide de Giza puede Focalizar Energía Electromagnética


 -   Giza Plateau Computer Model - images



 -  Great Pyramid - from 'Ancient Mariners and Demiurgic Technologies'


 -   Inside the Great Pyramid


 -   La Gran Piramide - Antiguos Marineros y Tecnologías Demiúrgicas


 -  La Gran Piramide - Para Que Se Hizo



 -  La Gran Pirámide Revisada - de 'Los Dioses del Nuevo Milenio'


 -  La Gran Pirámide - Una Historia Interminable



 -  Las Pirámides de Giza - de 'Los Dioses del Nuevo Milenio'


 -  On Secrets and Cover-Ups in Egypt


 -  Search for Hidden Chambers in the Pyramids


 -  Search for the Giza Hall of Records



Structural Reasons for the Chambers Above the Burial Chamber?


Study Reveals the Great Pyramid of Giza can Focus Electromagnetic Energy


The Giza Invitation - from 'Fingerprints of The Gods'


The Great Pyramid - from 'The Prehistoric Alignment of World Wonders - A New Look at an Old Design'


The Great Pyramid of Giza is located at the Exact Center of Earth's Landmass


The Great Pyramid Puzzle



The Great Pyramid Revisited - from 'Gods of The New Millennium'


 -  The Great Pyramid’s Subterranean Chamber Hydraulic Pulse Generator and Water Pump


 -  The Great Pyramid Tunnel Mystery



 -  The Mystery and Secret of The Great Pyramid



 -  The Pyramids of Giza - from 'Gods of The New Millennium' by Alan Alford


 -  The Secret of the Great Pyramid - from 'The End of Our Century' by Francois Masson


 -  Uno Studio rivela che la Grande Piramide può Emettere Energia Elettromagnetica


 -  Who Built the Great Pyramid?



Additional Information



Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt



 -   Ancient Cities Under The Sands of Giza 



 -   A.R.E Conference - Highlights Giza Controversies 


 -  Could Cheops Pyramid's Small Channels and "Doors" Be Resonators or Antennae?

 -  Electromagnetic Properties of the Great Pyramid - First Multipole Resonances and Energy Concentration


El Sol de Cristal - Tecnología Perdida de Los Antiguos


 -   Extracts from Robert Bauval Books



 -  Great Pyramid - Prophecy In Stone



Il Sole di Vetro - Tecnologia Perduta Degli Antichi


La Gran Pirámide - Germane a través de Lyssa Royal


 -  La Sorprendente Conexión entre las Pirámides Egipcias y el Mito de la Creación de los Indios Hopi


 -  Lost History of The Pyramids - The Underground Labyrinth of Egypt


 -  Mysterious Underwater Obelisks at the Opposite Side of the Great Pyramid of Giza


 -   Napoleón Dentro la Gran Pirámide



 -  Nibiru and the 'Great Pyramid' Connection



 -  Pyramid Research and Pyramid Research Projects


 -  Tempus Interludium - Amid the Pyramids



 -  The Cygnus-Giza Correlation - The Facts And Alignments In Pictorial Form


 -   The Cygnus Mystery



 -   The Egyptologist, The Sphinx and The Cover-Up


 -  The Great Pyramid - Germane through Lyssa Royal


 -  The Initiation of The Pyramid - from 'Secret Teachings of All Ages'


 -  The Mighty Crystal



 -  The Nephilim and The Pyramid of The Apocalypse


 -  The Secrets of Thoth and The Keys of Enoch - Ancient Metropolis Hidden Under Giza?


The Shaft, The Subway and The Causeway - Main File


The Tomb of Osiris



The Wands of Horus - New Knowledge From Ancient Egypt - Main File


Tunnel Vision - At The Great Pyramid



Was There An Explosion In The Great Pyramid In Antiquity?


Ventilation Ducts - Gantenbrink



 -   Pyramid-Exploring Robot Reveals Hidden Hieroglyphs


 -  Pyramid Rover - Los Conductos de Ventilación



 -  Realities Beyond the Recent Robotic Probe of the Queen's Chamber


The Great Pyramid and Gantenbrink's "Door"



Update - Third "Door" Found in Great Pyramid



Orion Influence



 -   Giza Pyramids and The Constellation of Orion



 -   Is the Supposed Correspondence Between Orion’s Belt and the Three Pyramids of Giza Genuine?


 -  Orion Technology and Other Secret Projects



 -  The Orion Belt Constellation



 -  The Orion Correlation



 -  The Orion Pyramid Theory





Gospel in the Stars - by Joseph Seiss

The Giza Death Star - by Joseph P. Farrell

The Giza Death Star Destroyed - The Paleophysics of the Great Pyramid and the Military... - by J.P. Farrell

The Giza Power Plant - Technologies of Ancient Egypt - by Christopher Dunn




 -  Interactive Movies - Interior of The Great Pyramid


The Lost Caves of Giza - Ancient Aliens


The Pyramid Code - A Different Story about Ancient Egypt and Our Origins

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 -  The Sphinx at Giza - Main File



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